Before he even made an offer, the other party accepted it.

Lin Bin nodded with satisfaction. This was the biggest advantage of Bitch. Although she was a little greedy, she would never take the initiative to ask for anything.

Of course, as long as the other party performed well, Lin Bin would naturally not be stingy.

"Xinyi, hurry up and get this done, I'll give you a reward then."

In order to motivate the other party and cooperate to get the little white rabbit as soon as possible, Lin Bin added.

Zhuo Xinyi was delighted, she knew that Lin Bin was always generous, and she was curious about what kind of reward she could get,"Brother Bin, how are you going to reward me?"

"It depends on your performance. The earlier you complete the task, the higher the reward."Lin Bin replied casually.

Zhuo Xinyi's eyes lit up, and she began to think about how to get her best friend to move to the villa with her.

Lin Bin also began to think about what he would do next.

Now he has a house and a car, and there are more than 52 million in the account, but this amount of money is still far from being a real super rich.

There is no rush to make money. The key is that he should make some arrangements in advance, and as the money in the account increases, it is a bit of a waste to keep it there.

The best way, of course, is to start a company. While making money, he can also get in touch with more opposite sexes, and the methods of making money are getting simpler and simpler.

Moreover, the purpose of starting a business is not only for himself, Lin Bin also has to consider the women he knows.

Only by arranging opportunities for them to make money and letting everyone have money in their hands, will they spend more money on themselves and make more profits through the system.

However, if he really wants to start a company, Lin Bin has some difficulties.

He only went to a junior college, and worked in car sales for more than two years after graduation. He has no experience in starting a company and being a boss. Fortunately, he does not have to worry about losing money.

"How about opening a 4S store yourself?"

Lin Bin suddenly thought of Cheng Keer who was still working. If he really opened a 4S store, it would be nice to let her be the person in charge.

By then, he could recruit a group of beautiful saleswomen and make a lot of money in a few minutes.

Not bad! Just start with car sales, and wait for a chance in the future to see if he can get involved in the car industry.

Lin Bin didn't dare to think too far for the time being. It only took tens of millions to open a 4S store. It was almost enough for him to get together now, but a car company had hundreds of billions of assets at any time. This goal was still a bit far away. He had an idea of Cheng Keer's arrangement for the time being, and Lin Bin began to think about Little White Rabbit and Bitch again.

""Xinyi, how did you and Xiaobai become best friends?"

Lin Bin then realized that he knew too little about these two people, and didn't even know some basic information.

Zhuo Xinyi didn't think much about it, and said directly:"We are college classmates, and we live in the same dormitory.

When I was in school, I started working part-time as a game anchor, and Lele is the same. We started accepting invitations to comic exhibitions since our sophomore year, and now we are quite famous.

After graduating this year, neither of us wanted to find a job, so we just went back to our old business."

It turned out that they were two college graduates, but looking at their age, they were really about the same.

Lin Bin originally wanted to refer to their suggestions, but now he has completely given up the idea,"What is Xiaobai's biggest dream?"

"Lele, she wants to participate in the King's professional league the most, haha......"

When talking about this, Zhuo Xinyi couldn't help laughing.

Lin Bin was also a little speechless. With this girl's level, it would be useless even if she was paired with four top players.

However, if she can't be a professional player, she can be the boss of professional players.

Lin Bin looked at the crowds of people in the exhibition hall, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Since this game is so popular, it must be able to make money. When the time comes, he can also invest in a club and let Xiao Baitu be the boss. Wouldn't that be a good idea?

Hmm...It would be best to form another women's team. Even if they can't play in the professional league, they can still play in other competitions.

"Xinyi, what do you think about me investing in building a club and then selecting a team to play in the professional league?"

"Really? Brother Bin, do you know that a single seat in the King's Professional League costs nearly 100 million, and it's not certain to make money?"Zhuo Xinyi was shocked.

Lin Bin shrugged indifferently,"It's just 100 million, as long as Xiaobai likes it."

It's true that people get angry when they compare themselves to others!

Zhuo Xinyi quickly recovered from her shock, and pulled Lin Bin's arm and started to act coquettishly,"Brother Bin, why don't you ask me what my dream is?"

Lin Bin looked at her with interest,"Then tell me."

Zhuo Xinyi immediately showed a charming smile,"I don't want to open any club, I just want to be the most popular game live broadcast."

This woman has a big appetite.

As far as Lin Bin knows, all the famous anchors on Douyu have an annual income of over 10 million.

However, he also saw that Bitch not only likes money, but also fame.

Lin Bin thought about it, maybe a game anchor and a club owner can do it together

"How about this, as long as you two move into the villa, I will set up a live broadcast company, sign you, and then train you vigorously."

Zhuo Xinyi was really overjoyed this time. She knew that Lin Bin was very generous, but she didn't expect him to be generous to this extent."Brother Bin, don't worry, when I become famous, I will definitely help you make a lot of money."

Lin Bin smiled but said nothing. It's okay to make money by live broadcasting, but it's not as fast as relying on the system to make money."Okay, when will this comic exhibition end?"

"Xiao Bai said that she would work for two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon."

Come in the afternoon?" Lin Bin frowned immediately. Although there were many beautiful girls at this comic exhibition,���Compared with the little white rabbit, he was not more moved. After watching it for a while, he felt a little bored.

Moreover, even if he wanted to watch the little white rabbit COS, he could watch it in the villa. There was no need to share it with others here.

"Go tell Xiaobai that we can go straight away. We just bought the villa yesterday and don’t even have daily necessities. I’m still waiting for your help."

Zhuo Xinyi was also thinking about the villa and the live broadcast company, and nodded immediately,"Brother Bin, wait, I’ll go call Lele back."

After Zhuo Xinyi left, Lin Bin also started thinking. Next Monday, he would start to deal with the 4S store and the anchor company.

The 4S store is relatively easier to deal with. After all, he has been doing car sales for more than two years and knows some procedures. As long as the money is in place, everything is not a problem. The live broadcast company is a bit tricky. Lin Bin has never done it before. It seems that he needs to hire some professionals. However, the early errands can be handed over to Bitch and Little White Rabbit, and they can also train them.

As for the others, as long as they can be solved with money, what's the big deal?

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