The phone rang twice before it was connected.

Zhou Manqing's voice rang immediately,"Boss Lin, according to the backend data, the number of new users of TT Live has reached three million!"

Although separated by the phone, Lin Bin could still clearly hear Zhou Manqing's voice trembling slightly.

It was not difficult to guess that the other party must be excited and happy now.

"Mr. Zhou, three million was the data ten minutes ago, and now it has exceeded three and a half million!"

Another voice sounded on the phone.

Lin Bin took a deep breath and suppressed the joy in his heart,"Manqing, are you still working overtime in the company?"

Zhou Manqing replied:"Yes, today is the first day that TT Live is online. All the senior executives of the company are here, and all the employees in the technical department are working overtime."

Lin Bin said:"Okay, women can't stay up late, you arrange some departments to be on duty, and everyone else can go back to rest."

Zhou Manqing decisively refused,"Mr. Lin, tonight is the first battle of TT Live. As the vice president of the company, I must stick to the front line."

Lin Bin was speechless for a moment. He also knew Zhou Manqing's temper very well. He knew that he could not persuade her, so he could only say to the phone:"Let's do this, all overtime employees' wages will be calculated at three times tonight, and try to let everyone go back to rest early."

"I understand."

Seeing Zhou Manqing hang up the phone, Lin Bin also breathed a sigh of relief.

As she said, tonight was TT's first battle, and as the boss of the company, he should be on the front line, but there were more important things at the moment, so the company could only be handed over to Zhou Manqing.

Just after hanging up the phone, Lin Bin called Bai Jie again.

"Teacher Bai, my neck hurts a little, could you please massage it for me?"

After a while, Bai Jie went upstairs reluctantly.

After coming here, she just did the housework at first, but later Lin Bin made various requests, either asking for a leg massage or a shoulder massage.

Bai Jie was always nervous every time, but fortunately, the other party followed the rules and did not do anything out of line.

While enjoying Teacher Bai's massage, Lin Bin kept clicking his fingers and continued to swipe gifts.

Bai Jie poked her head out and asked curiously,"Brother Bin, are you playing a game?"

Although she had watched live broadcasts before, she didn't know much about it.

Lin Bin's mobile phone screen at this moment looked like he was broadcasting live, but the other party kept swiping gifts, which made her a little uncertain.

Lin Bin curled his lips, and without explaining, he said casually,"Yes, my game is to fire cannons!"

Bai Jie glanced at the special effects of the Shenwei Cannon, curled her lips, and thought to herself: This game doesn't look very good, it's not fun at all......

In a mansion in Shenzhen,

Wang Tianhao jumped up and down anxiously, occasionally picking up things at hand and throwing them on the ground.


As soon as he heard the phone ring, he quickly answered it.

"Four eyes, what's up?"

"Wang Shao...There are a total of 112 anchors on our platform who are not online today. I asked someone to check and found that all of them went to TT Live.

Although Siyan was on the phone, he was trembling when he spoke.

After figuring out the situation just now, he knew in his heart that Douya was completely finished this time. Even if he didn't die, he would be skinned alive.


Wang Tianhao was furious and almost couldn't help throwing his phone out, but he had already broken three phones, and this was the last one. He could only suppress his anger.

"Siyan, you notify the company's legal department now and sue all these anchors. I want them to pay compensation!!!"

Siyan cried in his heart,"Master Wang, even if it is liquidated damages, it only adds up to a few hundred million.

But, those big anchors all ran away tonight. If this continues, I'm afraid all the users of our platform will run away."

Wang Tianhao also knew the pros and cons, and yelled into the phone,"Then what do you say we should do?"

Siyan thought for a while and said,"Master Wang, that young man Abin relies on giving gifts to attract popularity, why don't we do it too, it can at least retain some users."

Although this method is not brilliant, it is better than doing nothing.

Wang Tianhao didn't care about the pain, and gritted his teeth and said,"Go and give me gifts now, give as much money as you have."

""Okay, Mr. Wang!"

Siyan hung up the phone and sighed in his heart, afraid that it was too late to make up for the loss!

Douya's response was much slower, and it was not until 10:30 in the evening that it started to swipe gifts.

However, those famous anchors all went to TT Live. Without anchors, users naturally could not be retained.

In addition, Douya's most expensive Royal Salute was not as good as TT's Shenwei Cannon, and the effect of swiping gifts was not very good.

That night, Lin Bin swiped until twelve o'clock, and then he was too sleepy to bear it and went offline.

After exiting TT Live, although he was thinking about the final results, he was afraid of disturbing Zhou Manqing, so he didn't call to ask.

The next day, he slept until he woke up naturally, ate something casually after getting up, and started to swipe again.

At noon, Zhou Manqing took the initiative to call, and her voice was a little excited

"Mr. Lin, as of now, our new users have exceeded 12 million!"

"Well, good! We will step up publicity efforts in the next few days."

Lin Bin immediately issued an order, requiring the company's publicity department to spend the 100 million publicity funds within a week.

Zhou Manqing had already made preparations in this regard. Next, the whole country was flooded with advertisements, all of which were TT Live.

Whether it was online or offline, high-speed rail, bus stations, etc., you could see TT Live ads.

On August 8th, TT Live went online at 8 pm.

As of 12 pm, four hours after going online, the number of registered users exceeded 8 million!

On August 9th, the number of registered users exceeded 15 million!

On August 10th, the number of registered users exceeded 30 million! As for

Douya Live, it was another situation.

���On the 9th, Douya's stock price fell to the limit as soon as the market opened in the morning. The user activity index of the live broadcast platform dropped by 30% that day.

On August 10, Douya's stock price continued to fall to the limit, and the platform's user activity index continued to decline.......

Hanjiang International Hotel is the largest five-star hotel in Jiangcheng, so the consumption is naturally not cheap.

But today, the entire Hanjiang International Hotel was actually reserved by a company.

A billboard was erected at the entrance of the hotel, with a few big words written on it: TT Live!

At eight o'clock in the evening, hundreds of people gathered together, and Zhou Manqing brought all the company's executives to the scene.

In the entire Shuangmu Network Company, except for some departments on duty, all other employees were present.

As the boss of the company, Lin Bin did not sit at the same table with the company's senior executives, but greeted a group of special guests.

Looking at Latiao, Tao Yaoyao, Datuanzi and others around him, each one was dressed more sexy and seductive than the other, and Lin Bin's eyes were a little too busy to keep up.

"Don't worry, it will be yours sooner or later, just take your time!"

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