Bai Lele had been standing at the booth for an hour. Suddenly, she saw her bestie gesturing below and pointing at her phone. She immediately realized that she had something to talk to her about.

Bai Lele thought about it and decided that she could take a break and touch up her makeup, so she signaled with her eyes.

Zhuo Xinyi understood immediately and nodded immediately, then walked towards the staff dressing room.

Bai Lele arrived first, but she knew that Zhuo Xinyi could not enter the dressing room, so she could only wait at the door.

Before Zhuo Xinyi could come over, a young and handsome guy followed.

He was wearing an ancient-style white gown with a wine gourd hanging around his waist and a plastic sword in his hand. He was obviously COSing Li Bai.

"Lele, why are you standing at the door? Come in and take a rest."‘Li Bai' showed a concerned tone.

Bai Lele smiled politely at the other party,"No need, I'm waiting for someone here."

"Lele, how about we add each other on WeChat? I will teach you how to play games in the future. I am a King of Kings with over 50 stars. I can definitely teach you how to play games."

‘Li Bai met Bai Lele for the first time today, and was stunned by her at first sight. When he saw her get off the booth just now, he immediately followed her.

Bai Lele frowned. She had encountered many such situations before, but she never added the other party as a friend, so she had always been in the diamond rank and usually had no one to bring with her when playing games.

Bai Lele was still thinking about how to reject the other party. At this moment, Zhuo Xinyi ran over breathlessly,"Lele, come with me!"

"Sister Xinyi, what's wrong?"

"Didn't I tell you before that Brother Bin was going to buy a villa? He just bought it yesterday and was going to move in today, but he didn't have time to come to see your comic exhibition. Now your exhibition is almost over, let's go help Brother Bin clean up the house first."

Zhuo Xinyi knows her best friend very well. Bai Lele has always been concerned about Lin Bin's gift of 200,000 yuan, so she directly brought up Lin Bin's matter, and Bai Lele hesitated.

"But...But my comic exhibition has just started, and I have to come in the afternoon, otherwise I won’t get the 2,000 yuan today."

Seeing that she was still standing there, Zhuo Xinyi immediately picked up her phone and called Lin Bin,"Brother Bin, Xiaobai said that if I leave now, I won’t get the 2,000 yuan performance fee."

"Got it!"

On the other side, Lin Bin hung up the phone speechlessly. It was just two thousand yuan, and he had to waste several hours. Isn't this asking for trouble? He immediately picked up the phone and transferred 200,000 yuan to Bai Lele.

Ding! The phone in his hand suddenly rang. Bai Lele immediately picked up the phone and saw that Lin Bin had transferred 200,000 yuan to him. His mouth opened wide.

"Sister Xinyi, uncle...She transferred another 200,000 yuan to me!"

I was the one who ran the errand, but in the end it was my best friend who got the benefit. She is just a tool!

"Humph! It's just 200,000 yuan. Brother Bing also said that he would invest in a club, form a team to play in the professional league, and let you be the boss."Zhuo Xinyi said sourly.

Invest in a club, play in the professional league, and let you be the boss?

Bai Lele was shocked when she heard her bestie's words.

Suddenly, a chuckle came from the two of them.

"Haha, it's a joke. They even invest in a club to play in the professional league. Do you know that a seat costs hundreds of millions to buy?"

‘Li Bai showed a hint of sarcasm on his face, and turned to look at Bai Lele,"Lele, your friend doesn't even think twice before he lies, you better be careful."

Zhuo Xinyi then realized that there was an annoying guy beside them, and immediately frowned.

However, before she could speak, Bai Lele argued,"Uncle shouldn't lie, and he's very rich, but I don't know how to be a boss. Sister Xinyi, what should I do now?"

"What should I do? Come with me quickly. Do you want Brother Bin to come and invite you personally?"

Zhuo Xinyi pulled her best friend up and ran out of the exhibition hall, ignoring the coquettish 'Li Bai'.

Whether she can become a big anchor depends on whether her best friend is willing to be the boss of the club. Therefore, Xiaobai can only belong to Brother Bin!

"I want to see what kind of person is pretending to be a rich man here!"

‘Li Bai snorted coldly and followed quietly.

""Le Le, I'm telling you, Brother Bin is really good to you. When we go to the villa, you must be diligent and help him arrange everything. Also, when you become the club owner, don't forget me."

Zhuo Xinyi began to teach as she walked.

The naive Bai Le Le just nodded. She was still a little dizzy.

How could she become the club owner out of nowhere?

Soon, the two saw Lin Bin standing next to the car and smoking at the exit of the exhibition.

Behind the two women, 'Li Bai' also followed. He wanted to expose the uncle Bai Le Le mentioned, but when he saw the Audi R8 behind him, he was dumbfounded.

Even if the other party couldn't afford a seat in the professional league, the luxury car worth more than two million yuan couldn't be faked.

How could a cosplayer like him afford to offend such a person?

"Brother Bin, I brought the person out for you. Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise, Xiao Bai would have been taken away by Li Bai."

As soon as they met, Zhuo Xinyi joked, with a tone of seeking credit.

""Sister Xinyi, what are you talking about? I don't even know him." Bai Lele explained quickly, and then secretly glanced at Lin Bin.

Li Bai? Lin Bin went over it in his mind and quickly remembered the guy who COS Li Bai that he had just seen at the booth."Okay, I know."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and sent a red envelope to Zhuo Xinyi for transfer.

Ding! Hearing the phone ring, Zhuo Xinyi quickly picked up a���, it turned out to be 20,000 yuan sent by Brother Bin, and she was immediately very happy. Although she couldn't compare with Xiao Bai, she was satisfied to earn 20,000 yuan just by running errands.

""Let's go, you two have a heavy task today."

Lin Bin called out and asked Little White Rabbit to get in his car. Zhuo Xinyi drove her own BMW when she came here in the morning, so she finally didn't have to take a taxi anymore.

Soon, the two cars arrived in front of the villa in Bishuiwan and parked in the underground garage.

""Wow, what a beautiful house!"

As soon as she entered the door, Zhuo Xinyi exclaimed sincerely,"Xiaobai, look, there is a swimming pool and a garden here! It would be great if we could live here!"

Which woman can refuse a villa with a swimming pool and a garden?

Zhuo Xinyi took Bai Lele to visit up and down, and Lin Bin was not in a hurry to arrange them to work.

He had already planned it out, and he would ask these two people to buy some daily necessities for himself later. The amount of money that was hit would not rise sharply!

Bai Lele was a little envious, but she still pulled her best friend,"Sister Xinyi, this is a house bought by an uncle, how can we live here?"

Zhuo Xinyi's eyes turned,"Lele, how about I talk to Brother Bin and let the two of us move in, so that we can save a lot of rent every month?"

Although Bai Lele is silly sometimes, she is not really silly. She immediately shook her head and said,"Forget it, it's not very convenient for us to live here.

Zhuo Xinyi took a step back and changed her tactics,"Le Le, it must be boring for Brother Bin to live alone in such a big house, and he doesn't have a girlfriend yet, and he likes you so much, you don't think my living here is a hindrance, do you?" Bai

Lele jumped up and blushed,"Sister Xinyi, you...What are you talking about? I don't like him......."

"Lele, I don't plan to play PUBG anymore. I plan to become a King of Glory anchor. If we move in, we can play in a three-person team with Brother Bin. By the way, uncle also wants you to be the owner of the club and lead the team to compete in the professional league......."

Zhuo Xinyi tried to persuade him again.

One trick after another, all of them were routine.

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