Shangguan Yuchen heard this, his heart moved, and his doubts came out.

Although Fengning is not like a dignified, elegant, introverted and implicit lady, her noble temperament can not be hidden even if she is a young fellow. It seems modest on the surface, but it shows a style of everyone.

She has been with her for half a year and has never been servile. She even heard that she called her chief shadow guard "little shadow guard".

It can be seen from this that Fengning's real family background should be noble and cultured. It is impossible for Fengning to make trouble in restaurants without money. However, what does this really mean from her mouth?

Fengning's language is simple on the surface, but it hides amazing wisdom.

There was a moment of confusion in his mind.

First of all, whether this behavior will not be owned by Fengning, not to mention that pingqiren is a thief and a god thief, how can he have no money to pay the bill?

He always suspected that the Dragon brake order was the exchange of Wu Jinyue, but why did Fengning leave in this way? After Fengning left, it was an accident that Wu Jinyue was still in the Royal soul cult. It's an accident that Fengning should be together peacefully.

According to the tone of Starling, Ping Qiren is to help Fengning. Starling agreed because Ping Qiren had his special talent. If Feng Ning carries the Dragon brake order, Ping Qiren can detect and retrieve it at the first time.

In this way, you can really let the Dragon brake order return without being aware of the ghost. Even if Feng Ning wants to be so mischievous, Ping Qiren won't let her play farther and farther, but the playing route is expected.

An idea flashed through my mind.

Shangguan Yuchen immediately rushed to the dark guard kneeling on the ground and said, "immediately take Ping Qiren around Fengning and everyone who has contacted Fengning, and completely blockade the vicinity of yingyue villa for several miles."

Dark Wei didn't know what happened, but he saw Wang Chen's face was serious and felt that the matter was not small, so he quickly took orders to step back.

Shangguan Yuchen sorted out his thoughts, and his thoughts became clear gradually.

When Fengning buys a big knife with a small box as collateral, he should be vigilant. The broadsword is the blade, and the heart under the blade is patience. I have been wondering why Fengning bought a big knife. Knowing that many dark guards follow her, I say she is weak. In fact, I mean she can't help it.

Leaving a note in the box and going home to accept punishment is to tell herself that she has a heart.

She deliberately asked Ping Qiren to carry a big knife on his back, but she said in front of the crowd, you son of King Chen's house... Do all kinds of evil. When was Ping Qiren from King Chen's house? This hat is clearly to tell yourself that Ping Qiren is a peach instead of Li Jiang. That kind of domineering behavior even asked beggars to speak for him and said that his dress was domineering. No wonder Chen Qingfeng thought he was with the wrong person.

Fear of soiling clothes is to tell yourself that there may be no change in appearance, but people have changed. The perpetrator has been punished and the murder weapon is left. The meaning is obvious. Ping Qiren has been restrained and detained somewhere.

Fengning is really Fengning, but pingqiren is no longer pingqiren.

Which of the shops, workshops and restaurants in yun'an, especially in the southwest, is not the industry of yuhunjiao? Which one is not inextricably related to Wu Jinyue? It's not difficult for Wu Jinyue to work around Fengning from this workshop and shop.

Fengning's strange behavior led his thoughts astray. The dark guard focused on protecting the safety of Fengning and the small box, but he never thought that Fengning was controlled under the eyes of many dark guards.

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