Only listening to the voice of Shangguan Yuchen continued: "the king's marriage was asserted by the witch divination to be in line with the honor and disgrace of Tianchen royal family. Brother Chen doesn't believe in the so-called magic divination, but he can't let people hurt Tianchen's peace. Because of the distribution of Tianchen's power and the imperial brother's succession, the king's obedience means that any other forces in Tianchen dare not act recklessly.

Therefore, the king promised his brother, and the selection of his princess must be personally decided by him. This is also the reason why the king brother is not tired of the matter of Princess Chen. "

Gongyi shadowless seems to understand why he brought himself into the fantasy array. No wonder brother Chen would say that in public and private, Qingxia must shine in the sky.

If it were not for a vague word, brother Chen would not tell himself these actual reasons.

He doesn't want to deceive his royal brother, disdain to fake his true feelings, and don't want to hurt his Fengning.

The quiet Juzi mountain and river flowed silently. In the dim light, his white shirt was as bright and bright as snow.

Her heart trembled badly. In a trance, she wanted to stretch out her arms to hold him. After all, she forced her to hold back and said with a smile: "brother Chen's mind can be learned from heaven and earth..."

She held his hand in the palm of her hand, "one day I will get what I want... The future is long and I'm not in a hurry."

"What do you want to beat around the Bush?" he smiled. "Don't be a liar again, my princess."

Gongyi shadowless couldn't see clearly across his mask, but his neck and ears were red, "go back to the Palace first."

"Beat around the Bush and just want to go back to the Palace first?"


In the carriage, Shangguan Yanyu looked as usual and looked strangely quiet.

I didn't notice when I got on the bus. When I was close to her, Gongyi didn't notice anything.

With Shangguan Yanyu's personality, he realized that brother Jin's behavior was not her expectation, and linger inexplicably let her wait so long

Shangguan Yanyu lightly stuffed a sugar pill into his mouth. The small pill gave off a very shallow and refreshing smell.

Gongyi shadowless was a little vigilant and quietly took out a Qingxin pill and put it into his mouth.

General overpowering drugs can't equal Ninggu's strange drugs, but colorless and tasteless overpowering drugs are terrible.

Although she was vigilant in her heart, she thought that brother Chen let the shadow guard follow outside the carriage, and felt relieved, but her eyes inadvertently fell on the back of Shangguan Yanyu's hand.

Before going back to the heaven Medical Museum, be sure to let that hand get a small injury.

Seeing linger's eyes fall on the back of his hand, Shangguan Yanyu unnaturally retracts his hand, then glances at Gongyi without a shadow, lifts the curtain of the car and looks out.

Gongyi shadowless sat by the window on the other side, staring at her suspiciously.

But Shangguan Yanyu seemed unaccustomed to being watched by a handmaid so indiscriminately. Looking back, he looked at Gongyi without a shadow. Leng hum said, "aren't you hungry without dinner?"

This is probably to talk to Gongyi Wuying, but this sentence is more strange than silence.

"Ling'er, thank you for your concern." Gong Yi Wuying wanted to be humble. He couldn't do it, and his unspeakable eccentricity became more and more strong.

Shangguan Yanyu took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, but two exquisite cakes were wrapped in the handkerchief.

Jade finger is delicate. She picked up a piece and handed it to Gongyi shadowless.


The cake smells mellow. It can hide the smell, but it can't hide the strangeness.

Gongyi shadowless took it in his hand and looked slightly deep. He saw Shangguan Yanyu put another cake into his mouth as if nothing had happened, and then looked at himself.

The sight was like an ice skate, but it was slowly forced towards itself.

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