Gongyi's shadowless heart is like a big stone falling to the ground, and his troubles disappear in an instant. Where is there any intention to investigate brother Chen's abnormal words? What's the problem?

She put down her sleeves, put her arms forward, raised her head to the sky, but closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She looked like trouble landing and no worry, and saw everything in the moonlight.

Shangguan Yuchen's eyes were slightly surprised. Looking at her, she burst into tears and smiled, but there was another idea in her heart.

Just now... Did you solve your trouble by drying under the moon? What did she see? On that arm... So magical!

Shangguan Yuchen walked slowly.

Public instrument has no shadow and opens his eyes. The bright moon is like jade, and he grins like a child.

Brother Chen gave me the opportunity to go to Juzi mountain. It must be my disapproval that made him angry and deliberately set me up. No wonder the moment before he was angry and went straight ahead, but the moment after he said that the opportunity not allowed was to compensate Fengning.

Qingxia lost 'no' in the array. She was serious and wanted to scare me.

She smiled and thought to herself.

"Burning eyebrows, what are you looking at?" his voice came suddenly behind him.

Gongyi gave a silent meal and whispered, "look at the moon."

Shangguan Yuchen walked slowly to her, held her face, kissed her forehead, and asked softly, "what are you looking at?"

Gongyi shadowless endured for a while, "how does brother Chen want me to answer?"

His eyelashes drooped slightly, he stared at her seriously and said, "lift up his sleeves."

"Why?" asked Gong Yi shadowless, hiding his arm behind his back and showing a smile in his eyes. "No matter how righteous the behavior is, it is also indecent."

"Sooner or later, it will be rude. It's good to adapt early."

Gongyi shadowless: "..." I said brother Chen was deliberately fixing me.

Seeing that she was indifferent, his expression was mixed with a trace of relieved anger. He gently hooked the corner of his lips and said lazily: "Fengning probably forgot your current identity. The king's behavior towards the young man can't be rude. The young man just pointed to the Lord and called his name directly. This alone can break his bones... And what's behind your clothes?"

Gongyi Wuying replied in his heart that it was a beast in clothes. It was a misunderstanding. Who made brother Chen so terrible? Knowing something bad, he put on a smiling face and replied, "I don't remember what happened just now. Brother Chen knows that Fengning's memory has always been bad."

Shangguan Yuchen looked at her and said nothing for a long time.

Gongyi shadowless slightly hung his head. His eyes made her heart jump, like confusion or guilt.

Just listen to him say: "bad memory may be the root of your happiness."

Gongyi suddenly stagnated. Brother Chen's style changed so fast.

"But I still want to know the reason why you break your tears into laughter. I want to master your smile." he raised his hand and took her hand with a slight force. There seems to be a hopeful enthusiasm in his eyes.

Gongyi shadowless blushed. If brother Chen knew what I was looking at, how could I face him? Simply bit his lip and remained silent as if he hadn't heard it.

"Must brother Chen do it himself?" he smiled, and there was something in his eyes that made Gongyi feel dangerous.

Gong Yi smiled foolishly and silently took out his hand as if he wanted to cooperate. Then he turned and ran away. When he ran, he didn't forget to leave a sentence: "do you still have a little secret?"

Shangguan Yuchen cried and laughed, "Fengning, stop!"

She got into the room like a gust of wind and closed the door at the fastest speed. The white shadow flashed in front of her. It turned out that she shut Shangguan Yuchen into the room.

Gongyi has a headache without shadow. He even closes the door after sealing his internal power.

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