It has been proven that women are jealous regardless of age.

Lin Bin also knew that he had been too intimate with Wang Han just now, and according to his judgment, Zhou Manqing seemed to have some affection for him.

This was not because he was narcissistic. It was because the scale of the company was getting bigger and bigger, and the prototype of the business empire was gradually taking shape. It was only natural that a career woman like Zhou Manqing was conquered by him.

Now, seeing the words"I'm not happy" clearly engraved on Zhou Manqing's face, Lin Bin could only speak to comfort her.

Who told him to also want to taste the taste of his aunt?

"Manqing, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, we have been together every day these days. I promise that I have nothing to do with her."

"Bah! Who wants to stay with you?"

Zhou Manqing's pretty face flushed slightly, and the discomfort in her heart also dissipated a little.

Lin Bin is so rich now, it is normal for him to be surrounded by girls every day. Moreover, according to her own observation, he is quite honest.

Thinking of this in her heart, Zhou Manqing seemed to be a lot more relaxed.

Seeing that her complexion improved, Lin Bin smiled and said,"I'll take you to climb the mountain tomorrow. Let me tell you, although Zhushan is a small county town, the scenery is really good......."

The two were chatting when a group of people came over from a distance.

"Mr. Lin, you are finally willing to go back to your hometown."

Wang Tao seemed a little excited when they met.

This female director in her thirties looked ruddy and energetic.

Lin Bin smiled and said a few polite words,"Director Wang, I am afraid of disturbing your work."

Wang Tao felt indescribable in her heart. She had been transferred from the Finance Bureau to the Investment Promotion Bureau, and she thought her career would come to an abrupt end, but she didn't expect to meet Lin Bin.

As long as the Zhushan Film and Television Base is successfully developed, this great achievement will be enough for her to take another step forward.

What's more, Wang Tao also sincerely wanted to do something practical for the development of her hometown.

At the side, Xia Mo also followed and was quite surprised to see Zhou Manqing.

""Qingqing, why did you come with him without telling me in advance?"

Zhou Manqing always felt something was wrong. Every time they met before, Xia Mo, the female hooligan, would always make a move on her regardless of the occasion, but today she was so obedient.

Could it be that there were outsiders at the scene?

Zhou Manqing didn't think much about it and smiled and said,"I didn't plan to come, but Mr. Lin gave the order and I had to listen."

Xia Mo pouted in dissatisfaction and muttered,"Humph! This guy must be eating from the bowl and looking at the pot."

"Old Xia, what did you say?"

""No, nothing."

That night, Wang Tao hosted a banquet at the Lijing Hotel to welcome Lin Bin.

Lin Bin didn't want to make a big fuss, but he couldn't resist the young woman's enthusiasm.

��At the banquet, besides him, there were only Zhou Manqing and Xia Mo, plus Wang Han

"Sister Tao, we are talking now, you can just call me Binzi, it’s too formal to call me Mr. Lin or Mr. Lin.

Although Wang Tao is a woman, she can drink a lot, and she is in a good mood, so she toasted three glasses of white wine in a row.

However, after three glasses of wine, her fair face became red, which added a bit of mature woman's charm.

"OK! Then I will call you Binzi from now on"

"That's right, I will have a godsister in the future. Come, let me toast to you, Sister Tao."

Before, I had a godsister, and now I have another godsister!

Zhou Manqing felt a little depressed, all because this guy was so popular with women.

After the dinner, Lin Bin wanted to pay the bill, but was stopped by Wang Tao,"Binzi, this meal must be paid by me, the elder sister. Don't worry, this is paid out of my own pocket, and I won't take advantage of the public."

After a few arguments, Lin Bin had to let her pay the bill.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 1,200 yuan consumption rebate from Wang Tao, a sincerity index of 85.64%, and a reverse critical hit of 8564 times!"

"The amount received is 10,276,800 yuan, please check it!"

That's it, I earned another 10 million yuan in pocket money for a meal.

Lin Bin was in a good mood.

In the evening, due to Zhou Manqing's arrival, Xia Mo did not plan to go back.

Lin Bin lay on the bed, thinking of the two beauties next door, he felt a little hot all over, and he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

He had drunk some wine, although he was not drunk, but now he was a little drunk.

""Damn it, can't you just be quiet for a while?"

Lin Bin cursed, looking down at his head.

He got up and took a shower, but it didn't work.

He glanced at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and there weren't that many entertainment options in the small county.

With no other options, Lin Bin could only walk out of the room and prepare to stroll around.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel lobby, an acquaintance came towards him.

Wang Han asked curiously,"Brother Bin, where are you going?"

"Well, I couldn't sleep at night, so I just took a walk." Lin Bin asked casually,"Why are you also in the hotel?"

"In order to facilitate contact with investors, I have been staying here these days."Wang Han came over,"Brother Bin, how about you come to my place and sit for a while?"

Lin Bin hesitated,"It's not a good idea to do it this late at night."

He had told Zhou Manqing during the day that there was nothing between him and Wang Han.

"Oh, what's wrong with that? We're all staying in the same hotel anyway, so just come sit at my place for a while. Besides, there's nothing to do outside at night." Wang Han hugged his arm and shook it,"I'm wearing purple inside today, too."

This woman is really good at acting like a spoiled child.

Lin Bin's eyes flashed, and he felt that what she said made sense. Moreover, when he thought that Zhou Manqing and Xia Mo were sleeping in the same room, he wasn't afraid that they would come looking for him.

"That...Just sit for a while."

Just like that, before leaving the hotel, Lin Bin returned again.

This time, he sat there until dawn.......

"Hmm? What time is it?"

Lin Bin woke up from his daze and picked up his phone to see that it was almost ten o'clock and Wang Han was nowhere to be seen in the room.

It turned out that women have strong recovery ability!

"Oh no, I overslept."

Yesterday I had an appointment with Zhou Manqing to go hiking, but I slept until now.

Lin Bin got up quickly, went back to his room to change clothes, and then went to the next door to knock on the door, but there was no response for a long time.

He took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Manqing, but the call didn't go through.

"Weird, why can't I get through?"

Lin Bin quickly called Xia Mo again.

"Hey, Mr. Lin, you got up so early? Why didn’t you have enough fun with the girl last night?" Xia Mo started to make sarcastic remarks as soon as she opened her mouth. Fortunately, it was through the phone, so Lin Bin didn't feel embarrassed,"Old Xia, is Manqing at your place? Why can't I get through to her on the phone?"

Xia Mo said sarcastically,"Qingqing went to climb Dazhu Peak by herself. I'm almost going crazy with my busy schedule, but I'm not as free as you."

Lin Bin wanted to say something, but the phone was hung up.

""Alas, I guess my aunt is jealous again."

After thinking about it, although Zhou Manqing had already set off, Lin Bin did not delay any longer and drove to Dazhu Peak.

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