I was just going to join in the fun, but I didn't expect it to be a car accident scene.

Seeing Guan Peng still immersed in his happy fantasy, Lin Bin couldn't just watch him jump into the fire pit.

""Dapeng, do you want to go buy drinks with me?"

Guan Peng turned his head and looked at Han Xiaoni,"Xiaoni, what do you want to drink?"

Han Xiaoni smiled sweetly, looking very well-behaved,"I'm fine with anything."

Two months ago, after coming to Jiangcheng, Han Xiaoni accidentally met Guan Peng, especially when she learned that the other party still had a regular position, she became interested in him. After a period of contact, the two got to know each other.

Although Guan Peng is average-looking and looks dull, he has a stable job after all.

Han Xiaoni was just about to find an honest man so that she could have a home, and Guan Peng had just come out of his previous relationship. So, the two hit it off.

Guan Peng was pulled aside by Lin Bin, and he said impatiently:"What are you doing, pulling and tugging, what's the matter?"

Lin Bin let go of him and signaled to Han Xiaoni with his eyes,"Dapeng, tell me honestly, what are you thinking?"

If my buddy just wants to have a relationship, he can breathe a sigh of relief.

Guan Peng showed a hint of pride on his face,"What do you think? Xiao Ni is a good person, are you envious? Let me tell you, even though you are rich, you may have a son before me."


Without saying a word, Lin Bin took out his mobile phone and opened the previous chat history,"Come and take a look, three hundred acquaintances!"

What does it mean?

Guan Peng was confused and took the phone subconsciously.

After seeing the content clearly, he was completely dumbfounded.

Although he lacked practical experience, he was not stupid. How could he not understand what Lin Bin meant?

"acquaintance...Three hundred? Ah!"

Guan Peng's face quickly turned red, and he yelled and threw the phone to the ground.

Damn! My phone!

Lin Bin's teeth hurt when he saw it.

However, seeing Guan Peng's furious look, he could only bend down and pick up the phone himself.

Damn, the screen is cracked.

But it can still be turned on, the quality is really good.

Lin Bin comforted him,"Forget it, it's not too late to know now, it's better than waiting for you to see the results of the paternity test."

Han Xiaoni was still waiting at the roller coaster, but the two had no intention of going back.

Guan Peng took out his mobile phone with tears in his eyes, blocked all contact information of Han Xiaoni, and officially announced the end of his second relationship.

What bullshit happened in the past is over, as long as he is a man, he will not continue after knowing this situation.

In the car, Lin Bin hesitated to speak, looked at the silent Guan Peng, thought about it, and persuaded him:"Okay, man, what's wrong with you crying?"

Having said that, Lin Bin also knew that if he were to encounter such a thing, he would probably feel bad.

What's more, this was Guan Peng's second broken heart.

Thinking back to the beginning, Yang Man's choice almost made Lin Bin go crazy.

If it weren't for the system, he wouldn't know what his life would be like now.

Guan Peng's eyes were a little red, and he gritted his teeth and said,"You know, I watch her live broadcast every day, and the gifts on your TT live broadcast are too expensive. I can't bear to recharge, so I insist on getting free gifts every day......."

Lin Bin was speechless after hearing this,"Your behavior is called a dog licker. The key is, did she force you to lick her?"

"How is it possible!"Guan Peng yelled immediately,"We just held hands, it hasn't come to that step, how is it possible to lick there!"

Holy shit! My reading comprehension is amazing.

Lin Bin was convinced,"If you ask me, you should pretend that you know nothing and sleep first, this can also reduce some losses."

Guan Peng:"Don't you feel disgusted?"

Lin Bin shook his head,"What's so disgusting about me, it's not me who licked"


After hearing what Lin Bin said, Guan Peng couldn't hold back any longer and started crying.

"Damn it! Don't cry." Lin Bin was upset,"How about I take you to Golden Bay again, and we can fight poison with poison!"

""No!" Guan Peng shook his head decisively.

Lin Bin thought about it and decided not to go.

After all, the girls all went to be anchors!

When he thought of anchors, he subconsciously thought of Han Xiaoni.

However, Lin Bin would not specifically ask someone to block the other party's account for such a small matter.

"So where do you want to go? I'll accompany you today."

""Let's drink until we die!"

Lin Bin had no choice but to find a pub.

Seeing Guan Peng desperately drinking and no matter how he tried to persuade him, it was useless, Lin Bin thought about it and called Qiao Mengyao directly.

In this kind of situation, maybe it would be better for a woman to comfort him. Moreover, Qiao Mengyao was the only one who was familiar with both of them.

After more than half an hour, Qiao Mengyao rushed over.

"Abin, what happened to Dapeng?"

Since the last night in the hotel, Qiao Mengyao has not taken the initiative to look for Lin Bin, but she rushed over immediately after receiving the call just now.

Lin Bin sighed and roughly recounted what happened.

Qiao Mengyao was also a little speechless,"Dapeng, I'll drink with you!"

She didn't say anything to comfort herself, but poured herself a glass of wine. Every time Guan Peng took a sip, she took a sip.

Seeing this, Guan Peng finally stopped,"Qiao squad leader, you have such good conditions, why don't you have someone you like?"

Qiao Mengyao glanced at Lin Bin silently, and said with a smile:"Who said I don't have someone I like."

Guan Peng's hands froze, his face full of disbelief.

It's not that he wants to have something happen with Qiao Mengyao, but he no longer believes in love. So he wanted to hear other people's stories, but he didn't expect to hear this news.

"Hey, why are you looking at me?"Lin Bin saw Guan Peng looking at him with sympathy in his eyes, and he felt a little uncomfortable all over.

""Binzi, I used to think that since you are so rich, you might have a chance to be with squad leader Qiao." Guan Peng shook his head and spoke drunkenly,"What a pity, I already have someone I like."

"Oh? Really?" Lin Bin felt a little proud, and when Guan Peng wasn't paying attention, he raised his eyebrows at Qiao Mengyao.

Qiao Mengyao's pretty face immediately turned red, and she rolled her eyes at Lin Bin.

If Guan Peng knew that he had already done what he should have done, he would probably collapse, right?

Lin Bin chuckled, but didn't say it.

Guan Peng didn't see the two of them flirting with each other, and continued:"Qiao squad leader, since you already have someone you like, when are you going to get married?"

Damn! This guy is going to trick him!

Lin Bin's heart was lifted.

Little did he know, Qiao Mengyao suddenly said,"Why do you want to get married? Isn't it good to be in love?"

Guan Peng opened his mouth wide, and couldn't say a word for a long time,"But...But......"

Qiao Mengyao looked at Lin Bin meaningfully, then smiled and said,"I just want to fall in love, but you men insist on getting married. Isn't this a hooligan?"

Oh my god! This is a classic!

Lin Bin was stunned and couldn't believe that Goddess Qiao actually said this.

However, if all the women in the world think this way, wouldn't it be great?

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