The two of them walked out of the mall, put all their things in the car, and then started looking for a place to eat.

Suddenly, Lin Bin had an idea and said,"Xinyi, I see you haven't bought a car yet?"

Zhuo Xinyi was stunned at first, but then she seemed to have guessed something, but she was a little afraid to confirm it.

So, she was secretly happy in her heart, but she began to act pitiful on her face,"Brother Bin, with my salary, I can't afford it even if I want to buy it."

"How about this, you treat me at noon today, and after lunch I'll take you to buy a car." Lin Bin curled his lips and started to talk again,"As for what car to buy, it depends on your sincerity."

""Brother Bing, what do you want to eat?"

Zhuo Xinyi was overjoyed. She didn't care about her attitude. Just now, the other party had spent more than 700,000 yuan on her. If she added a car, it would easily exceed 1 million.

At this rate, what kind of anchor would she still be?

"I don't care, you choose the place."Lin Bin said casually.

A woman like Bian Bian who values money very much would not take him to a small restaurant, and would most likely choose an expensive place.

Zhuo Xinyi thought for three seconds and tried to ask:"How about we go eat seafood?"

She didn't know Lin Bin's preferences at all, but eating is like buying things, the more expensive the better.

""Okay, seafood is seafood." Lin Bin agreed immediately.

There is no shortage of delicious food in the AEON Shopping Mall, and the two of them went to a seafood restaurant immediately.

There were king crabs and lobsters again.

Lin Bin had only eaten it once, so he was naturally not tired of it. In addition, compared with the beautiful women, he could get a bargain, so his appetite was surprisingly good.

The things in the seafood restaurant were not cheap at all. Zhuo Xinyi didn't dare to order too much considering her wallet. Although she was a little greedy, she behaved very ladylike and served Lin Bin wholeheartedly.

Lin Bin took in her eyes and small movements, and began to calculate in his heart.

In the future, he should not only buy things for these women, but also give them some pocket money appropriately. Otherwise, these people would be too stingy when spending money on him.

The meal lasted nearly an hour. After Lin Bin had eaten and drunk his fill, Zhuo Xinyi consciously went to pay the bill in advance.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 888 yuan of consumption rebate from Zhuo Xinyi, sincerity index 46.77, reverse critical hit 4677 times!"

"The amount received is 4153176 yuan, please check it!"

This time it was a bit weak, only 4.1 million yuan was hit, and the sincerity index dropped a little.

But Lin Bin didn't care, a mosquito leg is also meat, anyway, there is still a long time to go.

""Brother Bin, what do you think of the seafood in this restaurant? Are you used to it?"

Zhuo Xinyi asked casually as soon as the two walked out of the seafood restaurant.

Lin Bin knew that what she wanted to ask was not his evaluation of this seafood restaurant, but her evaluation of her treat."It's okay, just so-so. By the way, Xinyi, which car do you like?" Here it comes! He is going to buy her a car!

Zhuo Xinyi's eyes lit up. Of course, what she likes is a luxury car worth millions, but she also knows that it is a bit unrealistic. It is impossible for Lin Bin to buy her such an expensive car just for a meal.

"Brother Bin, I don't know much about cars, how about you recommend one to me?"

This woman is really smart, she knows how to retreat in order to advance. Lin Bin smiled silently in his heart and thought for a moment,"BMW Z4 or 5 Series, which one do you like?"

He had planned to buy her a car of about 300,000 yuan, but then he thought about it and decided to upgrade the grade since the bitch paid more than 15 million yuan.

Whether it is a BMW Z4 or a 5 Series, the price is about the same, the bare car is only about 500,000 yuan, and it will not cost 600,000 yuan to complete it.

When Zhuo Xinyi heard this, she was immediately overjoyed. She really didn't expect Lin Bin to be so generous.

"Brother Bing, why don't you buy a Z4?"

Although this BMW Z4 is only 400,000 or 500,000 yuan, it is a convertible sports car after all. It is reasonable for Zhuo Xinyi to choose it.

"" Okay, let's go now."

As soon as the two got in the car, Zhuo Xinyi took the initiative to lean over. Seeing this, Lin Bin was not polite and checked the quality of the stockings again.

This time, Zhuo Xinyi not only did not resist, but cooperated more.

This is the power of money!

Lin Bin found that the quality of the stockings was okay, so he took his hand back. After all, driving is a technical job and you can't be distracted.

The car was driving fast, and the two chatted casually. Zhuo Xinyi was in a very good mood. Bai Lele only received 30 royal salutes. Lin Bin didn't buy her anything, and she Today was a fruitful day.

Forty minutes later, the two arrived at a BMW 4S store. With the enthusiastic service of the salesperson, Lin Bin first let Zhuo Xinyi test drive the car. After the other party expressed satisfaction, he finally confirmed it.

Lin Bin didn't want to be cheated. He bargained with the salesperson several times and saved more than 10,000 yuan. He finally paid 560,000 yuan and got it in full.

However, the car still needs to go through some procedures, and Zhuo Xinyi is not in a hurry to drive away, so the two did not take the car away immediately.

Next time to pick up the car, Lin Bin does not plan to come again, and leave it to Zhuo Xinyi alone.

"Brother Bin, can I ask you something?"

The two had just left the 4S store. Zhuo Xinyi hesitated for several times and finally spoke.

Lin Bin was a little surprised,"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Brother Bing, what do you do?"

"Haha, what do I think of it?"Lin Bin smiled faintly,"I used to sell cars, but I just quit and I'm planning to start a business recently."

Zhuo Xinyi didn't get any useful information, and said again:"Brother Bin, how about I stop being a host and just run errands for you?"

This is preparing to treat myself as a long-term meal ticket!

Lin Bin didn't mind, but he definitely wouldn't give the other party a price.���Same as Cheng Ke'er. However, after thinking about it, he still shook his head. The sincerity index of the bitch is not high. If it can't be improved, he can't let it go.

"That won’t work, I haven’t been a host before."

Zhuo Xinyi was stunned and subconsciously said,"Brother Bin, aren’t you going to start a business? Why do you want to be a host?"

"I didn't say I was going to be a host." Lin Bin shook his head again,"If you don't want to be a host, who can I find?"

Zhuo Xinyi understood immediately this time and spat softly. This brother Bin was either driving or on the way to drive all day.

So, she lowered her head sensibly and did her old job.

Lin Bin, who was driving, immediately took a breath and grabbed the steering wheel with both hands.

This car is really good!......

Although Lin Bin is an experienced driver, he didn't dare to drive too fast this time for fear of an accident! It took more than an hour for the Audi R8 to return to Four Seasons Garden.

"Brother Bin, how about getting in and having a seat?"

When the car stopped, Zhuo Xinyi did not rush to get out, but casually invited

"Forget it, I have something to do later, maybe next time."Lin Bin looked at the time, it was only four o'clock in the afternoon, and he was still thinking about buying a house, and he didn't want to put it off any longer.

"Well then, Brother Bin, I'm still waiting to see you as a host."

Zhuo Xinyi's eyes were somewhat resentful, and it was unknown whether it was because she had not eaten enough just now.

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