"Damn it, can't I sleep anymore!"

Xia Mo held her head with both hands, but there seemed to be a devilish sound in her ears, crying and complaining, striking her soul.

As this devilish sound penetrated her ears, pictures immediately appeared in her mind. She was going back to China tomorrow, and she didn't need to know what game Lin Bin and Li Anni were playing.

After tossing and turning in bed for a long time, she still couldn't fall asleep, so Xia Mo got up and went to the door of Lin Bin's bedroom.

She raised her hands high, but they froze in mid-air.

""Hmph! I'll just tolerate you this once!"

After hesitating for a long time, Xia Mo gritted her teeth and put her hand down.

She was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly heard a creaking sound.

"President Xia, why are you here?"

The door of the next room suddenly opened, and Cheng Ying, who was in her nightgown, saw Xia Mo and was stunned.

Xia Mo's face was serious,"I don't know where this wild cat came from that kept meowing, and I can't sleep at all. What are you going to do?"

Cheng Ying looked a little embarrassed. She lived next door to Lin Bin, so she could hear it more clearly,"I...I couldn't sleep, so I got up and walked around.

The two girls looked at each other and looked towards Lin Bin's bedroom.......

What enters the body late at night is not necessarily sleepiness, and what sprinkles on the face in the early morning is not necessarily the sunshine.

Early in the morning, when the sun had just risen, Lin Bin and Li Anni played a game again.

Li Anni took out a tissue and wiped her face,"Abin, why don't you sleep for a while, I'll make some breakfast."

Lin Bin hugged her,"Forget it, you're tired all night, and we're about to leave."

The two lay quietly, saying nothing, but their hearts understood each other.

Time passed little by little, and the moment of parting finally arrived.

As soon as he went downstairs, Lin Bin found that Xia Mo and Cheng Ying had been waiting in the living room. However, it seemed that the two of them were not in good spirits, and they looked like they had lost all the desire to live.

""Eh? Old Xia, why did you get up so early?"

Xia Mo glared at him fiercely,"I didn't sleep all night, okay?"

Lin Bin coughed dryly,"Well, since it's almost time, let's go."

The three of them didn't have much luggage, and Cheng Ying had already packed everything in advance.

"Abin, wait a minute."

Li Anni held several large bags in her hands, with deep reluctance in her eyes,"I bought these yesterday, you can take them back."

Lin Bin took them over quickly,"Sister Anni, why did you buy so many things? Let me see what they are."

Li Anni smiled faintly,"They are all worthless specialties." Lin

Bin opened the bag and saw that there were wine, brandy, black truffles, and even perfumes, all of which were French specialties.

Although these things can be bought in China, these in his hands are carefully selected by Li Anni, and the meaning is naturally different.

"Sister Annie, I like all of these very much. Lin Bin felt warm inside.

Li Annie reached out and took out a small jade pendant from her chest,"Abin, I also like the jade pendant you gave me, and I will always wear it."

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 1,246,800 yuan from Li Anni, a sincerity index of 100%, and a reverse critical hit of 10,000 times!"

"The amount received is 124,680,000,000 yuan, please check it!"

Sure enough, it is still 100% sincere!

The critical hit rate is 10,000 times, and it directly hits 12.4 billion!

"Sister Annie, you are so good to me!"

Lin Bin sighed sincerely, stepped forward again and hugged Li Annie into his arms.

Li Annie smiled and whispered:"Abin, you are also very good to me"


Xia Mo couldn't bear to see the scene of showing off her love, so she just walked out the door with her things in her hand.

Seeing this, Cheng Ying also hurriedly followed.

"Sister Annie, we are leaving first. I will come to see you later!"

The car window rolled down and Lin Bin shouted to the back.

Li Annie waved with a happy smile on her face.......

"Here, I just bought this. I guess you didn’t sleep well last night, so go get some sleep."

On the plane, Xia Mo looked disgusted and handed over an eye mask.

Lin Bin chuckled,"Old Xia, you are so thoughtful, and it’s not in vain that I love you."

Xia Mo didn’t bother to look at his shameless look, so she put on the eye mask and started to rest.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 388 yuan consumption rebate from Xia Mo, sincerity index 95.36, reverse critical hit 9536 times!"

"The amount received is 3,699,968 yuan, please check it!"

Fuck! 388 yuan for an eye mask?

Lin Bin complained in his heart.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

That's not right! How come Xia Mo's sincerity index suddenly became so high?

Lin Bin was stunned on the spot.

Before, Xia Mo's sincerity index was only more than 80%. Even if it increased a little, it wouldn't be so exaggerated, right?

"Something is wrong, what did I do?"

Turning his head to look at Xia Mo, her pretty face was mostly covered by the eye mask, making it difficult to see her expression.

Lin Bin was a little confused, holding the same eye mask in his hand, and fell into deep thought.

"Could it be that this female gangster was impressed by her looks?

Although it was just a small eye mask, Lin Bin didn't care about the millions of dollars that came out of the attack.

But this thoughtful move was very useful to him.......

More than ten hours later, the plane finally landed at Jiangcheng Airport.

After getting off the plane, Lin Bin and Xia Mo went back to Longhai Building.

As soon as they entered the office, Ke Xinyan came up to them with a panicked look on her face.

"Mr. Lin, Sister Xia, you are finally back."

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"Xia Mo asked immediately.

Ke Xinyan said anxiously,"Sister Xia, Warner has declared war on us."

She is not only the top star of Tianma Entertainment, but also began to enter the company's management with Xia Mo's authorization.

Xia Mo was stunned,"What declaration of war? What exactly happened?"

Ke Xinyan explained quickly,"We went abroad to find a special effects team this time, which caught Warner off guard.

But as soon as I returned to China, the news spread. After Wang Xingsi learned about it, he began to use his connections to try to prevent us from filming in all aspects.

Moreover, Warner has now begun to publicize their new investment, which is also a science fiction blockbuster, and it is said that the investment is more than 1.5 billion."

Xia Mo heard the expression on her face and became solemn,"Keep a close eye on Warner's actions. Next, we have to speed up the process."

Ke Xinyan nodded,"By the way, this is Director Guo Fan introduced by Teacher Li Ci. Now the crew is in place and we can start the early filming."

Guo Fan is in his early forties, looks ordinary and very kind.

After greeting everyone, Guo Fan said,"Mr. Xia, I wonder where we plan to set up the location for our film shoot?"

《"The Big Bang" is a science fiction blockbuster. In addition to the post-production special effects, the most important thing is the scene construction.

You Qi is some special props, all of which need to be customized in advance.

Although the crew members are almost in place now, there are not many things that can be filmed in the early stage.

Without waiting for Xia Mo to answer, Lin Bin smiled and said,"Don't worry, I invested in a film and television base before, and we can just use it."

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