Women, they all say one thing and mean another, and they change their faces faster than the weather.

This is well reflected in Zhuo Xinyi.

She was extremely reluctant before, but after seeing Lin Bin's money ability in less than a day, she is now completely relaxed.

Lin Bin thought about it for three seconds, and finally resisted the urge to go upstairs with her.

You can't shoot all the bullets at one target!

The Audi R8 started quickly, and he returned to his residence first, put his things at home, and then went to the nearest real estate agency.

Lin Bin lives in Qingshan District of Jiangcheng. The surrounding rooms are relatively cheap, and the normal price is only 20,000 to 30,000 per square meter, but the environment is very ordinary.

He didn't plan to save money when buying a house for Cheng Ke'er, but considering the convenience of work, he didn't plan to buy it too far away. For the specific situation, he would go to the agency to see. As for buying a house for himself, Lin Bin is ready to do it all at once, preferably a villa. However, the current account is only more than 50 million, and a better villa cannot be taken in full.

Fortunately, with the system, the money can be swiped very quickly. Maybe by the time you find a house, the money will be in place.

When the Audi R8 stopped at the door of the real estate agency, it quickly attracted the attention of the sales staff inside.

These days, all industries are in recession, especially real estate.

Jiang Yubing has been working at Lvjia Real Estate for half a year, but has not had any performance. She can only take a meager basic salary, which can't even meet daily expenses.

Other colleagues have accompanied clients to look at houses, but she doesn't even have potential clients, so she can only stay in the store all day.

Just now, she accidentally saw an Audi R8 parked at the door, and she hurried out. As soon as

Lin Bin got out of the car, a beautiful woman with a good figure, her chest trembling, trotted over

"Brother, it's so hot, come in and cool down for a while."

The beauty was wearing a white uniform, black trousers, and a work ID hanging around her neck, just hanging in front of her chest.

She looked very wealthy. The other party seemed very enthusiastic, and Lin Bin was not polite. He stared at the other party's work ID for a few more seconds, and then walked in with her.

After entering the door, the beauty was busy serving tea and water, calling her brother, and seemed very familiar.

There were several other sales staff in the store who also had no sales. Seeing that Lin Bin was robbed by Jiang Yubing, they were all envious.

Lin Bin knew very well that the other party was probably because of the Audi R8.

"My name is Jiang Yubing, you can just call me Bingbing. What’s your last name?"

"My name is Lin Bin"

"Brother Bin, do we want to buy a house?"

After some pleasantries, the two finally got down to business.

Lin Bin didn't waste any more time and got straight to the point,"Of course we want to buy a house, and I want to buy two this time."

Hearing this, Jiang Yubing was overjoyed,"Brother Bin, don't worry, we have a lot of houses here, and you will be satisfied. I just don't know, Brother Bin, what kind of house do you want to buy?"

"One is over 120 square meters, with a better environment. The location doesn’t matter, as long as it’s not too remote. For the other one, I want to buy a villa. I don’t have any special requirements. It just needs to be comfortable to live in."

Don’t bother two clients for one thing. Since he decided to buy a house, Lin Bin planned to get it done in one go. As for whether the woman had a suitable house, he would wait and see.

Moreover, the reason why he came to the agent was to save trouble. If he really went to see each property one by one by himself, you don’t know how much time you would waste.

Jiang Yubing knew that she had really met a big customer this time. He bought two houses at one time, and another one was a villa. If she could get this order, it would be enough for her to live for a year.

""Brother Bin, I have a few here, take a look first."

She immediately took out her mobile phone, opened the album, and showed Lin Bin a few houses she had.

Villas are too expensive, and such houses are not easy to find. There are many houses over 120 square meters, and Lin Bin did not have any specific requirements. Jiang Yubing had several houses that met the requirements. Lin

Bin took a casual look. The photos were all taken of the interior of the house. It looked pretty good, but it would definitely not be enough to just look at the photos.

"When is convenient for you, take me to see the details."

Jiang Yubing was delighted and immediately said,"Brother Bin, the landlord has fully entrusted our company with these two houses. I happen to have the keys in my hand. We can go and see them anytime."

"Okay, how about we go and take a look now?"


The two of them left as soon as they said they would. Lin Bin started the Audi R8 again, and Jiang Yubing was lucky enough to ride in a luxury car worth more than two million yuan.

The first house was in Qingshan District, not far away. Half an hour later, the two arrived at their destination.

"Brother Bin, this Greentown community was just developed the year before last, and the selling price at that time was only 28,888 yuan per square meter. The price has risen a lot in the past two years, and the owner of this house just bought it not long ago. He is selling the house because he is short of money. If you buy it back, it will be quite a bargain."

After getting off the car, Jiang Yubing began to introduce the environment of this community. Lin Bin only took a glance at it, and before he asked the price, he was a little disdainful.

As Jiang Yubing said, a community with a selling price of only 28,888 yuan per square meter can only be considered average.

However, since you are here, you have to go in and take a look.

This house for sale is located on the sixteenth floor. The whole building has a total of thirty-two floors, which is neither high nor low.

After the two took the elevator upstairs, Jiang Yubing immediately took out the key to open the room and took Lin Bin in to visit

"Brother Bing, this house is 128 square meters in total and is priced at 3.85 million, which is only 30,000 per square meter......."

After Lin Bin entered the room, he took a look and raised his hand to interrupt her introduction,"To be honest, this house is too small, and the environment is so-so. Take me to see other houses. Money is not a problem, the key is the environment."

Jiang Yubing was stunned, and soon realized that Lin Bin didn't like this house at all. For a moment, Jiang Yubing couldn't guess his thoughts, so she could only try to say:"Brother Bin, I have another house in my hand. The environment is really good, but the area is a bit large."

The other party just said that it was more than 120 square meters, so she didn't dare to introduce a house with a larger area.

"How big is it?" Lin Bin asked casually.

Jiang Yubing said,"It's a large flat of more than 260 square meters, with a river view, and the environment is absolutely great."

Lin Bin was immediately interested when he heard it,"Let's go and see the river view room you mentioned."

""Okay! I'll take you there right away." Jiang Yubing was delighted when she saw that the other party didn't care about the price at all.

This kind of big boss who is not short of money has a high chance of buying a house.

Moreover, she gets commissions for buying houses, so naturally the higher the total price of the house, the more bonus she will get.

Soon, the two of them went straight to the next house in Greentown Community. The river view house that Jiang Yubing mentioned belongs to Donghu District. It is a bit far this time. Fortunately, she always carries the key with her, so she doesn't need to return to the company. However, when the two of them got to the end, it was almost six o'clock.

The river view house they wanted to see this time is called Xingfuli.

As soon as the car saw the gate, Lin Bin was quite satisfied with the green facilities inside.

Under the leadership of Jiang Yubing, the two soon came to a 28-story building, took the elevator, and went directly to the 24th floor.

This time, Jiang Yubing also learned a lesson. After entering the door, she didn't mention the price at all, but just tried her best to introduce the environment of the house.

In fact, she didn't need to introduce it, Lin Bin liked it at first sight.

The 260-square-meter apartment is much larger than the one we just saw. The decoration of the house is also good. It looks like it has hardly been lived in.

Especially in front of the huge French window, looking out, there are green grass, green trees, and green lake water, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

""Okay! This is the one!"

Lin Bin had already decided on the deal before even asking the price.

Only a large flat like this could match Cheng Keer’s stunning appearance.

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