At this time, Jiang Yubing also woke up. Seeing Lin Bin holding the mineral water, he opened it and didn't drink a sip. He immediately hugged him from behind,"Brother Bin, where are we going to play today?"

Lin Bin got up and started to put on his clothes. He asked curiously,"Where are we going to play? Don't you still have to go to work?"

Jiang Yubing smiled,"Brother Bin, I've thought about it. I'm going to quit my job today and move to Bishuiwan. Anyway, the house there is so big, what do you think?"

"Not very good."Lin Bin shook his head,"You'd better work hard, and I'll find you when I buy a house in the future."

This Jiang Yubing is even worse than a bitch. She can't even figure out the most basic tool man position. He has no intention of continuing to waste time with her.

The smile on Jiang Yubing's face froze instantly. She thought that her performance yesterday had successfully captured this man.

Little did she know that Lin Bin had seen through everything through the sincerity index. However

, the commission from the two houses yesterday, plus the gifts that Lin Bin bought for her, had a total value of more than 1.5 million, and she didn't suffer any loss at all.

It's just that Lin Bin made more money.

Not only did he make back the money for the villa, but he also had a meal of wild game.

Looking at Lin Bin who was dressed and ready to leave, Jiang Yubing didn't dare to turn his face at all, and didn't even have the courage to stop him........

After going downstairs, Lin Bin opened his phone and checked. In addition to the call from Bitch, there were two messages on WeChat.

One was from Cheng Ke'er and the other was from Little White Rabbit.

Cheng Ke'er:"Abin, I have cleaned up my house. You can come and stay anytime."

Little White Rabbit:"Uncle, remember to come to the comic exhibition today! (squinting)"

Lin Bin quickly replied to both of them, then returned to the car, lit a cigarette, and puffed out smoke.

These few days of being rich have made him understand a truth. There will definitely be no shortage of women around him, but what he lacks is women who are really good to him.

For example, Cheng Ke'er's sincerity index was more than 70% at the beginning, so Lin Bin agreed to her conditions, and the other party's sincerity index has been stable at more than 80%.

Little White Rabbit's sincerity index has also been above 70%, and now it is the focus of training.

As for Bitch, although her sincerity index is only about 50%, she is easily satisfied. After knowing that she can't compare with Little White Rabbit, she will no longer ask Lin Bin to do anything for her.

Being sensible and knowing when to advance and retreat is a qualified tool person.

However, like Jiang Yubing, liking money is not a disadvantage. If the other party's sincerity index is above 70% at the beginning, he will consider giving the other party a chance.

But now, Lin Bin can only give the other party a chance for one night.

"Money is a bastard. It's getting harder and harder for me to be a good person."Lin Bin couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking about it, if it wasn't for Lu Xiaoyu, he might have just paid and left yesterday, and would never have brought Jiang Yubing to the hotel to spend the night.

After smoking a cigarette, Lin Bin collected his thoughts and called the bitch.

"Brother Bing, where are you? Xiaobai's comic exhibition is about to start."

Zhuo Xinyi's side sounds a bit noisy, she must have arrived at the scene

""Okay, I'll be there right away. You can pick me up at the door later."

Lin Bin hung up the phone, started the Audi R8 directly, and hurried to the address on the electronic ticket.

The King's Comic Exhibition was held in the International Exhibition Hall in Jiangkou District, which is one of the more prosperous areas in Jiangcheng, with a huge flow of people.

In addition, it was Sunday, so there was a small traffic jam along the way.

It took Lin Bin more than 40 minutes to finally rush there. As soon as he found the entrance according to the sign, he saw the bitch waiting there.

Zhuo Xinyi was wearing a denim dress today, and her pair of big white legs were quite eye-catching.

She glanced back and forth, and soon saw Lin Bin in the crowd. She hurried over and took his arm affectionately.

"Brother Bin, you are finally here, Xiaobai has already appeared."

Lin Bin was a little embarrassed. He worked too hard last night and overslept in the morning."There is no way. There is a traffic jam on the road. Let's go in now."

Although the comic exhibition has already begun, there are still many people who have just arrived at the entrance. The two followed the flow of people and quickly passed the ticket check and officially entered the exhibition hall. After entering the door, Lin Bin found that this King of Glory Comic Exhibition was quite large in scale. It was divided into several booths, and there were many handsome men and beautiful women COSing various heroes in each booth.

If it weren't for Biaobiao leading the way, Lin Bin might not be able to find the location of Xiaobaitu.

"It's just a comic exhibition, why are there so many people?"

Lin Bin looked at the crowds of people gathered in front of each exhibition hall, and suddenly felt a little strange.

He had never participated in this kind of comic exhibition before, and the popularity of King of Glory has gradually declined in recent years. He didn't expect that its popularity could still be so high.

Zhuo Xinyi took him to the exhibition hall and explained,"Brother Bin, you don't understand this. Isn't the new season about to start? Moreover, the organizers have invited some celebrity players this time, and they have promoted it for a long time in advance, so the popularity is relatively high."

Lin Bin nodded as if he understood. The current gaming industry is gradually becoming a fan circle. Although he usually plays games, he doesn't pay much attention to celebrity players.

Under the guidance of Zhuo Xinyi, Lin Bin finally saw the little white rabbit on the booth.

Bai Lele now has two buns on her head, wearing a pink dress, a pair of pink stockings to her thighs, and a big pink fan behind her.

The hot body, coupled with the exquisite baby face, perfectly interprets the image of Xiao Qiao in Lin Bin's mind.

""Le Le, Le Le!"

Zhuo Xinyi waved at Bai Le Le on the stage, and soon attracted her attention.

Bai Le Le had been paying attention to the crowd below the stage. When she saw Lin Bin and her bestie coming over to support her, a smile immediately appeared on her delicate face.

Lin Bin nodded to Bai Le Le on the stage and gave her a thumbs up. She immediately responded with a sweet smile.

"Look, Xiao Qiao is smiling at me! Oh my god, my goddess!"

Suddenly, a surprised scream came from his ear. Lin Bin turned his head and saw a 200-pound fat man with a greasy and happy look on his face, taking pictures of Bai Lele on the ring.

This scene almost made him vomit.

No, the little white rabbit can only COS for myself in the future!

Lin Bin thought about it, pulled Zhuo Xinyi beside him, and moved away from the crowd a little,"Xinyi, I just bought a villa yesterday. The house is too big. Do you want to move in?"

"Really? Brother Bin, can I move in?"

Happiness came so suddenly that Zhuo Xinyi couldn't believe her ears.

After using her skills on Lin Bin twice, Zhuo Xinyi was now completely devoted to him and wanted to hold him tightly.

"Of course." Lin Bin nodded with a smile,"But, considering that it's not convenient for you to go alone as a girl, you'd better take Xiaobai with you, understand?"

Zhuo Xinyi was stunned, but she quickly reacted, pouted her lips, and thought to herself: It would be even more inconvenient for two girls!

"Brother Bin, this is not easy to do!"

Betraying your best friend will cost you more money!

" Lin Bin frowned and gave a death order:"It has to be done even if it is not easy."

Zhuo Xinyi said aggrievedly:"Well, I will try my best......."

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