"Alas, a bunch of ignorant women. Underwear is of course worn for men to see. I have the final say, okay?"

Lin Bin returned to his room in a huff, with four figures appearing in his mind.

At this moment, in the next room, there was another scene.

"" Xiaoying, try this one on."

Xia Mo chose a leopard print outfit, and then picked up a black lace outfit and handed it to Cheng Ying.

Cheng Ying looked at the thin fabric, her face flushed, and she quickly waved her hand and said,"Forget it, I won't wear it."

"How can that be? Among these people, you have the most symmetrical figure, so you are the most suitable to wear this one."

The four girls have different figures and personalities.

Li Anni is the most plump, so she chose a pure white one.

Xia Mo has a devilish figure and is very wild, so she is most suitable for leopard print.

The passionate Mikael is tall, handsome and good-looking, and he chose a fiery red one.

Due to long-term martial arts training, Cheng Ying has the most symmetrical figure. She looks ordinary, without Li Anni's fierce shield, Xia Mo's curvy figure, or Mikael's slender figure.

However, Cheng Ying has a special graceful temperament of an oriental person. She is not tall or short, not fat or thin, and her ordinary body is extremely explosive.

Li Anni also persuaded,"Xiao Cheng, there are no outsiders here. These are all new models. You can try them on."

Under the persuasion of the two, Cheng Ying's unique desire in the depths of her heart was finally aroused,"Then...Then I'll give it a try. I don't have a good figure, please don't laugh at me......."

"Who said you don't have a good figure? Look at your skin. You practice martial arts regularly and it's still so smooth. I envy you so much."

Xia Mo couldn't change her old habits. As she spoke, she moved her hands and feet, trying to touch Cheng Ying.

But Cheng Ying was a martial artist after all, and easily dodged her sneak attack.

"All right, let's get changed quickly."

The four girls started changing clothes together.

A minute later

"Oh my god! Xiaoying, your figure is just too perfect, isn't it?"

After Xia Mo changed, she was admiring her new clothes happily. She turned around and saw Cheng Ying who had just put on her clothes. Her eyes widened immediately.

"How could it be possible?" Cheng Ying was too embarrassed to raise her head,"Momo, you still have a good figure, Mr. Lin often peeks at you."

Li Anni couldn't help but praise:"Indeed, Xiao Cheng's figure is so well proportioned, I envy it."


Although she couldn't understand what she said, Cheng Ying could see the light in her eyes.

"What do you think? Do you think there are any improvements to these styles?"

Li Anni did not forget the main business and began to ask for everyone's opinions.

Xia Mo took the lead and said,"My dress is too thick, it can be thinner."

Li Anni nodded and looked at Cheng Ying,"Xiao Cheng, what about you?"

Cheng Ying whispered,"Is there too little fabric on my dress?......"

Xia Mo curled her lips,"What do you know? Men like this kind of covering up. It won't work if you cover it up too much, nor will it work if you are too exposed. You should focus on a vague appearance."

Li Anni circled around Cheng Ying again, pondered for a moment, and nodded,"I think what Xiao Cheng said makes sense. Her temperament is particularly in line with the aesthetics of our Chinese people, and should be more conservative."

After listening to Li Anni's translation, Mikael also agreed.

Xia Mo was the only one who insisted on opposing

"In fact, I think we should let Abin come and have a look and let him make his comments."Li Anni said

"Ah? No way!"Cheng Ying exclaimed.

Although she and Lin Bin have become very familiar with each other during this period of time, rather than being employers, they are good friends.

But if she were to go to meet someone dressed like this, she would never agree.

Finally, out of desperation, Li Anni had to give up the idea.

At noon, Mikael hosted a French dinner for everyone.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 2888 yuan of consumption rebate from Mikael, sincerity index 81.45, reverse critical hit 8145 times!"

"The amount received is 23522760 yuan, please check it!"

More than 20 million yuan was spent on a meal.

Lin Bin was surprised to find that the sincerity index of this foreign girl was not low at all.

In the afternoon, under the leadership of Li Anni, Lin Bin and his companions visited Xia Mo's family business again.

With the previous 1.5 billion yuan investment, the company is now back on track, and the sales of new models are getting better and better after they were launched.

It seems that Lin Bin's previous investment will make a lot of money this time.

After staying for three days in a row, Xia Mo was still thinking about returning to China to film, so she began to urge him.

Although he was reluctant, Lin Bin had to say goodbye to Li Anni. As they were about to leave, Li Anni simply stayed in Lin Bin's room all night.

"Sister Annie, now that the crisis in the company has been resolved, why don’t you come back with us?"

Lin Bin held a White Rabbit in one hand, reluctant to leave.

Li Annie adjusted her breathing,"Hey, Abin, I can’t just hand over such a big company to others."

Lin Bin fell silent.

Since becoming a boss, he has thoroughly understood Li Annie’s difficulties.

Just like his own TT Live, Tianma Entertainment, and even the investment company, if it weren’t for Zhou Manqing and Xia Mo, two trustworthy people presiding over the overall situation, how could he be so cool and casual as a hands-off boss.

After thinking about it, Lin Bin still said:"Sister Annie, my Mikael is quite suitable. Why don’t you train her and hand over the power of the company to her." Through the sincerity index of the system, he discovered Mikael’s character of treating people with sincerity, so he made such a suggestion.

In front of Lin Bin, Li Annie had nothing to hide, and said directly:"Although Mikael and I have a good relationship, this is a business related to tens of billions after all, I am still a little worried."

"No, I believe in Mikael, just like I believe in you, Sister Annie." Lin Bin said.

Li Annie rolled her eyes at him,"How can it be the same, unless you can hold Mikael tightly."

As she spoke, she covered up and grabbed little Abin.

Lin Bin coughed dryly,"Sister Annie, aren't you jealous?"

Li Annie recalled the night he first came, and it seemed that the intermittent cat's cry rang in her ears,"As long as you treat me well, that's enough."

"Hey, Sister Annie, I'll catch you first."

Lin Bin stood up.

"Hehe, you can't catch me."

Li Anni dodged.

Lin Bin curled his lips,"Then you just wait and see."

This night was destined to be another sleepless night.

Cheng Ying covered her head with the quilt, but the voice in her ear seemed to be getting clearer and clearer........

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