At dawn, an airplane landed steadily at Los Angeles Airport

"Brother Bin, wake up, we're here."

Ke Xinyan's soft voice came to his ears, and Lin Bin opened his eyes in a daze,"Are we here yet?"

"Yes, it's time to get off the plane."

After all, Ke Xinyan has been in the film and television industry for so many years, and she is familiar with foreign film and television stars.

Moreover, she has a very high level of English, so she came along this time and served as Lin Bin's translator.

After sitting on the plane for more than ten hours, no matter how strong his physical fitness was, Lin Bin felt a little tired.

Now that the plane has finally landed, he finally came to life,"Let's go, let's go down and find a place to rest."

Soon, everyone got off the plane one after another.

This time, in addition to Lin Bin and Xia Mo, there were Ke Xinyan and several accompanying staff members, and finally Cheng Ying personally led the team with more than a dozen of the most capable bodyguards.

After leaving the airport, everyone first went to the most luxurious hotel nearby and put away their luggage.

"Old Xia, why don't you guys go and do your work? I won't make things worse and will stay at the hotel and wait for you to come back."

As soon as she was settled, Xia Mo was eager to go to the special effects company she had contacted before, but Lin Bin hurriedly shook his head.

"You are a man, but you are so cowardly to take a flight."

Xia Mo looked down on Lin Bin when she saw his listless appearance.

Lin Bin groaned inwardly. He had never taken such a long flight before. This one felt more tiring than his training for a whole night.

Originally, he was not interested in the special effects company and planned to go directly to France to find Li Anni, but Xia Mo dragged him along.

"Old Xia, I don't understand the company's affairs, and I might even make things worse if I go there, so you can just do whatever you want."

Finally, Xia Mo had to take a few people to the special effects company, leaving Ke Xinyan to accompany Lin Bin in the hotel.

After the few people left, Lin Bin waved,"Xiao Ke, let's go back and catch up on some sleep."

Ke Xinyan smiled and nodded in agreement, and went into Lin Bin's room.

After that, the two had nothing to say, and they stayed up for more than an hour before falling asleep.

When they woke up, it was already afternoon.

"Xiao Ke, hasn't Old Xia come back yet?"

Lin Bin got up and looked around before he saw Ke Xinyan.

Ke Xinyan had just finished taking a shower and was still wearing a bathrobe."Brother Bin, Sister Xia called me earlier and said she would be back later."

"Well, since we've finally come here, let's go for a walk."

"Okay, then I'll be Brother Bin's tour guide."

After quickly getting dressed, Lin Bin took Ke Xinyan out of the hotel.

Cheng Ying was worried that something might go wrong, so she followed with two bodyguards.

Ke Xinyan had been here several times before and was quite familiar with the place,"Brother Bin, where do you want to go?"

Lin Bin thought for a moment,"I don't know much about this place either, let's go wherever it's busy."

Ke Xinyan thought about it and set off with everyone.

As night fell, everyone came to a bar.

When Lin Bin saw the destination, he was a little disappointed,"Xiao Ke, what's fun about this place?"

Ke Xinyan explained quickly,"Brother Bin, this is the largest bar in Los Angeles, and there are often some celebrities coming back here."

That's right, bars abroad may be different from those in China.

Lin Bin finally got interested,"Let's go and take a look."

As soon as he entered the room, the deafening music and the dynamic rhythm made his blood boil naturally.

The sexy hot girls were dancing coquettishly, which made Lin Bin overwhelmed.

He had only seen these blonde and blue-eyed foreign girls in small movies before, and had never been in such close contact with them.

"Haha, this place is really lively."

Lin Bin put his arm around Ke Xinyan and his other hand on Cheng Ying, and walked through the crowd.

After finally squeezing to the bar, he ordered a few drinks.

"Brother Bin, do you want to dance together?"Ke Xinyan seemed to be very comfortable with this atmosphere, and she also lost her reserve in a foreign country.

Lin Bin looked at the foreign girl walking in front of him and shook his head,"Forget it, I can't dance, just watch."

The two were chatting when a foreigner came over and stopped directly in front of Ke Xinyan, pointed at Lin Bin, and then said a lot of gibberish, laughing.

Ke Xinyan's face suddenly sank, and she replied coldly, and ignored the other party.

But the foreigner was relentless and still pestered her.

Lin Bin frowned, stood up and blocked Ke Xinyan,"Xiao Ke, what is this guy talking about?"

Ke Xinyan's voice was angry,"Brother Bin, he said he has a big one."


This guy is really disgusting.

Although Lin Bin didn't understand, the other party said so much, there must be more than just this one sentence. Although Ke Xinyan didn't elaborate, he could guess it.

The foreigner saw Lin Bin blocking in front of him, his expression was a little arrogant.

Although Lin Bin was 1.8 meters tall, even a little taller than the other party, the other party was bigger.

""Damn, this guy's mouth stinks!"

The foreigner looked up and chattered. Lin Bin covered his nose and fanned himself.

Although he didn't understand what Lin Bin was saying, he understood the meaning of his actions.

The foreigner stretched out his hand to push the man, but Cheng Ying rushed out from the side and threw the man to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw.


The foreigner cried out in pain and got up from the ground. Seeing the petite Cheng Ying, there was a trace of fear in his eyes,"Kung Fu! Chinese Kung Fu!"

Lin Bin laughed,"Xiao Ke, tell him that if he dares to talk bad again, let him see the power of Kung Fu."

Ke Xinyan also breathed a sigh of relief and said something to the foreigner. The guy was furious but also afraid, so he could only leave in disgrace.

After the foreigner left, Lin Bin said casually,"This guy has no skills, and he is also a bad mouth."

Ke Xinyan was not surprised,"Brother Bin, people here often treat women from the East as toys. The key is that some women are proud of this and even take the initiative to stick to them, so they are getting more and more rampant."

Damn, some people are just cheap in their bones.

Lin Bin had seen many similar short movies on the website before. He thought it was a plot arrangement, but he didn't expect that the reality was like this.

Seeing that Lin Bin's eyes were always on the foreign girl in front of him, Ke Xinyan thought of the suffering she had suffered today and joked,"Brother Bin, do you want me to help you find two? This is a good thing to win glory for the country."

Lin Bin shook his head decisively,"Forget it, I don't want to get sick."

Looking at the hot blonde in front of him, he had an idea and waved to the two bodyguards who were accompanying him.

"Come here, you two, I have an important task for you."

The two bodyguards were stunned,"Boss Lin, just arrange anything."

Lin Bin smiled and pointed at the hot girl in front of him,"I'll pay for the whole meal tonight, you two go and win glory for the country!"

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