"Dad, I'm going to take a walk around the village."

Seeing Zhou Manqing and the other three surrounding his mother, Lin Bin looked very proud. He said hello to his father and ran away. After finally coming back, he planned to visit every household. He used to work in Jiangcheng and rarely had the opportunity to come back. He would only come back during the holidays.

Every time he returned home, Lin Bin would wander around the village, say hello to the neighbors, visit his childhood friends, and greet the elders in the village.

It is precisely because of this good habit that Lin Bin has a very good reputation in the village.

"Uncle, are you feeling well?"

"Grandma Guo, are you basking in the sun?"

As he walked along, Lin Bin chatted with the elders about family matters, such as whose son made a lot of money outside, whose family had a new son, and who was sick and didn't make it.......

Looking at the buildings of each household, the scenes in my memory gradually became a little blurred.

This place where I was born and raised has become more and more unfamiliar.

In the whole village, there are only old people and children, and some left-behind women. Young people are almost invisible.

Lin Bin was quite emotional.

After walking around, it was almost dark.

"Where have you been? Why have you been here for so long? If you don’t come back, I’m going to call you for dinner." Lin’s father muttered. Lin Bin suddenly said,"Dad, why don’t you and my mom move to Jiangcheng? I won’t be back too often in the future."

Lin’s father was stunned, as if he could see that his son was not in a good mood, but he still shook his head.

"Forget it, your mother and I are used to it. Besides, the house has just been built, you just need to do your own thing, and come back when you are free."

Lin Bin thought that his father was reluctant to give up the land at home, and said,"Just build the house. If you are not used to living there, I will buy you a few more plots of land to farm."

"It's not what you said." Lin Bin continued to shake his head,"Although my hometown is a little poor, all the acquaintances are there, and I'm used to it."

No matter how Lin Bin persuaded him, Dad Lin was still unwilling to go to Jiangcheng, and he had no choice now.

"Okay, it's time to eat. Let's go to your Uncle Zhuzi's house first."

Because they were going to build a villa, the old house had been demolished a long time ago. Before the house was built, Lin's father and mother had been living in the neighbor's house next door.

The uncle Zhuzi he mentioned, whose full name was Lin Tiezhu, worked outside all year round. The family just built a two-story house two years ago, which was spacious enough. Lin Bin didn't want to go empty-handed, so he went to the car to get two gift boxes and followed Lin's father to the neighbor's house next door.

"Hey, Binzi is back, come in quickly."

As soon as they entered the door, they saw a woman in her thirties, who was Lin Tiezhu's daughter-in-law Zhang Qiaohui.

""Aunt Hui, I'm really sorry to bother you."

Lin Bin walked in with a smile, and then put the gift box in his hand on the table in the living room.

Although Zhang Qiaohui is not well educated, she is very hardworking. She takes care of the children alone and has to work on the few acres of land at home. She is exposed to the wind and sun all day, leaving many wrinkles on her face.

Lin Bin is quite respectful to this virtuous aunt.

Zhang Qiaohui complained,"Binzi, look at you, you just come back, but why do you bring anything with you? Isn't this being too formal?"

"It wasn't anything valuable, so I just bought some snacks for Shitou."By the way, where's Shitou?" Lin Bin asked casually.

Zhang Qiaohui immediately put her hands on her hips and shouted,"Shitou, why don't you come down? Your brother Bin is back. This kid watches TV every day and has no ambition at all."

After a while, a little kid came down from upstairs unwillingly.

"Brother Bin."

Lin Bin reached out and touched his head,"Go, Brother Bin brought you some delicious food."

Lin Zishi is seven years old this year, just started the first grade, and went to school in his hometown. When he saw the exquisitely packaged gift box brought by Lin Bin, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Go, go, go, it's time to eat, what snacks are you eating, go wash your hands quickly."

Zhang Qiaohui gave her son a fried chestnut, and the little guy ran away with a wronged look on his face.

Soon, Zhou Manqing, Xia Mo, and Su Fei, each holding a dish, came out of the kitchen.

Lin Bin realized that the three girls were in the kitchen.

However, with so many people in such a small kitchen, it was not known whether it was crowded.

"Old Xia, can you cook too?"

Lin Bin was surprised to see Xia Mo's face was a little dirty.

Xia Mo blushed, which was rare,"I can't cook, but I can wash vegetables!"

Wow, she has really made progress!

Looking at Su Fei again, her face was also a little red, and it was obvious that she was slacking off in the kitchen like Xia Mo.

Zhou Manqing, on the other hand, had a faint smile on her face. She had been living with Mu Wenjun, so it was normal for her to be able to cook.

"Why are you standing there? Go get the dishes and chopsticks!"

When Lin's father saw his son standing there motionless, he immediately glared at him.

Lin Bin followed him to the kitchen obediently.

A large table full of dishes was soon served.

"Manqing, Xiaoxia, and Xiaofei, there is nothing good to treat you in the countryside, these are all home-cooked dishes, you can try them quickly."

Mother Lin seemed to have become familiar with the three girls. Although she didn't know which one was her daughter-in-law, she treated them all equally.

"Auntie, this is already very rich, we don't usually have it."

The three girls seemed very well-behaved and sensible. Even Xia Mo, who usually liked to make a lot of noise, seemed to have changed into a different person, which made Lin Bin dumbfounded.

In particular, Zhou Manqing and the others were also thirty years old, and Zhang Qiaohui was only a few years older than them. But when they started to call each other aunt, Lin Bin laughed like a pig.

Of course, he also got a lot of eye rolls.

"Aunt Hui, is my uncle Zhuzi still working in the south?"

"Yes, he has been in Shenzhen for the past few years. The few acres of land at home can't make much money a year, so they have to go to other places."

At the dinner table, everyone was chatting about family matters.

Lin Bin had been thinking in his heart that since his parents were unwilling to go to Jiangcheng, he should do something so that someone in his hometown could take care of them.

Uncle Zhuzi and Aunt Hui's family are pretty good. If they can come up with a suitable project in their hometown and take care of their parents, Lin Bin will feel more at ease.

After dinner, Zhou Manqing and the other three rushed to clean the table.

Lin Bin sat there too lazy to move, which earned him another glare from his father.

However, Xia Mo and Su Fei were both clumsy and had never done housework at all. In the end, they were driven out by Zhang Qiaohui.

Only Zhang Qiaohui and Lin's mother were left in the kitchen.

"Sister Qin, who do you think is Binzi's partner among the three of them?"

Lin's mother was also embarrassed,"I don't know either. Binzi didn't say. Maybe they are just ordinary friends."

"Come on, look at how active they are, they must want to leave a good impression in front of you. However, the three of them are all very good, no matter who they are, you are blessed."

Lin's mother also showed a smile on her face,"I don't care about the children's affairs, let them do whatever they want."

Zhang Qiaohui suddenly said,"Then how do you plan to sleep tonight?"

There are four rooms in her house. Before, Lin's father and mother had one room each, and she and her son had one room.

Now not only has Lin Bin returned, but he has also brought three girls with him, and she is still unclear about the relationship, so it is not easy to arrange.

Lin's mother was also a little undecided.

Finally, Zhang Qiaohui quietly called her son over,"Shi Tou, go ask your brother Bin, how do you plan to sleep tonight?"

""Okay!" Lin Zishi, who was eating the snacks brought by Lin Bin, agreed immediately.

The little guy entered the living room, ran directly to Lin Bin, and asked loudly:"Brother Bin, my mother asked me to ask you, who are you sleeping with tonight?"

As soon as Lin Zishi finished speaking, Zhou Manqing and the other two became embarrassed.

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