"Brother Chen will not leave the palace for a long time this time. You are so reluctant to leave brother Chen in such a fierce way?" Shangguan Yuchen's voice was slow and joked softly in her ear: "it's a little woman in the end. Don't be so angry and angry like this. Of course you're scared, but others are surprised."

Gongyi shadowless still held his hand on the door and looked slightly sideways behind him. Although he was speechless, there was a kind of warmth in his heart.

There were no lights in the room and his face could not be seen.

But she has a strong feeling that brother Chen is smiling, which should be from the bottom of her heart.

She lowered her eyes slightly, sighed gently for a long time, and deliberately made a strange tone of yin and Yang: "there is only brother Chen here. It's like being surprised. It's clearly like opening her heart."

"Brother Chen is really surprised... You are willing to open your heart to brother Chen even the biggest and most basic secret, but you should keep such a small mind like a child. The reason why you burst into tears and smile is so magical... You know, brother Chen has never been a very overbearing person. Don't look on guard. Brother Chen won't be rude to you."

The person in front of him was vague, and Gongyi had no shadow. He opened his eyes and carefully understood the meaning of the words.

Obviously, Fengning you are strange. You don't keep the secrets you should keep, but you protect the unimportant things so nervously.

I'm very interested in this. If you don't disclose one or two, I'm afraid you won't give up. Brother Chen is not overbearing and will not be rude, but if you want to spend so much, brother Chen is willing to accompany you.

She hummed in her heart for a long time. Finally, she couldn't help saying, "brother Chen, Feng Ning has a sentence. I don't know what to say."

Shangguan Yuchen looked at her lazily, "if you have anything to say, it's not your style to hesitate."

"It's very late. Brother Chen has something important to do tomorrow. Can we stop investigating unimportant things for the time being?"

"It doesn't matter. How did you come to your room?" he looked at the window. "It's really late."

Gongyi was so happy that his hand on the door was about to open the door, but before the action was implemented, he had a hand on the door, and then he leaned over and was instantly brought into his arms.

"Brother Chen is the God of war lord of Tianchen. He is extremely powerful in Tianchen. He is always strict with himself and aboveboard. He thinks that no one can embarrass the king's mind, but Fengning you make brother Chen lose himself again." he hugged her tightly, "Brother Chen is always confident, but he can't judge for sure in front of you. The phantom array is a military array. Although it has been replaced with holly tree, its power is not lower than that of living people. However, you can act recklessly in it, break the array without touching the mechanism, and don't accept the king's intention. You think you have the intention to hide your real power. In the emotional array, you know that you know a little about the array. Unexpectedly, you have a token of a noble family, There is no vigilance in the magic array. "

Gongyi's shadowless heart jumped directly into her throat. In the emotional illusion array, the deeper the feeling, the more real the illusion. As long as things related to feeling will be displayed in the illusion without taboo. She knew that she completely regarded herself as Qingxia at that time, and didn't restrain her mood at all.

If brother Chen seduces him with his sincerity in the array, it is not impossible to do anything. He will promise what he can't promise in reality.

"Is Fengning very humiliating?" she asked in a tiny voice.

"It's very cute and real. You let brother Chen's own fire fog magic almost burn yourself." he kissed her on the lips, "Qingxia is so beautiful and so true."

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