"Haha, I'm Mr. Bai's former colleague, the vice-principal of Guangming Middle School."

The fat Principal Gao looked embarrassed, not knowing why the young man in front of him was so excited.

Bai Jie's eyes were filled with surprise and shock,"Tian Hui, what are you and Principal Gao doing?"

Since she was seen, Tian Hui no longer concealed it,"Lao Gao and I are going to get our marriage certificate next month. If you are free, come and have a drink at the wedding.""

"Ah? Then...congratulations"

"Thank you." Tian Hui hugged the headmaster's arm, her face full of happiness,"By the way, Bai Jie, are you here to buy a car with your boyfriend?"

Bai Jie blushed and shook her head quickly,"No, I work here."

Tian Hui showed a proud expression on her face,"Bai Jie, this BMW is pretty good, you should also let your boyfriend buy one, so that it will be more convenient for you to go to work in the future."

"No need, I live nearby, and it only takes a few minutes to walk to work."

Bai Jie secretly glanced at Lin Bin, and was relieved to see that he did not expose their relationship.

Seeing that Lin Bin was indifferent and did not say anything, Tian Hui looked at him with more disdain.

This young man is quite handsome, but it's a pity that he has no skills. He is reluctant to buy a BMW for his girlfriend. He is really stingy.

Lao Gao is better!

Although he is a little bald and a little fat, at least he has money.

Tian Hui deliberately showed off in front of Bai Jie,"How about this, Lao Gao is going to buy me a 3 Series, which happens to be counted as your performance, so you can get more commission."

Bai Jie was startled and waved her hands quickly,"No, really no"

"Alas, we are old colleagues, why are you being so polite? Anyway, I will pick up the car today, it doesn't matter who buys it from, this way you can get a commission."

Tian Hui's voice became louder and louder, and she forcibly dragged Bai Jie to a BMW 3 Series in the exhibition hall.

The principal had a dark face and seemed to be in a bad mood, but he didn't say anything.

A BMW 3 Series costs more than 300,000 yuan.

It seems that this principal is not only rich, but also very high-profile.

Lin Bin smiled but said nothing. In fact, he had seen through the tricks of the female teacher in front of him.

Speaking of which, this Tian Hui is just average in appearance. At best, she has a better figure and is the kind of woman with more substance.

It's just that her heavy makeup not only adds points to her appearance, but makes her look more vulgar.

I don't know why the principal is so heavy-handed and spent hundreds of thousands to marry such a second-hand product.

"" Principal Gao is so lucky, Teacher Tian is such a nice person." Lin Bin praised sincerely.

If you praise someone, then that person must not be very good-looking.

Principal Gao did not understand the meaning of his words and forced a smile,"Teacher Bai is also very beautiful."

Bah! He is indeed an old pervert.

Lin Bin continued to compliment,"No, no, Bai Jie is not as good at dressing up as Teacher Tian."

Tian Hui was wearing black short leather pants today, with a pair of black stockings. She walked with a twist, but she looked pretty good from the back.

Principal Gao smiled knowingly,"Haha, Tian Hui is quite capable, and I like her inner beauty, inner beauty!"

What a capable person!

Lin Bin felt a chill in his heart.

Tian Hui pulled Bai Jie to the front of the exhibition car, determined to show off,"We are looking at this model, Bai Jie, go and get the contract directly." Bai

Jie was a little helpless. Although she did not want to reveal her identity, she could not drive people away when business came to her door,"Then...Please wait a moment."

After saying that, she glanced at Lin Bin in the distance. She didn't know what he was talking about with the principal of the university. The two were talking and laughing.

Bai Jie took a deep breath and ran to the office.

Tian Hui looked around the car and saw a salesperson next to her. She waved and said,"Hey, please introduce this car to me.

By the way, Bai Jie is your colleague, right? This order can only be counted as hers."

The salesperson smiled and said,"Don't worry, I dare not snatch Mr. Bai's order."

"white...President Bai?" Tian Hui's eyes widened, her whole body stiffened.

Seeing that she was Bai Jie's friend, the salesperson naturally did not dare to neglect her,"Yes, although President Bai is only the vice president of the store, she is in charge of all matters, big and small."

Wow, Bai Jie is the vice president of the entire 4S store?

She is so young, and she manages such a big store. How much money can she make in a year!

It's a pity that she was showing off just now, trying to help others make some commissions.

Tian Hui was stunned, and she felt her face burning. She didn't bother to listen to the salesperson's introduction, and hurriedly waved to Principal Gao.

Principal Gao looked at Lin Bin beside him,"Xiaotian is calling me, I'll go over first."

Lin Bin smiled and nodded,"Okay." When

Principal Gao came over, Tian Hui immediately pulled him aside and lowered her voice,"Old Gao, a salesperson just said that Bai Jie is the vice president here."

"What? Vice President!"Principal Gao's eyes widened.

"Hush! Keep your voice down." Tian Hui glanced around and found that Lin Bin was not looking at this side, so she continued:"I really didn't realize that Bai Jie could be the vice president at that time.

You also paid attention to her when you were in school. Do you think she will deliberately raise the price later?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Principal Gao was furious."It's all your fault. You insisted on buying a BMW. Why don't we go to another store?"

"No, I want to buy this car today!"Tian Hui was not happy. She had been eyeing this BMW for a long time.

"You are such a talker. You wanted the whole world to know about buying a car. Now you are slapped in the face."Principal Gao looked unhappy.

Tian Hui saw that he was unhappy and coaxed him,"Hey, don't be angry, Lao Gao.

Even if Bai Jie is the vice president, so what? Look at her boyfriend, he is a gigolo. You are still capable, Lao Gao."

After being praised by her, Principal Gao regained his confidence,"Okay, don't bargain later. Anyway, we are not short of that little money. We will leave after buying the car."

Tian Hui nodded and agreed, as long as Lao Gao bought her a car.

Soon, Bai Jie came over in person with the contract.

As the vice president of a 4S store, this was the first time for her to handle the formalities for a customer in person.

Fortunately, Tian Hui remembered the instructions of the principal and did not dare to make trouble this time, and everything went smoothly.

Before leaving, Tian Hui could not help but sigh,"Bai Jie, you are really amazing. You are the vice president of such a big 4S store."

Bai Jie smiled knowingly,"Actually, this store was opened by Brother Bin. He asked me to be the vice president. I was always afraid that I wouldn't be able to do well."

"What? This shop is opened by your boyfriend?"

Tian Hui and Principal Gao were both petrified as if struck by lightning.

Bai Jie nodded gently, then shook her head,"This shop is opened by Brother Bin, and I am not his friend. If Brother Bin hadn't provided me with a job, I don't know where I would be now."

That pretty boy turned out to be the boss of this shop?

Tian Hui and Principal Gao looked at each other, and thinking back to what they had said before, they felt as if the wheels of the BMW they had just bought had run over their faces.

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