His dark guard has been transferred to the light, and Wu Jinyue has done something in the dark.

Fengning's act of trying to cover up is nothing more than to remind himself to pay attention to pingqiren around her. His thoughts are only on Fengning, but ignore the changes around Fengning.

Guozhuang is only a few miles away from yingyue mountain villa. There is a secret Road near yingyue mountain villa. He knows it. The flaw left on purpose is indeed one of his selfishness, hoping to find a confidant and opponent.

Fengning said that if no one paid the bill again, she would make a scene in the restaurant. Is she going to go herself?

Recall carefully that there are several small restaurants about a few miles away from yingyue villa. Because they are located in a remote place, there is no business at all. I have long suspected that the secret Road near yingyue villa is connected with these restaurants, but it is Wu Jinyue's industry after all. It is not easy to investigate directly without justified reasons.

As expected, Wu Jinyue really has an attempt to the secret of yingyue villa, but even if there is a secret way, she can directly pass through Youwei array and qianlongyin array? Can he have the ability to break the hidden dragon chant?

At the thought of this, a little expectation rose in my heart.

However, Shangguan Yuchen soon remembered Fengning.

Why does Wu Jinyue take Fengning with her? Is it to transfer criminal evidence and frame Fengning afterwards? Use the charm method.

Shangguan Yuchen thought that Fengning was initially controlled by this skill and was deeply poisoned by Youwei. Now he didn't hesitate and rushed to yingyue villa immediately.


In the compartment of a small restaurant near yingyue villa, Wu Jinyue, who is easy to look like ping Qiren, sits opposite Gongyi.

Wu Jinyue whispered, "as you can see, how long will King Chen come?"

Gongyi shadowless thought for a moment and whispered, "I thought brother Chen would come when the first box was sent out. Who knows, he didn't care about the brake dragon order at all. He was really ready to let the brake dragon order travel around and go back, so he had to... For this reason, brother Chen hasn't been surprised. It's impossible." as he said, he was depressed, "he cheated brother Chen very hard this time."

"The so-called care is chaos. If you don't let him misunderstand like this, I'm afraid he won't come." Wu Jinyue said softly.

Gongyi's shadowless eyebrow said, "you are now looking like Xiao Qi. Even if brother Chen must be your face, as long as you are not caught by brother Chen, brother Chen has no evidence to prove that you intruded into yingyue villa without permission."

Wu Jinyue smiled at her without saying much.

Public instrument shadowless raised his eyelashes and asked, "how to deal with the seven boxes?"

"Those seven boxes are very useful." the lips of Wu Jinyue hook, "this is my land. What if there are more of his dark guards?"

Then he clapped his hand and saw a movement in the window and door. Then two people with the same appearance and clothes appeared in front of Wu Jinyue.

Wu Jinyue whispered a few words to the two people, got up and looked at Gongyi shadowless.


The sky has faded, clear and hazy.

After Shangguan Yuchen arrives at the restaurant, he asks Yingwei about Fengning.

Chen Qingfeng respectfully said, "Feng Ning and Heping seven forbearance eat in the compartment. They have changed six dishes. Six of the seven boxes have come out, and there is the last one left."

Shangguan yuchenyin felt bad, "how long have they been inside?"

Chen Qingfeng thought for a moment and replied, "it's been more than an hour."

Shangguan Yuchen's face sank, and he said in a cold voice, "you are more and more capable of being on duty now. Do you have food for so long?"

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