Lin Bin quickly took off his pajamas, only to find that he was not wearing any underwear. It seemed that Cheng Ke'er had met his second brother yesterday, so they were a family from now on.

Ten minutes later, when Lin Bin came out dressed, Cheng Ke'er had just prepared breakfast.

"Abin, I don't know what you like to eat, so I just prepared some. See if it suits your taste."

"It's okay, I'm not picky about food."

Lin Bin replied with a smile, and then sat at the dining table, looking at the toast, fried eggs, and freshly squeezed soy milk in front of him, and his appetite suddenly increased.

"Why don't you eat?"

"I've already eaten." Cheng Ke'er smiled and shook her head,"By the way, there is one more thing. The girl named Lele yesterday seemed to have mistaken me for Xiaoyu. You should explain it to her later."

Lin Bin paused, then started eating with big mouthfuls,"Why, aren't you jealous?"

Cheng Ke'er continued to shake her head,"I said, as long as my requirements are met, I won't ask anything. And, if necessary, I can explain it to people in person."

Lin Bin understood what she meant. She really treated herself as an invisible man.

At the beginning, he was indeed attracted by Cheng Ke'er's good looks and her body, but now that he was being taken care of and cared for by someone, Lin Bin had some strange feelings towards Cheng Ke'er.

It seems that it is not bad to find such a woman as a wife.

However, Lin Bin has no plans to get married for the time being, and he can't give up a forest for a tree.

""That Xiaoyu is my high school classmate. I just met her a while ago, and she's already married. Don't think too much." Lin Bin explained while eating breakfast.

Cheng Ke'er smiled and nodded, but didn't say anything else.

After a quick meal, Lin Bin was full and burped comfortably on the sofa. Looking at Cheng Ke'er who was busy cleaning up the plates, he suddenly couldn't help but get excited.

"Ke'er, come and sit down. I just want to tell you something."

Seeing that she had finished cleaning up, Lin Bin patted the sofa. Cheng Ke'er slowly came over and sat down, and he hugged her into his arms.

"Abin...Otherwise, go back...In the room?" Cheng Ke'er's breathing was a little rapid, and her delicate face had already been flushed.

Lin Bin just helped her check her body, and stopped after he knew everything."What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Cheng Ke'er gritted her teeth and shook her head."That's not what I meant. I just......I'm a little uncomfortable."

Lin Bin was delighted. It seemed that this was the first time for the other party. He must have found a treasure.

"What are you thinking? I just want to tell you something. Why do you have to go inside?"Lin Bin asked knowingly.

If you want to talk about something, just talk about it. Why do you have to keep making small moves?

Cheng Keer couldn't help rolling her eyes. At that moment, she was full of charm and almost made Lin Bin impulsive.

After being pinched lightly, Lin Bin finally behaved a little and stopped the action in his hand.

It's not okay to be dishonest, unless you don't want to accidentally discharge the gun.

""Okay, let's get down to business. You don't have to do that job anymore. I'm going to arrange something else for you."

Cheng Ke'er was stunned. Although she didn't know what Lin Bin had planned, she nodded honestly,"I'll listen to you."

Lin Bin didn't keep her in suspense and directly told her his plan,"Anyway, you won't make much money in that job, and I know you don't want to be idle, so I plan to open a 4S store by myself and leave it to you to take care of it when the time comes."

"No! I don't have that much ability, what if I lose money?"

Cheng Ke'er immediately shook her head and refused. She thought Lin Bin didn't like her to show up in public, but she didn't expect that the other party would open a 4S store specifically for her.

"If you want to lose money, then lose money. Anyway, I don't need money."

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head. This woman didn't know what she bought for him. She spent more than 160,000 yuan and suddenly got 1.4 billion yuan.

This amount of money is enough to open more than a dozen 4S stores.

Cheng Keer opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. A 4S store would cost at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. Lin Bin opened it as soon as he said it, and he was not afraid of losing money. He was simply inhumane!

"OK, it's settled. You go and handle the formalities today. I'll find someone to help register the company. I'll only be responsible for paying the money, and the rest will be left to you."

""Aren't you going to leave after you finish your work?" Cheng Ke'er said, and she touched a 'banana' with her little hand.

Lin Bin's face turned red, and he said viciously:"I'll come back to eat you next time."

He was still thinking about going back, as there were two little cuties in the villa.

Cheng Ke'er chuckled, stood up and helped Lin Bin tidy up his clothes. Before leaving, she called him again,"Wait a minute, did you forget something?"

"What is that?" Lin Bin was stunned.

Cheng Ke'er hurried back to the room and soon came out,"This is what I found in your pocket when I helped you change clothes yesterday. You don't need to use it when you come to my place, but you should always wear it with you in case of emergency."

Lin Bin looked at the oversized"safety helmet" handed over by the other party and was stunned for a moment. When he saw Cheng Ke'er's smiling face, he knew that the other party did it on purpose.

Pah! He reached back and slapped that butt, then quickly put the"safety helmet" in his pocket, and before the other party could react, he immediately


Seeing Lin Bin hurriedly leaving, Cheng Ke'er smiled and shook her head.

After going downstairs, Lin Bin took out his mobile phone and called Bitch.

"Hello, Brother Bin, you finally answered the call. When will you be back? Xiaobai is still angry in the villa."

In the villa, Bai Lele pricked up her ears, eavesdropping on her bestie's phone call.

Lin Bin was immediately happy. Being angry was not important. What was important was that people were still in the villa."Why are you angry? Who messed with my little white rabbit?"

Zhuo Xinyi had already noticed Bai Lele's little action and deliberately raised her voice."I don't know which scumbag left our Xiaobai aside yesterday. She was abducted by a vixen named Xiaoyu."

What a bitch, she dared to scold him blatantly. Today, I will go back and rob her.

Lin Bin pretended not to understand and said to the phone:"Xiaoyu is a high school classmate of mine. I haven't seen each other for a few years. I just ran into her some time ago. And she is married. Don't make blind guesses."

He didn't lie, but he didn't tell the truth either. He didn't mention Cheng Ke'er at all.

On the other end of the phone, Zhuo Xinyi and Bai Lele didn't know the relationship between them. After hearing Lin Bin's explanation, they were relieved.

""Brother Bin, when will you be back?" Zhuo Xinyi asked again.

Lin Bin said,"I still have something to do. I will be back when I am done. By the way, I notified the property management yesterday that I will fill the swimming pool today. You two should prepare your swimsuits in advance. I will help you check your bodies when I return."......"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he found nothing and only took out a box of"safety helmets".

Looking at the things in his hand, Lin Bin was speechless. It seemed that he was going to go on a killing spree.

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