This is obviously a gift, not a disease!

Lin Bin was speechless and immediately sent another barrage,"Can I make an appointment, can the anchor help me treat it?"

Su Fei nodded,"Of course, if there is a need, fellow patients can come to me at any time according to the address on the live broadcast room."

After hearing Su Fei's words, a group of"lunatics" in the anchor room began to swipe the barrage frantically, all preparing to meet this big anchor offline.

Lin Bin watched a group of funny people chatting and found it quite interesting.

Of course, he paid more attention to Su Fei.

Maybe it was because of the mask that made Su Fei more mysterious. The white coat and the majestic scenery looked quite pleasing to the eye.

If you have to describe how attractive Su Fei is now, Lin Bin thought of a word.


But, Su Fei is a good psychologist, why would she come to the live broadcast?

With strong suspicion and curiosity, Lin Bin had another sweet dream all night.

The next day, the phone kept ringing early in the morning.

""Fuck, Dapeng, are you crazy? Why are you calling so early?"

Lin Bin picked up the phone in a daze. When he saw that it was his buddy calling, he immediately cursed.

"It's almost eight o'clock, why are you still sleeping? Are you suffering from kidney deficiency?"

"You are the one who is weak. My nickname is Jiangcheng Tumbler!"

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore." Guan Peng's voice was full of excitement,"Do you have anything to do today? Can you lend me that Mercedes-Benz G-Class?"

Lin Bin was stunned. His buddy was not the kind of person who liked to brag, so why would he borrow a car for no reason?

Although he was not short of a car, he still asked curiously,"Why do you want to borrow a car?"

Guan Peng smiled and said,"I've been dating someone recently. We're meeting for the first time today, and I'm going to take her out for a walk. Isn't it more convenient to borrow a car?"

Holy shit! Is this guy in love again?

Lin Bin immediately thought of Tang Lan from before, and sat up from the bed at once, all sleepiness gone.

"Dapeng, how about I be your driver and take a look at what your future sister-in-law looks like?"

"Okay." Guan Peng did not refuse,"By the way, let me tell you, my girlfriend is a live streamer, and she is live streaming on TT, you should give her more traffic in the future."

Is it such a coincidence?

Lin Bin was also a little surprised,"Okay, then I have to take a look at the employees on my platform."

"I'll wait for you at home, come quickly, don't waste time."

Guan Peng hung up the phone right after he finished speaking.

Although he had planned to borrow a car from Lin Bin before, that Mercedes-Benz G-Class cost more than two million yuan, and his driving skills were average, so Guan Peng was really worried about bumping into it.

Now that his buddy wanted to join in the fun, he wouldn't refuse.

Lin Bin got up quickly, washed up, and drove the Mercedes-Benz G-Class directly.

He had been to where Guan Peng lived before, so he was familiar with the road.

Forty minutes later, the car stopped steadily on the side of the road in a village in the city.

This area is full of rental apartments, which are cheap and convenient for shopping. The only drawback is that it is too noisy.

Before the system was built, Lin Bin also lived in such an environment.

""Binzi, this way!"

As soon as the car stopped, Lin Bin saw Dapeng waving at him on the roadside.


Guan Peng sat directly on the passenger seat and slammed the door shut."Binzi, I'm warning you in advance, today you are just the driver, don't mess with me."

Looking at the nervous Guan Peng, Lin Bin joked,"I say, Dapeng, you are not still a virgin, are you? It's just a meeting, why are you so nervous?"

Guan Peng's face turned red,"Get out! I'm serious this time, I'm going to get married, unlike some people who just play with other people's feelings."

"Fuck! If you say I played with other people's bodies, I'll admit it. But if you play with feelings, I won't admit it." Lin Bin said righteously,"Brother Bin, I am serious about everyone!"

"Go to hell!" Guan Peng would never believe it.

Lin Bin was speechless,"Okay, where are we going?"

"I have already bought the tickets to Happy Valley, but I didn't buy yours."Guan Peng said with a sly smile.

"I'm also impressed. You actually went to Happy Valley to date a girl!"

"So where are you going?"

"With your level, of course it’s speed 8!"

Lin Bin started the car while arguing.

Speaking of which, Happy Valley is a good place for couples to date.

In the past, Lin Bin had thought about taking Yang Man to play together, but unfortunately, before he could do so, she became a mistress, and he had the system.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

After getting off the car, Guan Peng called his girlfriend and learned that she was still on the way, so he could only wait at the entrance with Lin Bin.

Although it was already September, the sun was still a little strong.

Lin Bin complained a lot. If it wasn’t for helping his buddy to check, he wouldn’t be so stupid to bask in the sun here.

After more than ten minutes, Guan Peng’s eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand and shouted:"Xiao Ni, over here!"

The next moment, a beautiful figure slowly approached.

Lin Bin immediately looked up.

The other person was in her twenties, about 1.6 meters tall, with a quiet appearance, long hair, and a light green dress. She looked like a lady.

From his point of view, the girl's appearance was at least above 80 points.

Judging from Guan Peng's current conditions, he had picked up a treasure!

But why did this woman look a little familiar?

Lin Bin thought for a while, but still couldn't remember.

"Xiao Ni, let me introduce you to my best friend. You can just call him Binzi. He is our driver today."Guan Peng introduced the two of them with a smile.

"Hello." Han Xiaoni nodded to Lin Bin, looking very polite.

Lin Bin nodded quickly in response,"Hello to you too"

""Let's go, let's go in quickly, there are quite a lot of people here today."

Guan Peng couldn't wait and stretched out his hand to hug his girlfriend, but he was a little timid.

It was Han Xiaoni who took the initiative to reach out and hold his hand. This action made Guan Peng happy like a fool.

While waiting for people just now, Guan Peng paid for Lin Bin to buy a ticket. He and Han Xiaoni had already bought their tickets, and now they just had to go to the entrance to scan the code.

After passing the gate at the entrance, Guan Peng took the initiative to say:"Let me tell you, tickets to Happy Valley are still very popular. I asked an acquaintance to help me buy these two tickets, and they are only three hundred!"

Acquaintance, three hundred?

Lin Bin was stunned, and a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

"Damn! I was wondering why this woman looked familiar!"

Isn't this the one my cousin introduced to me before?

Lin Bin quickly took out his mobile phone. The chat history he had sent to Lin Rui had not been deleted yet, and there was Han Xiaoni's profile picture on it.

After just one look, he was sure of it!

It was really her.

It's just that the other party had big waves before, and now she changed her hairstyle, so he didn't recognize her before.

Looking at the smile on Guan Peng's face, Lin Bin's heart was full of grass, as if he saw a large green grassland above his head.

His buddy is really miserable!

Tang Lan before, and Han Xiaoni now, what kind of women are these, Guan Peng met them all.

This is, in this situation, how should he speak?

Lin Bin was a little embarrassed for a while.

Otherwise, send Guan Peng a picture of a cuckold?

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