"Lao Gao, opening a 4S store is probably not cheap, right? Will it cost tens of millions?"

"More than that! This is a BMW 4S store. Looking at the scale, it must be worth at least 50 million!"

Principal Gao sat in the passenger seat of the BMW with a gloomy face.

50 million!

Tian Hui was shocked for a long time,"Wow, Bai Jie has become a phoenix."

Principal Gao snorted coldly and said unhappily,"Huh! What, are you envious? If you are envious, go find that Lin Bin."

Looking at Tian Hui who was driving, and then thinking about Bai Jie, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

Damn it, it's just that people die when compared to people, and goods are thrown away when compared to goods.

Tian Hui's appearance is so many levels lower than Bai Jie.

But Principal Gao also knows that she is even worse than that guy named Lin Bin.

Tian Hui curled her lips. She also knows that people don't like her appearance.

Fortunately, she can still hold on to the thigh of the principal.

She quickly stretched out a hand, placed it on the thigh of the principal, and groped all the way up until she caught a small loach,"Old Gao, why are you jealous, I am sincere to you"

"Hiss!" Principal Gao took a breath and said,"Drive carefully."

"Hey, Lao Gao, we haven’t tried this in the car before, why don’t we find a place to stop first?"

"Forehead...Then you pull over first."

Tian Hui parked the car directly on the side of the road.......

Three minutes later.

Tian Hui touched up her lipstick in front of the makeup mirror,"Old Gao, tell me honestly, did you take advantage of Bai Jie?"

Principal Gao straightened his clothes and smoked half of his cigarette,"What nonsense are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?"

"" Tsk!" Tian Hui rolled her eyes, knowing that Lao Gao had failed, and sighed,"She got it really easy."

Principal Gao threw away the cigarette butt,"That's not necessarily true."

Tian Hui hurriedly asked,"What do you mean?"

Principal Gao showed a meaningful smile on his face,"Haha, I remember that Teacher Bai has a father who is a gambler. If he knew that she is the vice president here now, I'm afraid he would not let go of such a good opportunity."

A year ago, when Bai Jie was still in Guangming Middle School, the debt collectors chased to the school. Principal Gao used this as a threat and hinted at it many times.

Who would have thought that Bai Jie actually resigned directly, which made the principal's proud plan come to nothing.

Now, she has become the vice president of a 4S store, and it is almost impossible.

However, even so, he would not let Bai Jie have an easy time.......

Inside the 4S store, the vice president's office.

The office is over 30 square meters and is very spacious. It even has a small rest room.

Bai Jie often stays overnight in the company.

"Brother Bin, why don’t you take a rest here with me?"

Lin Bin sat casually on the bed, smelling the fragrance on the quilt, and said,"Teacher Bai, are you still spraying perfume on the bed?"

"Huh? No...No"

"Why does it smell so good?"

Bai Jie blushed,"Brother Bin, you take a rest first, I'm going to work."

Lin Bin looked at her back, chuckled and shook his head.

Lying on the bed, the fragrance coming from his nose made him eager to move.

In a daze, he had a strange dream.

In the dream, Bai Jie was wearing a teacher's uniform, and he inexplicably became the honorary vice principal.......

When she woke up, it was already past six in the afternoon.

The 4S shop had closed, so Bai Jie bought some food and had dinner with Lin Bin.

"Brother Bing, please come and check more often when you have time, otherwise I won't be sure."


After dinner, although Lin Bin wanted to stay in the store, he couldn't be too thick-skinned since Teacher Bai didn't ask.

It was because he was too upright.

Lin Bin drove back to the villa in Bishui Bay alone. Looking at the empty villa, he lost all sleep.

"Forget it, let's go watch the live broadcast for a while."

TT live broadcast has more and more users, and the revenue is getting higher and higher, but as a boss, Lin Bin has not paid attention to it for a long time.

When he thought of this, he took out his mobile phone

‘The ID"Young Abin" was too famous, and everyone in the company knew it. Lin Bin didn't want his hobby to be exposed, so he simply registered a new account.

"Wow, there are so many different kinds of live broadcasts!"After logging onto TT Live, Lin Bin was dazzled by all the live broadcasts.

He casually clicked on the live broadcast room of a female anchor, who was performing her talent.

A pure-looking girl in her twenties was pulling a red string in her hand and putting the other end in her mouth.

You couldn't see how her mouth moved, but the red string was tied into knots one after another.

Damn! What a bullshit!

There were more than 100,000 viewers in the live broadcast room, and they were madly brushing"666" on the barrage.

"Good work is a reward!"

Lin Bin directly swiped ten Shenwei cannons!

The female anchor saw the rewards in the live broadcast room and performed even harder.

After watching for a while, Lin Bin casually strolled around again.

""Huh? This is an outdoor live broadcast!"

In the live broadcast room, a beautiful woman in a yellow battle robe was holding the arm of an international friend and strolling in the night market.

Damn! Another good cabbage was taken away by a pig.

Lin Bin couldn't understand why some women were afraid of the dark and ghosts, but when they were put together, they drooled.

"Next one!"

The screen on his phone turned, and he entered another live broadcast room.

After a round of browsing, Lin Bin found that the girls on the TT live broadcast platform were of good quality.

Suddenly, a push message appeared on his phone.

It turned out to be a push from a live broadcast room.

Lin Bin clicked it casually, but when he saw the anchor in the live broadcast room clearly, he was immediately dumbfounded.

"this...Isn't this Big Sister Su Fei?"

Although she was wearing a black mask that covered her entire face, leaving only her eyes exposed, Lin Bin recognized her at once when he saw the size of her chest.

Sure enough, big data understands people best.

How could a man not like to watch this kind of anchor?

But why would Su Fei broadcast live here?

Lin Bin continued to watch with suspicion.

In the live broadcast room, Su Fei, wearing a loose white coat and black glasses, was explaining professional psychological knowledge in a gentle manner.

However, almost no one cared about any psychological knowledge, and they were more concerned about what was hidden in Su Fei's white coat.

"Host, your white coat doesn’t fit you well, why don’t you change it?"

"Hello, anchor. A baby boy who is over 300 months old still wants to drink milk. Is there something wrong with his mind?"

On the barrage, messages floated up.

They were all LSP!

Su Fei pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and said with a smile:"The desire of human mind is often because the body cannot be satisfied. For this baby who wants to drink milk, I suggest you go to the andrology department in time."


Lin Bin was amused by Su Fei's serious look. After thinking about it, he also sent a barrage.

"Host, for the same thing, others can finish it in two or three minutes, but it takes me more than an hour. Am I too stupid?"

Su Fei said directly,"You are sick and need treatment!"

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