However, there were no other accidents. When Gongyi shadowless narrowed one eye again, the "Fengning" had been put on linger's mask and looked at Shangguan Yanyu.

Then, Gongyi shadowless was picked up and put into the wooden box covered in the cloth curtain behind the carriage. The wooden box was slender, as long as it was designed for himself, just stuffed into himself.

The cloth curtain was put down, but the wooden box sank a little, as if it had fallen to the bottom of the carriage.

Strangely, Gongyi shadowless was isolated in the dark, but his sight settled just in the only gap left in the falling cloth curtain, but he could see some scenes in the carriage.

I saw 'ling'er' falling opposite the misty rain of Shangguan like she had done before. I couldn't understand what she had done.

After a short time, Shangguan Yanyu sat up and seemed surprised to stare around for a while. Then he continued to complete his actions, tore off linger's mask and looked at it for a long time. Then he got up and stood on linger's side. One handkerchief covered his mouth and nose, and the other hand untied linger's coat.

Then, she seemed to be unable to believe it, but she muttered to herself with great emotion: "Uncle 14's generation of Tianjiao really has the habit of breaking their sleeves... Uncle 4 expected it to be right. This person must be a chess piece of the king of Jin."

Her eyebrows were relieved, and a confident smile appeared on her lips: "What kind of woman can the world have that can find a source between two people with completely different personalities, not to mention Chen and the second king of Jin? The king of Jin won't let the people he is infatuated with in the arms of others, and uncle 14 won't let the woman he likes be criticized by others. It's nonsense that Fengning is Mrs. Wu's ghost story..."

The speed of the carriage accelerated, and the box of the public instrument was suspended above the abyss and swayed gently in the wind.

Gongyi has no shadow. Although people seem very unsafe at the moment, they have a happy peace in their heart.

It must be brother Jin's envoy's plan. Shangguan's plan is to tell Shangguan Zemin in disguise that Fengning around King Chen is indeed a man.

The carriage suddenly "clanged" and then stopped suddenly. The long box containing Gongyi hit something.

Gongyi shadowless was knocked into a daze. He couldn't help humming, opened his eyes, and subconsciously wanted to take out his hand to cover his mouth.

The overpowering drug is not effective enough under the relief of Qingxin pill, but it can't act as usual so quickly.

Her hands couldn't be pulled out. One was tight and the other couldn't move at all.

Gongyi is worried secretly. Brother Jin's plan should not be revealed because he can't help it.

However, the sound of the horse's hoofs stopped, and it seemed that it was particularly quiet around, as if the sound they made did not cause any suspicion at all.

Is there sound insulation here, or does the sound of "bang Dang" mask your hum?

She was glad, but a voice came from outside the carriage.

"The mountain road is bumpy and difficult to walk. It's dark. The fourth Lord is worried that the princess will have an accident, so I'm here to meet the princess."

A young respectful voice, Gongyi shadowless, guess it's Anpei one.

"Let the fourth uncle worry. There are shadow guards of the fourteenth uncle outside the carriage. How can there be an accident... The fourth uncle?"

"I was tired for a day and didn't have dinner. I took the carriage to another place to let the king rest for a while."

The voice just fell, and there was the sound of a carriage approaching slowly.

Then came the voice of Shangguan Zemin: "can the smoke go smoothly?"

"Four Wangshu." Shangguan Yanyu whispered, "as four Wangshu expected, the smoke is smooth."


"Pei Yi, go around and have a look. Ben Wang and Yan'er say a few words."

There was a light voice in his clothes. Gongyi knew that there must be something between his uncle and nephew that even his confidants couldn't know.

"Ling'er is another person?" Shangguan Zemin asked directly.

"Yes, it was during the banquet of King Jin's residence that Yan'er met Feng Ning. He... Was a real man." Shangguan Yanyu answered softly.

"The 14th younger brother is single-minded. Today in Juzi mountain, the king witnessed his uncontrollable affection for ling'er, and this ling'er is actually a man Fengning... This is a magic barrier between the 14th younger brother and his princess. According to your father's will, Yu Tianchen will stay in honor and die in disgrace. This person must be removed."

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