"How is it, is this car comfortable? If you buy a car, you should buy a bigger one. This G-Class is pretty good!"

Lin Bin saw Bai Jie looking back and thought she was looking at the car, so he said casually.

Bai Jie muttered in her heart,"Of course I know this car is big."

After all, she has tried it by lying on it herself.

When she thought of this, her pretty face became a little hot.

The advance salary had already been transferred to her family, so it was impossible for her to leave now.

Helplessly, Bai Jie could only bite the bullet and follow Lin Bin into the villa.

"Come on, let me show you around first."

Lin Bin took Bai Jie around the villa. Except for the room of Little White Rabbit and Zhuo Xinyi, the two of them looked at every corner.

"You are usually responsible for cleaning the room, just clean it every three or five days. By the way, there is a swimming pool outside. If you want to swim, contact the property management and change the water every two days......."

Bai Jie listened to his instructions carefully and nodded frequently.

After all, this was her first time as a nanny, and she was very worried before. Now that she has figured out her job responsibilities, she feels relieved.

The two of them just walked to the third floor, and Lin Bin pointed,"This is my room. You can find an empty room next door to live in."

Bai Jie was so scared that she waved her hands quickly,"No, I won't let you stay in the next room."...No, I just live on the first floor."

"OK, the two rooms on the first floor are both empty, you can live in them. In addition, I have an Audi A8 in my garage, you can drive that car when you go out to buy things.

I am rarely at home at noon, you only need to cook two meals, you can keep a record of the money you spend on shopping, and I will reimburse you later, is there any problem?"

"No problem."Bai Jie shook her head quickly. Lin

Bin looked at the time. It was almost six o'clock.

Bitch said yesterday that she would live broadcast frequently during this period of time. She might as well live in the company directly, and he would be alone at night.

Fortunately, there is now Teacher Bai.

"Let's go, I'll take you shopping first, and we'll cook dinner tonight."

It doesn't matter what you eat on weekdays, what matters is who you eat with.

Even though he has money now, Lin Bin is still used to cooking at home.

At that moment, he gave the Audi A8 car key to Bai Jie, sat in the passenger seat, and pointed to the nearest shopping mall. After a lot of shopping, in addition to vegetables, a lot of snacks and fruits were also bought.

After returning to the villa, Bai Jie was busy cooking, and Lin Bin finally had some free time and logged into the Douya account again.

"Bingo is here!"

"Boss, are you going to fire the salute tonight?"

"I want to go see Datuanzi, anchor, go to Datuanzi first."

As soon as the live broadcast room was opened, the number of online people soared to more than 500,000.

You know, this is only Lin Bin's second live broadcast, and he doesn't have a fixed time.

The current popularity is all due to his money.

Lin Bin first glanced at the barrage, and did not rush to check the live broadcast rooms of those big anchors."My friends, don't worry, I haven't eaten yet. Let's go and get some small gifts first, and then start in the evening!"

It's not easy to say that, but it's impossible to really be easy.

Zhuo Xinyi's live broadcast company has also signed more than a dozen anchors, but they are all small anchors with no reputation. When she was operating the account yesterday, she had already followed Lin Bin.

Now, Lin Bin directly clicked on the follow list and checked the live broadcast rooms one by one.

These small anchors will also be signed under his own platform in the future, so now he will help them to gain some popularity.

Since they are his family, Lin Bin will not be stingy. He gave each anchor a hundred royal salutes, no more, no less.

As the salutes exploded one by one, the popularity of the young Abin's live broadcast room became higher and higher, and soon it broke through from 500,000 to 3 million.

When Lin Bin led an army of millions of people into the live broadcast rooms of these small anchors, they immediately created a lot of popularity for them.

Originally, these small anchors signed by Zhuo Xinyi's company had only tens of thousands of fans each, but under Lin Bin's generous investment, their popularity directly doubled several times.

"This is called a small gift?"

"Brother Bing is awesome!"

"Whose prodigal son is this? I'm afraid he will be beaten to death by his family......."

The comments on the barrage scrolled like crazy, and Lin Bin couldn't keep up.

There were a total of twelve anchors, and this time he brushed 1,200 Royal Salutes, totaling nearly 8 million. It took just over an hour to finish brushing all of this, and he felt a little dizzy.

Coincidentally, at this time, there was a knock on the door, and then Bai Jie's voice came from outside the door.

"Bingo, it's time to eat."

"OK, got it."

With the farewell of more than two million fans, Lin Bin directly closed the live broadcast room.

When he went downstairs, Bai Jie had already laid out the food, a large table full of food, which looked extremely sumptuous.

"Mr. Bai, it's just the two of us, so we don't need to make things so complicated in the future."

"I...I don't know what flavor you like, so I made a little more."

Bai Jie stood there, feeling a little uneasy, not knowing whether her cooking skills would suit the other person's taste.

"Okay, you sit down and eat too."

Seeing Lin Bin sitting down, Bai Jie immediately handed him a pair of chopsticks. She didn't dare sit down until he started eating.

""Mm, not bad, not bad, it tastes great!"

Lin Bin tasted them one by one, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Although it is not as good as a big restaurant, it also has its own flavor.

After eating and drinking, Bai Jie quickly started to clean up without him having to do anything.

Lin Bin just sat on the sofa, ready to digest before going live, Bai Jie immediately ran over with a fruit plate in her hand

"Brother Bing, I made a fruit plate, please try it."

"You've worked hard. You should sit down and take a rest."

"No, I still have to clean up the room."

Bai Jie put down the fruit plate and went back to work.

Lin Bin picked up a grape and put it in his mouth. It was sour and sweet, and very delicious.

This kind of life of having everything provided for him, like a boss, was so comfortable.

After eating the fruit for a while, Lin Bin went back to the bedroom and continued to give gifts.

In the first live broadcast yesterday, he gave more than 5 million to Bia Bia, 10 million to Da Tuanzi, and the rest of the big anchors gave several million together.

A total of more than 20 million

"Huh? Someone actually spent more than me yesterday?"

As soon as Lin Bin entered Datuanzi's live broadcast room, he found that the name of the number one on the list had changed, and he was actually suppressed by someone.

What else is there to say? Just start brushing!

Throughout the night, Lin Bin fought for several hours again and brushed more than 30 million gifts in total.

Zhuo Xinyi followed his instructions and brushed back ten Royal Salutes, and once again hit more than 200 million.

More than 500 million were harvested in two nights, and Lin Bin only spent a fraction of it.

The next day, Douya Live was directly on the hot search.

More than 50 million gifts were brushed in two days, and the entire Douya platform was crazy about the name of the young man Abin.

Countless people began to discuss it frantically, wanting to know who this mysterious local tyrant was.

"Wow! I searched for"Young Abin" on the Internet today, and guess what?"

"I searched it too, how come there is someone named Bai Jie?"

"I found a novel, it's really awesome"

"Share it upstairs, good people have a peaceful life"......

There was a lot of discussion online, and everyone became more and more curious about the identity of this mysterious rich man.......

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