The next day, at 9:35 in the morning.

Wang Tianhao was a little depressed, sitting alone in a daze.

He waited for a whole day yesterday, but no one from TT Live showed up, and there was not even a phone call. This was a little unexpected.

Now the people inside Douya are in a panic, almost like a pile of loose sand. There is not much work to do, and he is a little bored staying in the office.

At this moment, there was a hurried knock on the door.

Siyan rushed in without waiting for the report,"Mr. Wang, good news, great news!"

Wang Tianhao was a little unhappy when someone suddenly broke in, but when he heard Siyan's words, he was stunned,"What good news?"

"Wang Shao, since yesterday afternoon, many retail investors have started to buy our stocks, but the increase was not big at the closing. However, as soon as the market opened today, Dou Ya's stock price rose by three points!"

Si Yan's face was full of joy, and his voice was a little excited.

Wang Tianhao stood up and grabbed the other person's collar,"Explain clearly, what's going on?"

Recently, Dou Ya's stock price has been falling. Although we spent money to acquire some stocks and barely stabilized the stock price, Si Yan told himself yesterday that the funds in the account would not last long. Why did it rise inexplicably today?

Si Yan analyzed confidently,"I guess it is probably because our stock price fell too much in the past few days. After stabilizing in the past few days, many retail investors began to buy the bottom and wanted to bet on a rebound!"

What he said made sense, and Wang Tianhao immediately believed most of it.

Si Yan continued to analyze:"Wang Shao, we don't have to spend money to raise the stock price now. Those retail investors will take the initiative to buy the bottom. As long as the stock price stabilizes, we can even sell a little slowly to make up some of the blood."

Wang Tianhao's eyes lit up and he nodded,"Not bad! And now that the stock price has risen, TT Live will definitely be more anxious, so we don't have to take the initiative to lower the price.

Haha, those stupid retail investors really helped me a lot!"

As for letting the stock price rise to the previous price again, Wang Tianhao himself didn't believe it. After all, he knew Douya's situation too well.

"Siyan, you should arrange for someone to slowly sell some stocks now. Remember, be careful and don't let the stock price fall any further."

Wang Tianhao said solemnly. Although he wanted to make more money, he also knew that the most important thing now was to pack up and sell Douya.

""Okay, Mr. Wang, I got it!"

Siyan received the order and immediately went down to notify.

This time, Wang Tianhao was sitting in the office and finally didn't have to worry anymore.

In a securities company in Shenzhen City.

In the spacious office, more than 20 people were staring at the same stock.

"Huh? Someone is selling Douya stocks!"

A trader exclaimed, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

Sun Pingan quickly glanced at the computer screen, his mouth curled up,"Great, I didn't expect the other party to be so cooperative. Remember, no matter how much the other party sells today, buy it all in batches."

"I bought 5,000 lots at a price of 23.6!"

"I bought 3,000 lots at a price of 23.8!"

Voices rang out from time to time. Sun Ping'an's eyes became brighter and brighter as he watched the stock price of Dou Ya rising little by little. Zhou Manqing didn't know much about stock market operations. Looking at the gradually rising stock price, he was a little puzzled,"Boss Sun, aren't we going to bring down the stock price of Dou Ya? Why are you helping to raise it now?"

Sun Ping'an smiled faintly,"Boss Zhou, even if we have to go to war, we have to save some bullets first. You just wait and see, the result will definitely not disappoint the boss."

Zhou Manqing nodded thoughtfully and said no more.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when the stock market closed, Dou Ya's estimate had broken through the 25 yuan mark.

Although it is still a long way from the previous highest price, after several days of sharp declines, there is finally hope for a rebound.

Even countless retail investors heard the news and started to buy at the bottom.

The next day

"Mr. Wang! Good news, our stock price is still rising!"

"Okay! Then you sell a little more! But remember, don't lose the big picture for the small one."

Wang Tianhao has learned his lesson and reminded him again.

Siyan patted his chest and assured,"Don't worry, I will definitely do it!"

The good times didn't last long.

That afternoon, several sell orders of tens of thousands of lots suddenly appeared, and the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, which completely killed Douya's newly rising slenderness.

"How...How could this happen?"

Siyan was completely dumbfounded when he saw the stock that was about to hit the limit down again.

Wang Tianhao was also confused, but he reacted quickly and kicked Siyan to the ground,"Quick, concentrate all the funds and take all those sell orders, I want the stock price to go up!"

Siyan rolled and crawled, and hurriedly notified his men to do it.

He has been shipping stocks carefully in the past few days and has not sold many stocks, but now he has to take them over at a higher price.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the stock market was closed. Siyan finally breathed a sigh of relief,"Wang Shao...Trading is suspended."

Wang Tianhao's heart was relieved. Although the stock price dropped by two points when trading was suspended, the situation was stabilized.

"Okay, keep it up tomorrow and make sure the stock price remains stable!".......

In the next few days, Douya's stock price fluctuated like a roller coaster.

In order to stabilize the stock price, Wang Tianhao borrowed billions and invested all of them in the stock market.

However, the effect was not very good.

In order to prevent the invested money from going down the drain, he could only continue to borrow money, and even mortgaged the company, and invested all the money in the stock market.

In this way, he got deeper and deeper into trouble.

In just a few days, Wang Tianhao seemed to have had one nightmare after another, and he would even be awakened at night.

When things got to this point, he naturally reacted and knew that someone was playing tricks.

However, the other party did not make any money by doing this, and even lost the same���A lot of money was spent, what was the purpose?

Wang Tianhao was puzzled.

More importantly, TT Live seemed to have died down these days and never contacted about the acquisition.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on with TT Live?"

After not getting a good night's sleep for several days, Wang Tianhao's eyes were bloodshot and he was on the verge of collapse.

The stock price issue was messed up again. Siyan felt like his life was in danger and quickly made a suggestion to save some wiggle room,"How about......Let's contact them, shall we?"

Wang Tianhao didn't care about being arrogant anymore, so he could only take a few people and go straight to the hotel where Lin Bin was.

"Oh? He came to visit me on his own initiative?"

When Lin Bin heard that Wang Tianhao brought someone to visit, a trace of disdain suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth,"Let him come in alone."

Under the guidance of Cheng Ying, Wang Tianhao finally met Lin Bin.

Although he didn't see Zhou Manqing, he didn't take it to heart. After all, Lin Bin was the real boss of TT.

Wang Tianhao got straight to the point and said directly:"Mr. Lin, I don't know about......"

However, he was only halfway through his words when Lin Bin raised his hand to interrupt him,"I have a problem. I am used to listening to others kneeling down to talk. Whether you are willing to kneel down or not is up to you."

Kneeling down to talk?

Wang Tianhao was stunned and even suspected that he had heard it wrong. After seeing Lin Bin's disdainful attitude, he immediately blushed.


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