"Fengning is not timid in front of the princess, and even has a threatening momentum. He must rely on Uncle 14's love for him... This Juzi mountain, according to Uncle 4's words to Yan'er, shows that although he is a man, he is spoiled by Uncle 14 and becomes lawless. If this person is hurt, uncle 14 will be difficult to deal with, I'm afraid even my father and Emperor will be hard to deal with, which is unrealistic 。”

"Yan'er's mind is becoming more and more delicate, which makes a lot of sense. Although Fengning's status is low, he is the 14th younger brother's person, and even if he is not favored, he can't be let down by outsiders. I deliberately revealed what may exist between this person and the king of Jin. I was to make the 14th younger brother alert and alienate this person. Unexpectedly, Fengning is a man... There is no sand in the eyes of the 14th younger brother, and Fengning is in the world His identity is suspicious in his eyes. There are only two possibilities of an accident. "

Shangguan Zemin paused slightly and continued: "first, the 14th younger brother sent it in person or he lived and died by himself, and there is another possibility. If this person is really the person inserted by the king of Jin around the 14th younger brother, the king of Jin may kill people. Anyway, the contradiction lies between the 14th younger brother and the king of Jin. I just want to take this opportunity to get what Fengning has in his hand for your father."

"Does the fourth uncle know what that is?" the Shangguan Yanyu asked softly.

"Since it was placed in yingyue mountain villa, it should have been left to the 14th younger brother by the emperor. It is very likely that it was the emperor's legacy. Your 14th King's uncle was in power all over the world, and your identity was revealed that you were born by the YUEWU demon girl. The early death of the former Emperor may have something to do with this daughter. In those years, your father and Emperor succeeded to the throne as the eldest son, and the sarong order was handed over to the eighth King's younger brother at that time, Tianchen's military power fell into the hands of the 14th younger brother.

How can the hatred between the YUEWU family and the Shangguan family be reconciled day and night? This legacy is intended to benefit the 14th younger brother and will have a great impact on Tianchen. The witch divination asserts that the princess of the 14th younger brother and Tianchen are on the line of honor and disgrace with the celestial phenomena, but what is the secret? "

Gongyi Wuying was shocked when he heard it, but at last there was only one word he wanted to spit out --- trouble!

The imperial edict brother Chen didn't take it seriously. He was determined to stabilize Tianchen and assist the imperial brother of today's prison. As for the princess Chen, who was claimed to be in line with Tianchen's honor and disgrace, it might be the Tianchen farce directed by brother Jin.

At that time, the hatred of the YUEWU family was no greater than brother Jin's opinion of brother Chen, but now Brother Chen is the YUEWU family and the biological son of brother Jin's favorite mother. This farce should end, not start.

Listen to Guan Zemin's voice: "These words were told to you in the open field, because they are the secrets of the royal family. Yan'er, as the eldest daughter of the imperial brother, should share a part. Now I tell you because Feng Ning chose ling'er alone in exchange for his identity and stole into Juzi mountain, for fear of more secrets. When the real ling'er returns, he should pretend to have no knowledge of Juzi mountain and deal with the slave secretly."

Gongyi Wuying was sad. He knew that Juzi mountain was arranged by brother Chen. If he hadn't been willful, he would have saved one life. He also secretly scolded Shangguan Zemin for being too suspicious and harming others.

"Pei Yi." Shangguan Zemin whispered.

The sound of clothes floating close stopped.

"Repeat what you checked."

"All the people around are far away. I think it's far away. I don't want to disturb."

"It's not the matter, it's the whereabouts of ling'er."

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