"I already have someone I like, and I will only love him in this life."

A figure suddenly appeared in Cheng Ke'er's mind.

That boy who was a little simple, a little handsome, and a little lustful.

The past seemed to be vivid in her mind. When she thought of the days in Jiangcheng, the corners of her mouth unexpectedly curled up unconsciously.

A smile appeared on that beautiful face, like icebergs melting and flowers blooming.

Cheng Gong looked at his daughter's face with a smile that had never appeared before, and was stunned on the spot,"Ke'er..."...he...who is he?"

"You don't need to worry about my affairs."

The memories in her mind were interrupted. Cheng Ke'er put away the smile on her face, lowered her head again, and looked at the thick report in her hand.

Cheng Gong showed a bitter face,"Ke'er, I know that I didn't take good care of you in the past, but now that you are back, can't the past be let go?"

The memories drifted far away, and Cheng Ke'er remembered things from a long time ago again.

Since she could remember, she grew up with her grandmother. At that time, others said that she had no parents. It was not until she was old enough to go to school that she finally met a strange woman. Only then did she know that she also had a mother.

Later, from a small place in the countryside, she came to the big city.

As she grew older, Cheng Ke'er understood more and more.

At that time, a sentence often echoed in her ears

"Your mother is a mistress for money, you are a bastard!"

When she understood what a mistress was, she finally had a quarrel with that woman.

From then on, she became rebellious and did everything the opposite.

The woman called mother once argued that she was not a mistress and was not doing it for other people's money, but she really fell in love with someone.

But Cheng Keer never believed it.

After graduation, she moved away from Shenzhen and went to a place where no one knew her.

Until later, she met a man named Lin Bin.

Cheng Keer originally wanted to take revenge on herself, so she agreed to be his mistress.

But later, she found that Lin Bin was really good to her.

When she also fell in love with this man... At that time, she finally believed what her mother said.

After leaving Lin Bin without saying goodbye, she returned to Shenzhen and saw her mother for the last time. She finally let go of the knot in her heart.

Her thoughts gradually retracted. Although Cheng Ke'er still lowered her head, she no longer had the heart to look at the report on the table. Her mind was full of a figure.

Longing was like the sea, swallowing her whole body.

Although she wanted to see that person very much, she couldn't go.

She felt that her original purpose was not pure and she was not worthy of Lin Bin at all.

So even if the factory encountered problems now, she would not ask him for help.

In the room, the atmosphere was silent for a long time, and Cheng Ke'er finally spoke,"Some things can't be overcome."

Cheng Gong's expression was a little complicated, and he murmured:"Ke'er, the factory may not be saved, but you are still young and can start over.

Thinking back then, I was just a worker, penniless, and then I came to this city with your mother to fight and build this empire......."

Cheng Gong began to recall the past.

This time, Cheng Keer did not interrupt him and just listened quietly.......

Jiangcheng, Bishuiwan.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Lin Bin started the live broadcast as usual.

These days, the young Abin's reputation has been completely spread. The female anchors on the Douya platform have been giving him gifts crazily.

Lin Bin also gave out more than 2 billion, and similarly, he got more than 20 billion in a counterattack.

It's enough money to buy several Longhai Buildings.

It can be said to be a huge profit!

Just after giving a female anchor 100 Royal Salutes, the phone rang.

"Brother Bin, I got the news from other anchors that Douya asked those anchors who gave you gifts to take back all the gifts."

Zhuo Xinyi is now also a big anchor. The people she knows in the circle are all anchors. After getting the news, she called Lin Bin immediately.

"Is there such a thing?"

Lin Bin was stunned when he heard this. He could never have imagined that Dou Ya, that brain-dead guy, would come up with such a ruthless trick to cut off his own retreat.

"Brother Bing, do you still want to give gifts? If you keep giving, all the money will go into the pocket of Douya platform. Zhuo Xinyi said with some concern.

"Brush! Why not brush!"Lin Bin was shocked,"I know about this, just wait for my news."

This time, he wanted to make the other party spit out twice as much as Dou Ya swallowed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin called Zhou Manqing directly and told him all about his stuff.

That night, Zhou Manqing contacted the company's marketing department and held an emergency meeting.

Then he personally led the team and set off overnight to rush to all parts of the country

"Young Master Long, that Abin has started to swipe again!"

The bespectacled little brother always pays attention to the young Abin's live broadcast room. Just now, he saw him swipe again after a few minutes of pausing, and reported it immediately.

Wang Tianhao is no longer surprised. Although he has made more than 2 billion in these days and the stock price has risen a lot, he is still a little uneasy in his heart.

That's more than 2 billion!

No matter how rich he is, he can't be so wasteful.

Moreover, the guy called young Abin only swipes gifts, doesn't pick up girls, and doesn't even do anything.

Such a rich person must not be a fool.

Wang Tianhao guessed for a long time, but couldn't figure out the other party's purpose, so he could only order his little brother to keep a close eye on him.

"Siyan, you keep a close eye on him these few days. If he makes any move, report it to me immediately!"

""Okay, Mr. Wang, don't worry about me!"

Wang Tianhao nodded. He had been watching the special effects of the salute exploding for the past few days, and he was almost sick of it.

After instructing his younger brother, he invited a few small anchors to go to a five-star hotel for a live broadcast.

Time passed quickly. Three days later.

At 7:50 in the evening.

Lin Bin hadn't logged into his live broadcast account all day today, and had been waiting for a call at home.

After a few minutes, the phone finally rang.

"Hello, Manqing, are you all ready?"

"Mr. Lin, we have arranged everything here, just waiting for your order."

"Okay, in five minutes, it will start at eight o'clock!"

Click, the phone hung up.

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Bin's eyes, and he muttered to himself,"The hunting time has begun."

At 7:58, he finally logged into the live broadcast account and opened the live broadcast room immediately.

In just one minute, the number of people online in the live broadcast room exceeded 20 million.

Although this number is a bit exaggerated, most of the popularity of Douya is concentrated here.

"Brother Bin can’t be really out of money, why doesn’t he start swiping?"

"It's probably true. He hasn't been online all day today."

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room. Everyone wanted to see the limit of the young Abin. Some people even bet on how much money he could give continuously.

After the broadcast started today, he didn't give gifts at the first time. This abnormal behavior immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Bin curled his lips and acted according to his plan. He immediately connected to Zhuo Xinyi's live broadcast room. The sister-in-law now has eight million fans, making her the most popular anchor in the entire Douya except for the young Abin.

The young Abin:"My friends, this Douya gift is too small and not fun.

Today I found a more fun live broadcast software called TT. The largest gift is 10,000 yuan. Let's go to TT to give it today!"

Whose sister-in-law:"All fans, from today on, I will go to TT to broadcast, and my ID is Whose sister-in-law. Brother Bin will continue to give gifts. If you like to watch, you can go to TT to broadcast."

After the two finished talking, they logged off directly and logged into TT Live, which they had registered long ago.

What's going on?

Where did TT Live come from?

The more than 20 million viewers who were watching the live broadcast were confused.

Soon, someone took the initiative to exit the live broadcast room, opened the mobile phone mall, and indeed searched for a software called TT Live.

Countless people downloaded it out of curiosity.

The four eyes who had been staring at the young man Abin's live broadcast room were stunned.

After a moment of stunnedness, they finally reacted and immediately took out their mobile phones to call Wang Tianhao

""Master Wang, this is bad, Abin has run away with his sister-in-law!!!"

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