Zhou Manqing is a career woman, and she usually likes to dress in professional suits.

Today is no exception, she looks very capable in a white shirt and black trousers.

She still has short hair, which matches her delicate facial features, but adds a bit of temperament.

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously recalled the scene of their first meeting.

Feeling his burning gaze on her, Zhou Manqing's breathing became short, and she felt like ants were crawling all over her body.

"Forest...Mr. Lin, what do you mean?"

"Ah?" Lin Bin came back to his senses, looking at Zhou Manqing's embarrassed look, and suddenly wanted to tease her,"Manqing, isn't my meaning obvious enough?"

Facing the affectionate gaze of the local, Zhou Manqing became even more panicked, and hurriedly lowered her head,"No..."...no!"

"Why not?" Lin Bin pressed.

Zhou Manqing took a deep breath, and the buttons on her chest were almost broken."We are not suitable. I am several years older than you."

"What's wrong with being older than me? I trust your character. I'm completely relieved to leave the company to you."

What do you mean? It's not what you thought?

Zhou Manqing was stunned. When she looked up, she saw Lin Bin's playful smile on his face. She immediately realized that she was fooled by him.


Seeing her angry, Lin Bin didn't dare to play anymore, and quickly said:"Okay, okay, I'm just teasing you. Manqing, what's wrong with being a few years older? Only the elderly can take care of people."

""Bah! Scumbag!" Zhou Manqing snorted with a red face.

For some reason, after hearing him say that, she actually felt a little happy in her heart.

Lin Bin felt wronged in his heart. He had never cheated on her, so why was he scolded?

After being interrupted by him, Zhou Manqing temporarily gave up the idea of listing TT Live.

Seeing that she offered to leave, Lin Bin suddenly said,"By the way, Lao Xia has been filming in my hometown recently, and I don’t know how the film and television city over there is doing. How about we go to visit the set together, and you can relax too?"

Going to his hometown, wouldn’t it be to meet his parents?

Zhou Manqing's heart was pounding, but she couldn't say no.

""Okay, since you have no objection, let's set off in the afternoon!"

Lin Bin clapped his hands and decided.

The trip with Qiao Mengyao some time ago made him like this kind of life.

Taking this opportunity, he just took Zhou Manqing for a walk.

In the afternoon, the two of them set off directly from Jiangcheng without taking anyone with them.

The last time he went home was because his cousin got married. However, he drove a Mercedes-Benz G last time, and this time Lin Bin drove an Audi A8.

Along the way, Lin Bin acted as a tour guide.

"Manqing, although my hometown is a little poor and the transportation is not convenient, the scenery is really nice. After the film and television city is built, we will vigorously develop the tourism industry, and maybe it will really take off."

Zhou Manqing also knew about the film and television city, and it was she who helped introduce Xia Mo

"That's right! And as long as"Earth Bang" sells well after its release, Tianma Entertainment's reputation will also increase greatly. At that time, it will be combined with TT Film and Television for mutual assistance and mutual benefit, and then it will be able to develop as rapidly as TT Live."

Zhou Manqing kept talking about the company, and Lin Bin's casual words made her think of the company's development prospects.

It has to be said that Lin Bin's random ideas, which led to the creation of these companies, actually became a perfect industrial chain in the end.

This also made Zhou Manqing look up to him a lot.

Lin Bin didn't think so much. Even if the money he invested before was lost, as long as he had the system, he would have endless money.

The sincerity index of these women he met was getting higher and higher, and it was getting easier and easier to get wool from them.

After a few hours of driving, the two finally arrived in Zhushan County smoothly.

"Manqing, let's go book a hotel first. This small county town is not as good as Jiangcheng, and the hotel environment is average. You can make do with it."

After entering the city, Lin Bin drove directly to the most luxurious hotel in the county.

Regent Hotel, he stayed here once last time.

After parking the car, Lin Bin took Zhou Manqing and walked into the hotel lobby. He heard a cry of surprise.

"Brother Bin, why are you here?"

Wang Han just arrived at the hotel and saw a familiar figure. After seeing it clearly, he immediately ran over.

Lin Bin turned around,"Huh? Xiao Wang, why are you here too?"

Wang Han stepped forward and hugged Lin Bin's arm directly,"Brother Bin, I have been transferred to the Investment Promotion Bureau now. Recently, several investors from other places have come, and I am responsible for receiving them."

Zhou Manqing was originally behind Lin Bin. When she saw a young and beautiful girl suddenly running out and hugging Lin Bin's arm directly, she seemed very intimate. She felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart.

Lin Bin was also very surprised. Zhou Manqing was still beside him. He didn't want Wang Han to say something scary, so he immediately pulled out his arm,"Haha, what a coincidence. This is Mr. Zhou from our company. We came here together to see how the development of the film and television base is going."

Wang Han then noticed Zhou Manqing on the side. With the directness of a woman, she realized that this elegant lady in front of her seemed to have a very special relationship with Lin Bin.

"Brother Bin, does my aunt know that you are back?""


Does that mean they have already met the parents?"

Zhou Manqing had a blank expression on her face, and she felt an even stronger sense of crisis in her heart.

Lin Bin shook his head,"I just had a sudden idea, and I haven't had time to inform Director Wang yet."

Wang Tao called quite a lot during this period, but Lin Bin was always busy and had no time to return to Zhushan.

Wang Han continued,"It just so happens that my aunt went to the film and television base today. I guess she is still there now. I'll call her now."

Lin Bin knew he couldn't refuse, so he said directly,"Forget it, I'll book a room first, and then go directly to the film and television base later."

"Well, I'll go with you later, Brother Bin." Wang Han said as usual, took out his phone and quickly called Wang Tao.

Lin Bin had no choice but to take Zhou Manqing to book a room first, and then drove Wang Tao to the film and television base.

In the car, Zhou Manqing took the initiative to sit in the back seat to avoid suspicion, but Wang Han was quite scheming and took the co-pilot seat first.

Along the way, the three of them had their own thoughts.

""Brother Bin, do you think I look good in this dress today?" Wang Han showed off her long skirt, as if she didn't see Zhou Manqing.

Lin Bin couldn't complain, so he could only agree casually,"It's OK, pretty good."

Wang Han smiled,"I knew you would like it, and I think purple is very charming."

The county town is not big, and after more than 20 minutes, they finally arrived at the film and television base.

After the car was stable, Wang Han got out and went to find his sister-in-law.

Zhou Manqing's face didn't look good,"Mr. Lin is quite popular with women."

Come on, this is jealousy!

Lin Bin smiled awkwardly,"Well, she is a sister I knew before. Yes, a sister."

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