Forced by this complex but condensing eye pressure, Gongyi has no shadow and has to put the cake on his lips.

She carefully put it on the tip of her nose and gently smelled it. In the mellow smell, there was a pleasant smell like water and grass. She was cluttering in her heart and yelled bad.

Shui Mi Xiang! The smell is very faint, just like clean water without smell. When the very shallow smell splashes out, it has inhaled the lost Qi and caught the road. Had it not been for Qingxin pill, I should have lost consciousness at the moment.

Gongyi's mind was dull for a moment. He secretly guessed what Shangguan Yanyu wanted. He simply closed his eyes and pretended to be dizzy, but his mind was more active.

Shangguan Yanyu's extremely abnormal behavior. If there is no abnormality in this cake, she will not be guilty of caring for a maid. She knows that linger's identity is strange. If she dares to do so, she must be prepared.

The carriage was wide, and its facilities were the same as when it came. Then a new light gold curtain covered everything in the carriage too tightly.

Don't say that returning home is like an arrow. The speed of the carriage is very slow. At the moment, it has gradually become a slow line. It must have done something.

Suddenly I heard a low and scattered hum and laugh. The hum and laugh was as cold as frost, which made Gongyi invisible and suddenly cold in his heart.

There was another smoke like airflow flowing through his nose. Gongyi had no shadow, and he felt powerless. His eyelids were extremely heavy.

She said in her heart, can't you see the clue and apply the medicine again?

Gongyi shadowless tried to open a slit in his eyelids. At the moment, he looked down, but he just saw that the drape under the seat of Shangguan Yanyu's carved flower cushion was lifted up, and a thin tube shrank in.

Is there another mystery in this carriage?

Gongyi has no shadow and knows something bad, but the weight of MI Xiang has exceeded the bearing capacity of Qingxin pill. Although his mind is clear, his limbs are weak and weak. It's not good to take out the magic whistle until the efficacy is over. I'm afraid it's too late to stop what happened.

She was blaming herself for her carelessness, vaguely smelling the faint fragrance of fruit, and then a weak boneless hand touched her cheek, cold.

But for a moment, the action stopped, and then Shangguan Yanyu's exquisite face collapsed in front of his eyes, just blocking his line of sight under his seat

Gongyi Wuying was annoyed, but he was even more surprised. Isn't this man with Shangguan Yanyu all the way?

There was a slightly heavy breathing sound approaching. Gong Yi had no shadow and dared not let him know that he was awake, so he quickly closed his eyes.

Almost at the same time, her mask was torn open and there was a slight movement above her head.

She couldn't help narrowing one eye and her eyes were up.

A light green Maid Dress should be the same as your own.

Her eyes moved up again. A pair of jade lotus like hands were white and moist between her fingers, but there were burns on the back of her hands.

The man gently and quietly played with ling'er's mask.

Gongyi's shadowless sight was about to continue upward, but it seemed that there was a glance from above to sweep at her quietly, and his heart was inexplicably surprised.

She hurriedly closed her eyes. Am I wrong? That face... The other person in the carriage is' Fengning '!

Is it a question of this perspective?

The 'Fengning' looks like water, eyes are focused, and actions are soft but fluent.

However, she felt strange that he was like a man, but she didn't know where to see it.

Hearing a shallow but clear smile, it felt like being caught in the moment of flowers blooming on a cold winter night. When it was amazing, there was air-conditioning penetrating into the skin from around the body and deep into the heart

Was he found awake?

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