"What do you mean sister-in-law or not? Siyan, what are you talking about?"

Wang Tianhao had just finished pistoning. Although it took less than three minutes, he was still panting.

Siyan said anxiously,"Mr. Wang, that young man Abin and a host called Whose Sister-in-law ran away from Douya Live and went to another platform."

"Humph! Just run away, anyway, that guy has already spent billions, he probably has no more money."

Wang Tianhao frowned, not realizing the seriousness of the problem.

Although it was a bit regrettable that there would be no such good thing as pie in the sky in the future, he was prepared in his heart.

After all, no matter how rich he was, the other party couldn't keep spending money.

"No! Master Wang, not only did they run away, many anchors on our platform ran away!"

There was a hint of fear in Siyan's voice. The more he thought about the current situation, the more he felt that something was wrong.

It was very likely that the other party had planned it in advance.

If it was really as he guessed, Douya Live would be doomed.

Wang Tianhao was a little confused,"ran away? Where did they go?"

"Everyone has gone to a platform called TT Live. I just downloaded the software and haven’t had time to watch it!"

"Impossible!" Wang Tianhao sat up suddenly from the bed.

He had now reacted and immediately yelled into the phone,"All the anchors on our platform have signed contracts, how could they run away?"

Siyan said:"If...If a platform is willing to pay them liquidated damages, they are likely to run away......."

With a click, Wang Tianhao's phone fell to the ground. After a moment's pause, he finally reacted. He quickly bent down to pick up the phone. Fortunately, it was not broken.

"What live broadcast did you just mention?"

"TT Live!"

"Hurry up and find out what’s going on for me!"

Wang Tianhao yelled at the phone, then threw it hard, and the innocent phone hit the wall hard, breaking into pieces.......

Tuesday, August 8th.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, TT Live was officially launched.

The software that was expected to take three months to be officially completed was completed in two months.

It was originally planned to take another month for testing, and at the same time sign a large number of anchors, and then fully promote it.

But after a series of operations by Lin Bin, he directly poached nearly 100 anchors from Douya.

Although he only rewarded those female anchors during this period, Wang Tianhao forced all anchors to cancel the gift income, which had long been spread on the Douya platform.

It was not only the sister-in-law who ran away tonight.

In addition to the anchors such as Latiao, Taoyaoyao, Datuanzi, etc. who were often bombarded by Lin Bin's salutes, many male anchors were also poached.

In addition, Zhou Manqing was not idle during this period, and signed more than 200 anchors of all sizes.

So far, TT Live has more than 300 anchors.

Although it is still far behind Douya, it is barely enough to go online.


Lin Bin looked at the number of people online in the live broadcast room and it was still zero, and he was a little anxious

"Oh my god, no one will come today, right?"

After spending so much time on it, he was a little bit nervous before the results were announced.

Zhuo Xinyi was also a little anxious, but she acted according to the original plan and continued to start a new game.

However, there was not even a visitor in the live broadcast room, which made her a little absent-minded.

"Never mind, let’s get the gifts first!"

Lin Bin gritted his teeth and continued to get the gifts.

The gift rewards of TT Live were similar to those of Douya, but the developers followed his suggestion and priced the most expensive gift at 10,000 yuan. It was called the Shenwei Cannon!

When it was fired, the sound was deafening!


Lin Bin fired directly at his sister-in-law’s live broadcast room!

"Eh? Brother Bin is really live streaming here, and there is his sister-in-law too!"

Suddenly, there was a message on the barrage.

Lin Bin, who had been staring at the live streaming room, suddenly saw something bright in front of his eyes.

"Finally someone has arrived!"

Although there was only one user, this was definitely a good start.

Lin Bin was excited and swiped more vigorously.

""Fuck! This Shenwei Cannon special effect is really awesome!"

The second message appeared on the barrage.

Douya's Royal Salute was so disgusting, and the first time seeing the Shenwei Cannon special effect, new users immediately brightened up.

"It really is 10,000 yuan a pop! It's really expensive, and it's not made of gold!"

"Ten thousand yuan is nothing. Brother Bin doesn’t look like someone who is short of money!"

""Brother Bin is awesome!"

More and more messages were left on the screen.

All of a sudden, countless newly registered users flooded in like a tide.

Some stayed in the live broadcast room of the young Abin, some went to the live broadcast room of the sister-in-law, and some went to the live broadcast room of Datuanzi and others.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand!

In just three minutes, the number of people online in the live broadcast room has exceeded the ten thousand mark.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is still increasing rapidly, and the increase is getting faster and faster!

Lin Bin looked at the rapidly rising numbers and was very excited.

"It's done!"

Although I did this TT live broadcast just for love, if it really works, the sense of accomplishment is also fascinating.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Longhai Building.

The office on the 33rd floor is still brightly lit.

As the top person in charge of the company, Zhou Manqing must stay in the company at this critical moment.

Similarly, executives from various departments and even the entire development team are all on standby to witness the miracle together.

"Mr. Zhou, according to the backend statistics, the number of registered users has exceeded 10,000!"

A team leader in charge of backend statistics in the technical department excitedly reported loudly:

"Good! Everyone, work harder tonight and keep watching!"

Zhou Manqing clenched his fists, with a hint of joy on his face.

Other company executives also breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, Zhou Manqing suddenly announced that TT Live would be launched tonight, which was opposed by everyone.

After all, the software has just been developed, and it has not been strictly tested, nor has it been vigorously promoted in the market. If it is launched in such a hurry, I am afraid that all the efforts will be wasted.

However, Zhou Manqing was arbitrary and insisted on launching it tonight.

Everyone was pessimistic at first, but they did not expect that TT Live would gain such a big advantage just a few minutes after it went online.

How did they do this?

Everyone had the same doubts in their hearts, but at this moment, no one cared to ask, and they stared at the background data one by one, for fear of missing any link. At exactly 8:30

"Mr. Zhou, the number of registered users has exceeded 500,000!"

"Keep watching!"

At nine o'clock

"Mr. Zhou, the number of registered users has exceeded 1.5 million, and the growth rate is getting faster and faster!"

"Okay, continue!"

At ten o'clock in the evening.

Lin Bin watched the number of online viewers in the live broadcast room break through the one million mark, and his heart was as sweet as drinking honey.

Although he had more than ten million fans when he was on Douya, that was someone else's platform after all. Now these are all the empires he has conquered.

"I have millions of viewers in my live broadcast room alone, and if the entire TT platform is added together, there must be several million viewers, right?"

Thinking of this, Lin Bin picked up his phone and called Zhou Manqing.

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