After dinner, Lin Bin prepared to go to the company.

The filming will officially start tomorrow, and Xia Mo will also go to Longhai Building to check the layout of the venue. Director Tian will also take the crew to familiarize themselves with the venue.

So, the group went together.

Wang Xingsi originally planned to follow Xia Mo closely, but now his face was burning and he wanted to find a place to hide. How could he dare to follow.

Watching Lin Bin and his group leave the hotel, Wang Xingsi gritted his teeth in anger.

"Damn, you are so good at pretending!"

The New Century Hotel is indeed Wang Xingsi's property. Even if it provides free accommodation for more than a dozen crew members for a month, it won't cost much.

But the previous 25 million was real money.

For this reason, Wang Xingsi was heartbroken.

However, for the long-term plan, he still gritted his teeth and cut flesh.

After all this time, it turned out that Lin Bin was the boss of TT Live, so the other party would definitely not be short of money.

He came to Jiangcheng this time, not just for Xia Mo.

After all, as the young master of Warner Pictures, he has seen all kinds of beauties, even those well-known female stars in the entertainment industry. As long as Wang Xingsi is interested, he can get them easily.

This time, the most The important thing is to have in-depth cooperation with Tianma Entertainment.

Warner has no shortage of money, resources, and connections.

The reason for looking at Tianma Entertainment is that some of the money is not visible to the public. Wang Xingsi plans to bring in funds under the guise of getting close to Xia Mo, and make the money in his hands formal by investing in film and television dramas.

This kind of thing, of course, cannot be done in one's own company.

Tianma Entertainment is not large in scale, and has no connections, so it is the easiest to control.

Of course, if Xia Mo can be taken down by the way, it would naturally be even better.

Wang Xingsi's eyes flickered, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Since the other party is not short of money, he can only show his strength in other ways.

"No matter what, we must not miss this good opportunity so easily."

Wang Xingsi showed a sneer on his face. He would write down today's account and settle it slowly later.

On the other side, after Lin Bin arrived at Longhai Building, he went directly to the 33rd floor.

Xia Mo did not rush to check the situation of the crew, but went with him to see Zhou Manqing.

"Old Xia, are you bored? Why are you here?"

In the office, Zhou Manqing saw Xia Mo following her like a tail, and spoke rudely.

Xia Mo rubbed her hands,"Qingqing, I'm not afraid that someone is plotting something bad and taking advantage of female subordinates in the office, so I came to see"

"You are looking for death, talking nonsense again."

Zhou Manqing's face turned red.

Lin Bin smiled and said nothing, watching the two women dribbling the ball and bumping into each other.

After a while of noise, the office finally quieted down.

"Manqing, you called me here, what's the matter?"

Zhou Manqing immediately entered the working state,"It's like this, today we found some anchors live broadcasting TV series on the platform, but those TV series are copyrighted.

After the evaluation of the legal department, there may be a risk of infringement, so now should we directly ban those live broadcast rooms or buy the copyright?"

Lin Bin frowned and immediately understood the problem.

These days, whether it is movies or songs, copyright is becoming more and more important.

TT Live was positioned as a game live broadcast at the beginning, but now the development momentum is far beyond expectations, and it is likely to continue to grow and become stronger.

In this way, live broadcasts in various sectors must be taken seriously.

Just like live broadcasts of movies and TV, there are many beneficiaries. If you give up, it may be TT's short board in the future.

After thinking about it, Lin Bin's eyes suddenly lit up,"Manqing, why don't we continue to develop a film and television software?"

Zhou Manqing was stunned,"Mr. Lin, what are you going to do again?"

Lin Bin smiled faintly,"Haha, now Lao Xia's film and television company has officially started, and more and more film and television works will definitely be produced in the future.

Rather than being controlled by others, we might as well plan early and develop film and television software now, which will definitely be useful in the future." More than useful, if we really develop film and television software by ourselves, we will be in power!

However, with so many film and television companies in China, has anyone invested in film and television software alone?

This is cross-industry and cross-field.

Xia Mo also put away her joking expression and was stunned by Lin Bin's crazy idea,"Are you kidding? Developing film and television software is no joke!"

"Do you think I'm joking?" Lin Bin smiled and said,"Our current TT Live is a great success, and we have gained some experience. It just so happens that the developers are ready, and I have also bought the Longhai Building. Manqing, you can go all out and do a great job."

Zhou Manqing was excited to hear these few short words.

During this period, TT Live has gradually gained a foothold, but her sense of accomplishment has become less and less, as if the passion has passed and she is looking forward to the next climax.

Now, Lin Bin suddenly proposed to develop film and television software and get involved in a new field. How could she not remember it?

"Abin, the success of TT Live is also an accident. Developing film and television software is not a small project. The investment is even greater than that of live broadcast software. Are you not afraid?...Aren't you afraid that I will fail?"

Lin Bin suddenly joked:"What is there to be afraid of? If I really fail, Manqing, why don't you consider paying off your debt with your body?"

Zhou Manqing blushed. She knew that Lin Bin was joking, but she felt inexplicably impulsive.

"Humph! I knew you'd be eyeing our Qingqing every day, but as long as I'm here, you can forget about it!" Xia Mo snorted coldly, frowning.

Hehe, at worst I'll take you in too.

Lin Bin complained in his heart, then laughed and said,"Okay, it's settled. I just pay the money, and the rest is up to you."

After discussing the TT live broadcast, Lin Bin was about to leave, but Xia Mo suddenly reminded him,"You better be careful of Wang Xingsi, I always feel that his purpose is not that simple."

Lin Bin was stunned,"What do you mean? Isn't he coming for you?"

Xia Mo rolled her eyes,"Would you give up a forest for a tree?"

Lin Bin shook his head decisively,"No"

"That's it, all men are bad." Xia Mo looked down on him again,"I suspect he has set his sights on Tianma Entertainment. I was a little worried before, but now that you have decided to develop film and television software, I am relieved."

Lin Bin thought for a moment,"Don't worry, that guy can't make any waves."

"You should be more careful. Don't think you can do anything just because you have a few bucks. Especially in the business world, there are many people who stab you in the back."Xia Mo reminded him again.

She didn't just have a few bucks.

"Haha, I also like to stab people in the back, but I don’t use knives."

Lin Bin curled his lips, and he became more and more excited about the big stars in the entertainment industry.

"Lao Xia, when will the big star from your crew arrive?"

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