Dazhu Peak is also a famous scenic spot in Zhushan County.

Lin Bin is a local and has been here many times.

When he drove to the foot of the mountain, he saw many tourists.

""Manqing should be almost at the top of the mountain, right?"

Lin Bin thought for a moment and started climbing the mountain.

There are two ways to go up the mountain, one is a man-made stone staircase, and the other is a small path.

Tourists from other places usually go up along the stone steps. Although it is not so steep, it takes an extra hour.

The small path is only known to locals, and it is not easy to walk, but it can save time.

Zhou Manqing set out a long time ago, but with her physical fitness, she should not have reached the top of the mountain yet. In order to save time, Lin Bin decisively chose to take the small path.

Now his physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, so climbing is naturally a piece of cake.

Half an hour later, Lin Bin climbed halfway up the mountain, and the sky changed.

""Oh no! It's going to rain!"

Overhead, dark clouds covered the sky.

Soon, the wind started to blow.

Lin Bin's heart skipped a beat. According to his calculations, Zhou Manqing should still be on the top of the mountain.

Seeing the dark clouds getting thicker and thicker, it was originally eleven o'clock in the morning, but it became like night.

"No, I have to climb up quickly!"

Lin Bin began to speed up and headed for the top of the mountain.

There was a temporary resting place on the top of Dazhu Peak. The sky suddenly changed, and the people from the scenic area management office began to evacuate the crowd. Most people hurried down the mountain, and a few people were exhausted and felt that it was too late to go down the mountain, so they could only stay here temporarily.

When Lin Bin reached the top of the mountain, the wind became stronger and stronger, and people could hardly stand.

"There are still so many people here!"

Lin Bin quickly walked into the rest area and looked around, but he didn't see Zhou Manqing.

"Maybe Manqing has gone down the mountain."

He also breathed a sigh of relief, took out his cell phone and called again.

However, Zhou Manqing's call was still unreachable.

Lin Bin frowned and called Xia Mo again,"Old Xia, has Manqing gone home?"

Xia Mo's crew was all filming indoors, and she didn't know about the weather change yet,"Didn't I tell you that Qingqing went to climb Dazhu Peak, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

Lin Bin said quickly:"The weather has changed now, it seems like it's going to rain heavily, and I didn't see Manqing on the top of the mountain!"

Xia Mo was stunned, and her voice became anxious,"Then why don't you go find her quickly?"

"Don't worry, maybe Manqing has already come down the mountain, I'll ask someone else."

Lin Bin hung up the phone, but he didn't feel relieved at all.

He called Zhou Manqing several times, but couldn't get through. He thought she should still be in the mountains, so there was no signal, otherwise it wouldn't work.

After putting away the phone, Lin Bin started asking the people around him.

"Hello, may I ask if you have seen a beauty who is about thirty years old and whose hair has reached here?"

I asked more than a dozen people in a row, but there was no news.


Raindrops as big as beans began to fall, sparse at first, and then became dense.

A scenic area manager with a red armband asked everyone,"It's going to rain heavily, everyone, see if there is anyone who hasn't come yet. It will be very dangerous outside when the rain gets heavy."

Soon, a girl in her twenties said,"I saw a beautiful woman going to the Moon Spring, and she shouldn't have come back yet."

Lin Bin was stunned, and hurried forward,"Girl, do you think that beauty has short hair that reaches her ears and looks about thirty years old."

The girl nodded,"Yes, she has short hair, but she looks quite young, not like thirty years old."

Lin Bin immediately took out his mobile phone, found a photo of Zhou Manqing, and handed it to the other party,"Take a look, is it her?"

The girl took only one look and nodded affirmatively,"That's her! She also asked me the location of the Moon Spring, and then continued to walk forward"

"Thank you!"

Lin Bin hurriedly ran out of the rest area

""Alas! Where are you running to? It's going to rain heavily, are you going to die?"

The scenic area manager behind him shouted loudly.

Lin Bin turned a deaf ear and rushed into the rain.

Crackling, a bean-sized drop fell on his body and soon soaked him.

Moon Spring is also a scenic spot on Dazhu Peak, and there is a beautiful mythical love story.

According to legend, those who drink the spring water here can love each other for a lifetime.

Lin Bin is very familiar with that place, which is a bit far from the rest area.

Moreover, the mountains over there are more dangerous, and there is no place to hide from the rain.

With such heavy rain and strong wind, Zhou Manqing couldn't stand it at all.

Lin Bin's steps were fast, but the wind was getting stronger and stronger. Even with his physical fitness, running against the wind, his speed was greatly affected.

After more than 20 minutes, the anxious Lin Bin finally arrived at the Moon Spring.

However, there was no one there.

""Manqing! Manqing, where are you?"

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Lin Bin kept wiping his hands, but he could hardly open his eyes. He shouted around, but there was no response at all.

Lin Bin continued to move forward while looking carefully at his feet.

Soon, he found a trace of trampling in the grass.

""Did Manqing slide down from here?"

Lin Bin hurriedly followed the traces of trampled grass. Due to the rain, the grass was extremely slippery. He slipped and rolled down the road.


Fortunately, this was not a steep cliff. After sliding down for dozens of meters, Lin Bin finally stopped.


"Lin Bin...you...How did you get here?"

As expected, Zhou Manqing slipped down from here.

At this moment, she was soaked all over, and suffered from the wind and rain. She was shivering and hugging her knees. She looked so embarrassed.

Lin Bin came over quickly and hugged Zhou Manqing,"Manqing, are you okay? Lao Xia said you came to climb the mountain. It started to rain when I got to the top of the mountain. Fortunately, a little girl remembered that you were coming to the Moon Spring."

Zhou Manqing's body kept shaking, and her voice was a little trembling,"This......It's raining so hard, why did you come out?"

Lin Bin:"Nonsense! What would you have done if I hadn't come?"

Zhou Manqing, who had felt as if she had fallen into an icy cave, felt warm in her heart when she heard this, and her suppressed emotions completely burst out,"Woo woo~ It's all your fault, who told you to lie!"

""Okay, don't cry, let's find a place to take shelter from the rain."

Lin Bin wanted to help her block the rain, but the storm was too fierce and he couldn't stop it. He didn't care about comforting Zhou Manqing for the time being, and Lin Bin directly pulled her up.

However, the mountain road was getting more and more slippery, and they couldn't climb up with a big living person.

"Go away and leave me alone."

Zhou Manqing wanted to push Lin Bin away, but Lin Bin was unwilling to let go.

""Okay, stop messing around. We can't climb up now, let's go down."

Lin Bin opened his eyes reluctantly, looked around, and then pulled Zhou Manqing to find a place to shelter from the rain.

The two were lucky and soon found a small valley.

"Manqing, come in quickly!"

The small valley was not big, so the two of them pressed together and barely squeezed in.

""Manqing, why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?"

Lin Bin noticed that something was wrong with Zhou Manqing and asked hurriedly.

"It’s so cold, am I going to die?" Zhou Manqing shivered.

"Bah! What nonsense!"

"If I die, please take good care of Wenjun for me......"

"Who said you were going to die? We are not going to die. Hold me tight and I will warm you up."

Zhou Manqing shook her head."You don't have to lie to me......."

Seeing that she was still talking, Lin Bin blocked her mouth with his


The two struggled and moved their bodies a little further outside, and the storm immediately hit.

Lin Bin hugged Zhou Manqing and squeezed in again, but the space was really limited. In a hurry, he lifted her thighs and held them up.

Although her legs were stretched out, most of their bodies were not hit by the rain.

At this time, Lin Bin had no resistance to this action.

The next moment, something seemed to be ignited in his heart.......

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