Time flies, and soon more than a week has passed.

During this week, Bai Lele came back several times. Seeing that Zhuo Xinyi worked hard and had become a million-fan anchor, he simply moved in with her so that they could get points together.

Lin Bin went to the Zhenyuan Club to exercise during the day and came back to live broadcast and give gifts at night.

Usually, Teacher Bai took care of her life, and occasionally called Biao Biao back to practice her skills, so she lived a comfortable life.

But once, when Teacher Bai was cleaning the room on the third floor, he heard some noises through the wall and was scared for several days.

Zhuo Xinyi gained a lot in the past week.

Under Lin Bin's deliberate care, she received at least five million gifts every day.

Her number of fans has increased tenfold from more than 300,000 before, and stabilized at more than three million, becoming one of the most famous king anchors on the entire network.

As for other anchors such as Datuanzi, they also received a lot of gifts, and their popularity has increased to a certain extent.

But in comparison, Lin Bin is even more exaggerated, with a number of fans directly exceeding 10 million.

As long as he started broadcasting, the number of online viewers per day has never been less than 10 million.......

Longhai Building.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and Shuangmu Network Company was still brightly lit.

Deputy General Manager's Office.

Chen Ying reported her work seriously,"Mr. Zhou, Douya Live Streaming Platform has suddenly become popular recently, and it has repeatedly been on the hot search list."

"Oh? What happened?" Zhou Manqing frowned immediately.

Douya will be the biggest competitor of TT Live in the future, so she naturally has to pay special attention to this sudden news.

Chen Ying said:"A mysterious rich man suddenly appeared on the Douya platform. He has been giving gifts like crazy every night recently. In just over a week, he has given more than 200 million.

This move has attracted a lot of traffic to Douya. According to statistics, Douya has added at least 5 million new users during this period."

"More than 200 million? Let me see."

Zhou Manqing's heart tightened, and she quickly took the information from Chen Ying. She flipped through the pages, but when she saw the ID of the rich man, she was stunned.

Young Abin? Could it be him?

A figure immediately emerged in Zhou Manqing's mind.

Being able to give more than 200 million in rewards on the online platform is not something that ordinary people can do.

If it was Lin Bin, that would make sense.

Since the last time he came to the company, Lin Bin patted his chest and promised that he would take down all the game anchors by himself, and then he never came to the company again.

Zhou Manqing didn't take the initiative to call him these days. It was not because she was very busy, but after Lin Bin came last time, news suddenly came out in the company that he was their kept little white face.

I don't know who spread the rumor, which made Zhou Manqing angry and funny.

"Even if it is a sponsorship, he should be the one sponsoring the old lady!"

When Zhou Manqing heard the news, this thought immediately popped up in her mind.

These days, she was afraid that Lin Bin would hear such rumors after coming to the company, so she did not take the initiative to contact him.

"Okay, I know about this. Go to the marketing department tomorrow to count how many anchors we have signed now."

TT Live will enter the testing phase in more than a week. Seeing that it will be launched soon, Zhou Manqing's heart is getting more and more anxious.

Such an important thing happened in Douya, and Zhou Manqing didn't even let her investigate. This is too unexpected.

Although Chen Ying was very surprised, she didn't ask more questions,"Okay, Mr. Zhou."

After she left, Zhou Manqing put down the documents in her hand, logged into Douya Live directly, and searched for the ID 'Young Abin'.

It happened that the other party was also on the anchor, so she clicked in directly.

"Friends, the same old rules apply. I won't stop playing games!"

Although she didn't see his face, as soon as she heard this familiar voice, Zhou Manqing was sure that this local tyrant in the eyes of others was Lin Binwuyi.

"It's really you! You spent more than 200 million on gifts, but I don't know what it's for?"

Zhou Manqing only heard that Lin Bin spent more than 200 million on gifts these days, but she didn't know that he made more than 2 billion!

Since the matter on Douya was caused by Lin Bin, she doesn't have to worry about it anymore.......

In a leisure club in Shenzhen.

Wang Tianhao hugged his left and right arms and said to a middle-aged man in front of him:"Old Cheng, the place you chose is not very good."

Cheng Gong quickly picked up the wine glass on the table,"Mr. Wang, how about this, I will punish myself with three glasses of wine first, as an apology, I didn't treat you well today. If you are not satisfied, let's go to another place."

"Forget it, it's the same wherever you go." Wang Tianhao showed a disdainful expression on his face and shook his head and said,"Old Cheng, I've also seen your broken factory, it's really not that good. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to get my old man to invest."

Cheng Gong's face was a little apprehensive,"Young Master Wang, you can check it out again in the next few days. My factory has comprehensive infrastructure. As long as we get this investment, we will definitely be able to successfully transform."

"Forget about the inspection, but I have a good idea, I don't know if you agree or not." Wang Tianhao curled his lips, and his expression became wretched.

Cheng Gong was stunned, and subconsciously said:"If you have any ideas, just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse."

"Haha, this is very simple, you can definitely do it."Wang Tianhao pushed the two women in his arms away,"The woman I saw in the factory today is your daughter, she is quite pretty.

If you can introduce her to me, maybe I will call you father-in-law, and then let alone 100 million, even 200 million will be no problem."

Cheng Gong's smile froze,"Mr. Wang, Ke'er is young and ignorant, how can she be worthy of you?"

"Whether she is worthy or not is not up to you. If you want me to invest, let your daughter come and talk to me next time, understand?"

Cheng Gong explained bitterly,"Ke'er just came back and doesn't know anything about the factory. Mr. Wang, if you have any ideas, just tell me directly."

He is a young man from the countryside. He worked hard for most of his life and finally gained a foothold in Shenzhen and opened a factory.

Unfortunately, the economic environment has been bad in recent years, and his factory has encountered transformation and upgrading. It has suffered serious losses in recent years. If he cannot find financial support, I am afraid that his life's hard work will be ruined.

After layers of introductions from acquaintances, Cheng Gong accidentally met the big boss of Dou Ya, and the other party was preparing to invest in other fields, but the conversation between the two sides was not very smooth, so this scene happened.

After Cheng Gong inquired from many sources, he asked someone to find Wang Tianhao, hoping that he could persuade Mr. Wang to invest in his factory, but he did not expect that this guy would actually set his attention on his daughter.

"Old Cheng, I have thought of all the ideas for you, you can do whatever you want."

Wang Tianhao was too lazy to talk nonsense with an old man, so he ordered him to leave.

"Mr. Wang, please think about this carefully."

"I have thought it through very clearly. If I want to discuss something, I will ask your daughter to come and talk to me."

Cheng Gong naturally understood what kind of person Wang Tianhao was. How could he bear to see his daughter jumping into the fire pit? He could only leave temporarily.

After he left, the people around Wang Tianhao immediately said,"Mr. Wang, his small broken factory is not worth investing in at all."

"Of course I know!" Wang Tianhao rolled his eyes at his younger brother,"You know shit, his place is not that good, but his daughter is really beautiful"

"Once I take down that woman, no one will care about whether it’s a place or not."

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