The presidential suite fell into silence.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Everyone could see that Lin Bin was angry at the moment, and no matter what he said, it could not be taken seriously.

Cheng Ying was only responsible for protecting the safety of her employer, so naturally she would not say anything. Zhou Manqing was in charge of all matters of the company. Now that she was about to acquire Douya Live, TT would definitely move up to a higher level and become the boss of the domestic live broadcast industry.

She naturally did not want any accidents to happen now.

Finally, Cheng Gong opened his mouth and took a long time to utter a sentence,"Lin...Brother, actually, Ke Er's running away from home this time has something to do with me......."

He didn't know how to address Lin Bin for a moment, so he could only call him"little brother".

Lin Bin still had a gloomy face. Ke'er's departure must have something to do with Cheng Gong.

However, the other party was Ke'er's father after all, so he couldn't say much.

So this account could only be put on Wang Tianhao's head.

"It's settled!" Lin Bin ignored Cheng Gong and looked up at Zhou Manqing.

"Manqing, let the other people in the company go back first, and then notify Sun Pingan to come over and find some traders in Shenzhen. I want to see Dou Ya go bankrupt!"

"What? You...Are you really not kidding?"

Zhou Manqing wondered if she had heard it wrong.

Lin Bin looked back at her,"Do you think I'm joking?"

Zhou Manqing realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly persuaded him,"Boss Lin, don't be impulsive. Douya is now on the decline, and even if we do nothing, the stock price will continue to fall........"

Lin Bin raised his hand to interrupt her,"But I don't want to wait!"

Zhou Manqing was almost mad to death when she saw that her earnest advice was of no use.

"Mr. Lin, you went to Douya to give gifts before, but now you want to bankrupt Douya, do you know how much money it will cost?"

Although Lin Bin gave more than 3 billion gifts before, he poached more than 100 anchors from Douya, allowing TT Live to go online a month earlier, and the number of registered users exceeded 30 million in just a few days.

In total, the more than 3 billion was not only well spent, but also very profitable.

But now, if you really want to quickly defeat Douya through the stock market, it will be a thankless task.

"Oh? How much does it cost?" Lin Bin asked.

Zhou Manqing said angrily,"I don't know how much it will cost exactly, but the market value of Douya is there. If you really want to do this, it will cost at least tens of billions.

Moreover, if you invest all these tens of billions, you may lose everything."

When Douya was giving gifts before, those female anchors gave gifts in return, which made Lin Bin earn more than 30 billion.

In addition, there was more than 10 billion in the account before, which should be enough.

Money is a bastard, spend it and make more!

Lin Bin didn't hesitate for a second,"It's just tens of billions, I can afford it. This matter is settled!"

In his mouth, hundreds of billions were as easy as a few hundred yuan, and the people in the room were stunned.

Zhou Manqing was petrified on the spot, and came back to his senses after a moment, muttering to himself,"Crazy, it's crazy."

As she spoke, she ran out of the room.

Lin Bin was not worried. Although Zhou Manqing was too opinionated, she had strong execution ability. As long as it was a task assigned by him, she would definitely complete it.

"Procedure...Uncle, please tell me about Ke'er......."

Cheng Ying wisely ran to the door to wait, leaving only Lin Bin and Cheng Gong in the room.......

Sun Pingan flew to Shenzhen that day.

After hearing Zhou Manqing's words, he was also very surprised.

"Mr. Zhou, this matter is easy to handle, but why bother to hurt the enemy while hurting yourself?"

Sun Ping'an previously worked in the venture capital industry abroad and was very familiar with equity transactions. Although the task assigned by Lin Bin is not difficult, it is very expensive.

Zhou Manqing gritted his teeth and spoke sourly,"Humph! Mr. Lin is angry for his beloved, who cares? He won't let us pay anyway."

Sun Ping'an understood and nodded immediately,"As long as the funds are in place, this matter is not difficult."

Lin Bin and Cheng Gong stayed in the room for the whole afternoon. No one knew what they talked about.

Dinner was solved in the hotel, and Sun Ping'an had the opportunity to report on his work.

"Mr. Lin, the acquisition of Longhai Building has been completed, with a total price of 7.8 billion. The property has notified all tenants, and we can go through the formalities after this quarter."

Lin Bin nodded absentmindedly,"Okay, let's put this aside for now. Manqing should have told you about Dou Ya, right?"

Sun Ping'an nodded immediately,"I heard about it from Mr. Zhou."

Lin Bin slapped the table,"That's good, I have only one request, Dou Ya must go bankrupt and be worthless! The sooner this happens, the better, how much money do you think it will cost?"

Sun Ping'an thought for a moment,"Dou Ya's current situation is very favorable to us. If we have 30 billion in funds, I estimate that we can complete it within half a month. It's just...I can’t guarantee how much of the 30 billion will be left in the end."

Lin Bin directly stretched out four fingers,"Don’t worry about the loss! I’ll give you 40 billion and get it done within ten days, is that okay?""

40 billion!

Zhou Manqing’s eyes popped out, but she was strong enough in her heart to resist interrupting.

Sun Ping’an was also greatly shocked,"Don’t worry, Mr. Lin, as long as the money is in place, I will try my best to complete it!"

""Okay! Tomorrow I will transfer the money to the investment company's account. If there is anything else you need, you can discuss it with Manqing."

Lin Bin was only responsible for paying the money, and then just looked at the results.

The next day, Zhou Manqing took Sun Ping'an to take action.

The two of them first secretly contacted a securities company in Shenzhen, and then began to make a plan.

���Ya Group.

Wang Tianhao flipped through the financial statements in his hand and immediately frowned,"You mean, the money in our account can only last for three days in the stock market?"

Siyan said fearfully:"Wang Shao...It is true. Recently, the user activity on our platform has been decreasing. The stock price can still be maintained, but it costs a lot of money every day........"

"Humph! A bunch of rubbish!" Wang Tianhao threw the folder in his hand to the ground with a bang.

After a fit of rage, he didn't wait to calm down and consider the current situation.

"Three days means three days!

In these three days, you must make sure that the stock price remains stable.

I guess the people from TT Live will take the initiative to discuss the acquisition today. At worst, we can lower the price and try to sell it to them at a lower price within three days."

"Wang Shao is so smart!"Siyan immediately flattered him,"As long as we sell Douya and get a lot of money, we can make a comeback."

Then, Wang Tianhao waited in the office, ready to negotiate with the other party in person.

However, a whole day passed, and the phone in the office never rang.......

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