The next day.

The sun shines through the window. Lin Bin opens his eyes and wakes up full of energy.

"Brother Bin, are you leaving?"

He had just put on his clothes when Zhang Meng's voice rang out from behind him.

Lin Bin turned his head and smiled,"Well, I have some things to deal with today."

"Then I'll take you there."

Zhang Meng sat up from the bed exhausted, frowning slightly, as if a wound on her body had been aroused.

Seeing her like this, Lin Bin said,"Forget it, you should sleep a little longer."

Zhang Meng smiled, as if his words warmed her heart.

She was different from Hu Yiran. She had always kept herself clean in order to sell herself at a good price. Lin Bin was a good sponsor at the moment.

Although she suffered a great crime yesterday, Zhang Meng was confident that hard work would always pay off.

"Bingo...How about I stop being an actor and stay with you every day, okay?"

What a busty girl!

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"Xiao Meng, you'd better report to Tianma Entertainment as soon as possible. I'll give them a call and ask them to sign you. With your hard work, you will definitely have a bright future. I'm optimistic about you."

What does that mean?

Zhang Meng was stunned, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

At first, she approached Lin Bin because she really wanted to use his relationship to get a starring role.

But after last night, Zhang Meng suddenly realized that as long as she could hold on to Lin Bin's thigh, there was no point in acting.

But now, listening to the meaning of these words, it seems that the other party is not admitting it.

"Bingo, I......"

Lin Bin raised his hand to interrupt her,"Okay, that's it."

After that, he turned around and left the hotel.

Since everyone is willing, then he doesn't have to take any responsibility.

Looking at the empty room, Zhang Meng was completely dumbfounded.

She originally thought that with her looks, plus her hard work, and it was her first time, she should be able to win the other party's heart.

Unexpectedly, reality was so cruel.

Lin Bin was in no mood to care about other people's thoughts. After leaving the hotel, he was about to go home when his cell phone rang.

"Woohoo...Brother Bin, I'm so scared."

On the other end of the line, Ke Xinyan's sobbing voice came.

Lin Bin frowned,"Xiao Ke, what's going on?"

Ke Xinyan sobbed and said,"Brother Bin, someone from Zhongxian Media Company contacted me yesterday and wanted me to terminate my contract with Tianma Entertainment, but I refused.

Then they threatened me. I was just about to go out for a while, and I found someone sneaking downstairs in my house, as if he was going to harm me.

I don't even dare to leave my room now, what should I do?""

Fuck! There is such a thing!

Ke Xinyan was dug out by himself at a cost of 300 million yuan, and this money can't be wasted.

At the beginning, when he dug Ke Xinyan away, Lin Bin also had the idea of buying a horse bone with a lot of gold. As long as Tianma Entertainment became famous, everything would be easy in the future.

This is why he spent 3 billion and invested in a science fiction blockbuster.

Now that Ke Xinyan is in danger, he naturally can't sit idly by.

Lin Bin quickly said,"Xiao Ke, you just stay at home now, I will send someone to pick you up right away."

""Okay, Brother Bin, I'll listen to you." Ke Xinyan quickly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin called Cheng Ying directly.

"Coach Cheng, take a few people to Beijing and bring Ke Xinyan back safely."

After that, he sent Ke Xinyan's address and phone number.

Lin Bin almost let Zhenyuan Security, which he founded before, grow to more than 200 people, but it is still losing money.

But now think about it, when Tianma Entertainment signs more and more stars in the future, the workload of these security personnel will be heavier.

Cheng Ying rarely takes tasks personally. She is usually only responsible for Lin Bin's safety.

But now that Lin Bin is in Jiangcheng, there is no danger. After receiving the call, he immediately led people to Jiangcheng.

"Damn it, it must be Lao Wang behind the scenes again!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin thought about it and drove directly to find Xia Mo.

Tianma Entertainment's branch in Jiangcheng is also in Longhai Building. When he arrived, Xia Mo was on the phone in the office.

Lin Bin waited for a few minutes, and after the call was hung up, Xia Mo said anxiously:"Why did you come to my place? I'm so busy that I don't have time to have fun with you."

"There is something wrong with Xiao Ke, I was thinking whether we should make some moves."

Lin Bin briefly explained what happened to Ke Xinyan.

Xia Mo glared at him,"That bastard was so bold that he dared to touch my people!"

Ke Xinyan is now the biggest card of Tianma Entertainment. If something goes wrong, the loss will be huge.

Lin Bin said,"Don't worry, I have arranged for Cheng Ying to pick her up. I guess this matter is most likely done by Lao Wang behind the scenes."

"It's Wang Xingsi again! I'm going to make Warner look bad!" Xia Mo gritted her teeth,"What are you going to do?"

"Since Lao Wang wants to do something weird, let's just play it straight."Lin Bin narrowed his eyes,"Next, let's start to build momentum and publicize the filming of"The Big Bang".

In addition, I also plan to make Xiao Ke the image spokesperson for TT Live, and use the popularity of TT Live to boost her popularity."

Xia Mo didn't quite understand,"Then what?"

Lin Bin curled his lips,"As long as we make a big fuss, the more attention it attracts, the safer Xiao Ke will be, and it can also be regarded as promoting the movie in advance.

However, you have to act quickly, get the team together as soon as possible, and shoot the movie as soon as possible. At that time, we will compete head-on with Warner."

At the thought of competing head-on with Warner, Xia Mo felt her whole body burning,"Okay! I'll leave the publicity to you, I'll contact Hollywood as soon as possible, and we'll go abroad next week."

After coming out of Xia Mo's office, Lin Bin called Zhou Manqing directly and told her about Ke Xinyan's endorsement.

Five days later, an explosive piece of news became a hot topic.

"What? Tianma Entertainment bought the copyright of Li Ci's"Earth Explosion"? And they want to invest 3 billion?"

Wang Xingsi was in disbelief when he heard the report from his subordinates.

"Yes, Master Wang, the news has been confirmed, and even Li Ci has admitted it himself."The man said.

It has only been a few days, and Wang Xingsi was still waiting for Xia Mo to come to him and beg for mercy. He didn't expect that she would make such a big fuss behind his back.

"What a Tianma Entertainment!" Wang Xingsi felt as if he had been fooled."Even if the copyright is taken down, what's the use? I want to see how you can make movies in China after offending Warner."

Just as Wang Xingsi was thinking about it, a plane had already taken off from Shanghai and crossed the ocean........

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