Xia Mo took the opportunity to complain,"Qingqing, look, this guy thinks about celebrities all day long, now you know who he is, right?"

Damn, carelessness!

Lin Bin would not admit it so easily,"I'm not afraid that something will happen to the crew, I'm just concerned about your work progress. Now Manqing is preparing to open the film and television software, what if you fail again?"

""Pah! You're the one who's letting me down. I've been in the entertainment industry for so long. If I can't even make a good movie, then I've been in vain!" Xia Mo snorted coldly. Zhou

Manqing smiled when she saw the two bickering.

After the previous bickering, she also knew that a girl named Cheng Ke'er had an inexplicable confidence in Lin Bin.

Someone as devoted as him shouldn't do anything messy, right?

"Okay, you two stop arguing, go wherever it's cool, I'm going to start working."

Zhou Manqing ordered them to leave, and with a new goal, she was ready to work hard.

"Let's go, Lao Xia, let's not disturb Manqing's work."

"Let me go, stop pulling me."

Lin Bin grabbed Xia Mo's arm, and the two of them went downstairs.

"All right, go and date your little star, I'm not as idle as you."

When they reached the 24th floor, Xia Mo left Lin Bin alone and ran to check on the crew's arrangements.

Logically speaking, as the vice president of Tianma Entertainment, she actually holds all the power, and she doesn't need to personally check the specific work of the filming.

But this is the company's first investment after all, and Xia Mo is still prepared to do it herself.

Another workaholic.

Lin Bin shook his head. The reason why he looked at Zhou Manqing like this was because the other party was trustworthy and could lead TT Live on the right track.

The same is true for Xia Mo now. The film and television company is handed over to her, and Lin Bin doesn't have to worry about it at all.

In this way, of course, the free time is to find cute girls to chat.

Just thinking about it, a crisp voice came to my ear

"Mr. Lin, have some water."

A white and tender arm appeared in his sight. When Lin Bin turned his head, he saw a pretty smiling face.

""Huh? It's you."

Lin Bin recognized the other person at a glance. It was one of the two beauties he had met in the bathroom before.

"My name is Zhang Meng. I didn't expect that you, Mr. Lin, still remember me."

The beauty's face was a little excited, as if she had seen her idol.

Lin Bin took the drink handed over by the other party and said with a smile:"You are so beautiful, a normal man will remember you after seeing you once."

After being praised by him, Zhang Meng's face became a little more shy, and the youthful atmosphere emanating from her body was quite attractive.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for the compliment. I look very ordinary."

"By the way, I remember there was a girl with you, right?"

Earlier in the bathroom, he overheard that sentence and was deeply impressed.

"That's my best friend, she was called over by the assistant director."

Lin Bin chatted while carefully looking at the beauty in front of him.

She looked to be in her twenties, with delicate features, worthy of being an actress, with a good figure.

However, judging from her appearance, she should have just entered the entertainment industry, and she was still a little immature.

But this immaturity was also a fatal temptation for an old driver.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 5 yuan consumption rebate from Zhang Meng, the sincerity index is 52.23, and the reverse critical hit is 5223 times!"

"The amount you received is 26,115 yuan, please check it!"

The sincerity index of 52% is acceptable.

Lin Bin asked,"Why didn't you go to film?"

Zhang Meng answered truthfully,"I'm just a supporting role. I don't have a role in every scene. I just need to come to the crew every day and go to film when it's my turn."

Small actors like her don't have the same treatment as big stars. Although they don't have many roles, they have to be on the scene at any time.

Unlike those big stars, being late and leaving early is commonplace.

Lin Bin nodded to show that he understood,"It doesn't matter, you have such a good image, you will definitely become a big star in the future, keep up the good work!"

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your encouragement. I will definitely work hard."

The smile on Zhang Meng's face became even brighter.

Lin Bin originally thought that the girl would leave after saying hello, but he didn't expect that she would stay here.

Fortunately, he didn't have anything else to do. He turned his eyes and said,"Xiao Meng, I just don't have any cigarettes in my pocket. Can you go buy me a pack of cigarettes?"

Zhang Meng was originally thinking about how to get closer to him. After hearing what he said, she immediately agreed,"Mr. Lin, what kind of cigarettes do you like? I'll buy them for you right away."

"Huazi is OK"

"OK, I'll be right back."

Zhang Meng didn't mention the money, she just said hello and hurried downstairs. In less than ten minutes, she came back panting, with beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Mr. Lin, I bought the cigarettes.

Lin Bin looked and was surprised that the girl actually bought a pack of cigarettes.

""Thank you."

He took it from the other person, and the reminder sounded in his mind again.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 650 yuan consumption rebate from Zhang Meng, a sincerity index of 53.24, and a reverse critical hit of 5324 times!"

"The amount received is 3,460,600 yuan, please check it!"

More than three million yuan in one attack is not a lot.

But now that he can eat soft rice at will, Lin Bin is still quite satisfied.

"Come, let's add each other on WeChat and I'll transfer the money to you."

Zhang Meng waved her hand quickly,"Mr. Lin, no need, it's not much."

Although she wanted to add Lin Bin's WeChat, she really didn't want to accept the money for buying cigarettes.

After all, it was only a few hundred yuan. If she could leave a good impression on Lin Bin, she would make a lot of money.

"How can that be? You are already sweating profusely, and I can't let you pay for it."

Lin Bin took out his cell phone decisively and���Opened WeChat.

Zhang Meng was delighted when she saw this. Although she was still trying to refuse, she finally added him as a friend.

Ding! WeChat transferred 50,000 yuan!

Zhang Meng looked at the transfer record on her phone and her eyes widened."Lin...Mr. Lin, did you make a wrong transfer?"

Lin Bin curled his lips and said,"Don't worry, I won't let anyone run errands for nothing. This little money is your tip.""

"Is he hinting at something?"

Zhang Meng's heart began to beat wildly, and her mind began to wander.

Lin Bin was not as good as she thought. Although he was not bad looking, he was still far behind Xia Mo and the others.

He just wanted to find someone to run errands, come to the crew often in the future, and get some money by the way.

However, it seemed a bit unsatisfying to just get this one.

Just thinking about it, another voice sounded.

"Mr. Lin, drink some water.

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