Fang Juhua only stayed for a while. Before leaving, she made an agreement with Lin Bin to go back to No. 14 East Street to see the old house when she had time.

Lin Bin agreed immediately.

"Everyone is gone, and you are still looking! Your soul has been seduced away by someone." Xia Mo snorted coldly.

Lin Bin smiled awkwardly,"Old Xia, you don't understand. At that time, I had just entered high school and was alone in the county town. I was unfamiliar with the place, and Sister Fang took good care of me. I just didn't expect that she is now the deputy director."

Thinking back to the past, Fang Juhua was still in her twenties, with an outstanding figure and appearance. For him, who was in high school at the time, it was definitely a fatal temptation.

In a blink of an eye, the other party is already in his thirties, and no one knows what she has experienced in these years.

Xia Mo curled her lips,"You are so rich now, if you really want to help her, it will be easy to become a regular employee."

Lin Bin shook his head,"Forget it, we ordinary people should not get involved in official affairs."

This is true.

If Fang Juhua encounters trouble with money, Lin Bin may help, as for other things, it is not convenient for him to intervene.

Besides, she is now the deputy director, and her life is many times better than that of ordinary people. Maybe she doesn't need help at all.

"By the way, Old Xia, are you very familiar with Sister Fang?"

"I am used to working out, and there is only one gym in this small county, so I've been there several times. Later, due to work, we became familiar with each other."

No wonder, at over 30 years old, Sister Fang still maintains a good figure."

Lin Bin muttered in his heart.

Xia Mo curled her lips and talked about the exchange meeting again,"Are you going to Hangzhou?"

"Didn’t I say, it depends on the situation?" Lin Bin looked at her curiously,"What’s wrong, what’s the matter?"

Xia Mo nodded,"Everything is going smoothly in the crew’s filming, but I can’t leave for the time being.

Although the subsequent special effects production will take some time, it’s time to consider the issue of the movie’s theme song. I’ll leave this matter to you."

Lin Bin was a little confused,"I say, Old Xia, did you find the wrong person? I’m not in the entertainment industry. Even if you ask Manqing to find someone to do this, it’s more reliable than me."

Xia Mo rolled her eyes,"Nonsense, Qingqing is so busy all day long, and you are the most idle."

Lin Bin was speechless. He was his own boss, so what was wrong with being a little idle?

Could it be that he had to be busy during the day and busy at night ?

"Do you have any suitable candidates? I will arrange for someone to do it."

"You decide for yourself." Lin

Bin saw that Xia Mo was speaking a little aggressively, and he didn't know if it was a relative who came, so he stopped trying to embarrass himself.

It's just a theme song, at most he can ask Zhou Manqing to contact a few music companies.

Suddenly, an inspiration flashed through Lin Bin's mind.

Thinking of Zhou Manqing just now reminded him of Mu Wenjun.

This girl seemed to be in Hangzhou, and she was admitted to a music college.

In this case, why not give the opportunity of the theme song to his niece? After all, it's good to keep it in the family.

《"The Big Bang" is a big production, and Mu Wenjun might be able to take advantage of this opportunity to soar to the sky.

Moreover, if this is the case, Zhou Manqing will have to accept my favor and work as hard as possible.

The more Lin Bin thought about it, the more reliable he felt, and he laughed subconsciously.

"Laughing like a fool!"

Xia Mo looked at him with disgust, and changed the subject, continuing:"That Secretary Liu, it's obvious that he is playing the victim in front of you today.

You are so good, you really invested 2 billion at once.

This small broken place is not worth so much money in total."

Lin Bin came back to his senses, chuckled and shook his head,"Anyway, I don't need that little money."

Of course he knew that Liu Changhe was crying poor, but the real situation in Zhushan County was similar to what he said. It's too remote and too backward.

Moreover, for Lin Bin now, 2 billion is really nothing.

If he is short of money, he can find a reason to attack Xia Mo.

Since he has the ability to contribute to the development of his hometown, why not?

Lin Bin took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It was almost two o'clock. He didn't delay any more and said to Xia Mo directly:"Old Xia, I'm going to go home today, and I'll leave it to you here."

Xia Mo frowned, and inadvertently revealed a trace of concern,"You drank at noon, how can you drive?"

Lin Bin said:"It's okay, I'll let Manqing go with me."

Could it be that he wants to meet the parents?

"No way!" Xia Mo blurted out

"What's wrong?" Lin Bin was stunned.

Xia Mo's face suddenly turned red, and she found an excuse in a hurry,"You take Qingqing back, what if she gets wild at night? I must follow!"

Lin Bin was speechless, because he obviously didn't think about it at all.

Besides, his parents were at home, and he couldn't really do anything

"What about the filming?"

But Xia Mo was very determined,"It doesn't matter if we delay for a day or two here, and we still need the director."

Lin Bin had no choice but to take Xia Mo back to the hotel.

This time, he directly checked out of the room. After returning to his hometown to see his parents, he planned to return directly to Jiangcheng.

"I'll go too!"

Su Fei spoke up immediately when she heard that Xia Mo and Zhou Manqing were going back with Lin Bin.

Lin Bin couldn't help but smile bitterly,"No, I was wondering what you are all doing. I'm going home to see my parents. If you all go with someone else, my mother will think I'm bringing back three daughters-in-law and she'll probably beat me to death."

When he made this joke, the three girls blushed.

The three looked at each other, each with their own thoughts, but no one spoke.

""Okay, okay, let's go together. I've already said that my family is building a house, so there's nothing to entertain them with."

Lin Bin had no choice but to take the three of them home.

Fortunately, Lu Zhiyong's problem had been solved, and Xu Panpan was busy with the divorce procedures and the store's affairs, otherwise I don't know if she would have followed.

The four of them drove only one car, Zhou Manqing was responsible for driving, and Lin Bin sat in the passenger seat.

After two hours, they finally returned home.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

Before I left last time, I had already talked to Lin's father about building a villa. When Lin Bin came back, he saw that most of the villa had been built.

""Binzi is back!"

Lin's father and mother were always at home, helping to run errands and buy materials.

When they saw Lin Bin with three beauties, the two elders were stunned.

"Dad, Mom, these are all my friends. They just happened to come to Zhushan to play and come to see our villa."

Lin Bin introduced them to everyone with a smile.

"Hello, uncle and auntie."

The three girls greeted them obediently.

""Okay, okay, okay, all good, hurry up and sit down."

Mother Lin had never experienced such a scene before, and she seemed a little flustered for a moment.

Seeing her go to pour tea, Zhou Manqing and the other two took the initiative to follow her.

After they walked a little further away, Father Lin came up to his son and asked in a low voice:"Binzi, what's going on, who is your girlfriend?"

Lin Bin joked,"Dad, I'll choose the one you like, or both."

Only children do multiple-choice questions.

"You stinky boy!"

Father Lin decisively gave his son, who had a bad behavior, a few slaps on the head.

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