He bought a pack of cigarettes from a convenience store at the entrance of the community. After lighting one, Lin Bin took out his cell phone and called Guan Peng.

"Haha, Binzi, you are still alive, I thought you were torn into pieces by five horses?"

Guan Peng's gloating voice came from the phone, leaving Lin Bin speechless.

This guy has green hair on his head, and he can still laugh

""Dapeng, did I tell you anything important last night?" Lin Bin asked.

He was so drunk last night that he didn't remember what he said at all.

The matter of Guan Peng's girlfriend was quite important, so he had to confirm it again.

Guan Peng smiled and said,"What a bullshit important thing. You were busy bragging to me yesterday, and you ended up bragging too much. I tell you, I was scared to death at that time."

""Okay, got it."

Lin Bin didn't listen to his nonsense and started to worry again after hanging up the phone.

Guan Peng was his best buddy, so he couldn't just ignore it.

After thinking for a long time and not being able to come up with a good solution, Lin Bin could only shake his head helplessly.

"��"Let's talk about it later!"

As for Bishui Bay, he was not in a hurry to go back now. Bai Lele was obviously still a little upset, so he had to leave her alone, otherwise it would be difficult to catch the little white rabbit.

"Let's go buy another car first."

Just now when he was upstairs, Lin Bin had made up his mind. He bought cars for Cheng Ke'er and Zhuo Xinyi, but Bai Lele got nothing.

Although the R8 was comfortable to sit in, the space was too small. He decided to let Bai Lele drive the R8 and buy a bigger one for himself, which would also be convenient for two-person sports in the car in the future.

The space must be large, and the first choice is naturally an SUV.

Lin Bin used to be a car salesman, and he knew a thing or two about luxury cars of various brands.

He had thought before that when he had money in this life, he must buy a Mercedes-Benz G to play with.

Now, this dream can finally come true.

Just now from Cheng Ke'er He made a huge profit of 1.4 billion there, and then he could open a 4S store, a live broadcast company, and invest in a professional club.

Lin Bin now has more than 1.7 billion in his account, which he can never spend.

Thinking of this, he took a taxi and went straight to the largest Mercedes-Benz 4S store in Jiangcheng.

An hour later, Lin Bin arrived at the Aurora Star Mercedes-Benz store in Jiang'an District.

This is the largest Mercedes-Benz 4S store in Jiangcheng, and all kinds of cars are in stock, so he ran so far.

Since today is Monday, there are not many customers in the store. As soon as Lin Bin entered the door, a beautiful female salesperson came to greet him.

"Hello sir, welcome to the Aurora Star Mercedes-Benz store. My name is Bai Jie and I am happy to serve you."

"Oh, what a coincidence, my name is Abin." Lin Bin looked at the beauty in front of him and was immediately happy.

Bai Jie was slightly stunned, not quite understanding what Lin Bin meant, but she still smiled politely,"Brother Bin, which car do you like?" It was obvious at a glance that this young woman was not well-educated and didn't even know the story of Abin and Bai Jie. Lin Bin felt a little regretful.

However, he did not delay the business and asked directly,"Do you have a G-Class in your store? I want a ready-made car."

Hearing that the other party wanted to buy a G-Class and came for a ready-made car, Bai Jie was overjoyed,"Brother Bin, this is the largest Mercedes-Benz store in Jiangcheng. We have all kinds of cars in stock"

"OK, take me to have a look, if it’s suitable, I’ll drive away today."

Lin Bin is an experienced salesman, he knows how to show his desire to buy.

Sure enough, Bai Jie immediately became more enthusiastic, and pulled Lin Bin to the front of the G-Class in the store,"Brother Bin, look, this is the latest model, equipped with a new engine, and has stronger off-road performance......."

Except for a few who wanted to show off, most of the people who bought the G-Class were attracted by its off-road performance.

As soon as Bai Jie arrived in front of the car, she began to talk about the advantages of the car.

Unfortunately, she misunderstood the customer's true thoughts. Fortunately,

Lin Bin had already decided to buy it, and he didn't pay attention to what she said. He just opened the door and got in.

"Yes, the space is really big enough."

Lin Bin tried it in the back seat and was quite satisfied.

Bai Jie was also very discerning and quickly introduced,"Brother Bin, this car has a lot of space. It is very comfortable to sit in whether it is off-road or long-distance driving." It is quite comfortable to sit in, but I don't know if it is comfortable.

Lin Bin looked at the beautiful young woman in front of him who was about 170 cm tall, and suddenly his eyes lit up,"Bai Jie, come up and help."

Bai Jie was stunned and got into the car with a puzzled mind,"Brother Bin, what help?"

"My girlfriend is about the same height as you, lie down and let me see if there is enough space for you." Lin Bin showed a smile.

Bai Jie did not hesitate and lay down in the back seat as Lin Bin said. With her height, she could not straighten her legs,"Brother Bin, do you think I can do it like this?"

Lin Bin looked at her bent legs, imagined the scene in his mind, and nodded with satisfaction,"It seems okay, I can do it."

Bai Jie finally understood what he meant this time, her pretty face turned red, and she sat up quickly, not knowing how to introduce it for a while.

Fortunately, Lin Bin was very satisfied with the car and asked directly,"How much is this car?"

"The price of the bare car is 2.56 million, but this car is the latest model and there is no discount for the time being."

Bai Jie has already labeled Lin Bin a gangster in her heart and no longer holds out any hope for this order. She will not sell herself out for a car.

It is only out of professional ethics that she answers all the questions of customers.

Lin Bin nodded with satisfaction,"It's not expensive. I won't bargain with you. We can sign the contract now, and I will pay the full amount. However, I have a condition." As expected, this guy is a pervert, relying on a few stinky money to do whatever he wants

"Sir, please respect yourself. I will not agree to any of your conditions!" Bai Jie said coldly, rejecting the other party outright. Lin Bin was stunned

, then frowned and said unhappily:"I bought such an expensive car, what's wrong with asking you to fill up the gas for me?""

Refuel? Bai Jie was a little dumbfounded,"You......Your condition is that I fill up your gas tank?"

"That's right! This new car must not have much gas. You just spend a few hundred dollars to fill it up for me. If that doesn't work, I'll find someone else."

Lin Bin shook his head and prepared to leave.

Bai Jie grabbed him with an ugly smile on her face,"Brother Bin, I'll fill it up for you!"

She would get at least 10,000 yuan in commission for this order. It's just a few hundred yuan to fill up the gas.

Bai Jie still knows what is more important.

Next, under the guidance of Bai Jie, Lin Bin swiped his card to pay the bill readily, spending more than 2.8 million at one time. It took an hour to complete all the procedures.

"Let's go, fill up the tank as promised." Lin Bin held the car key with a smug smile on his face.

Not far from the 4S store, there was a gas station. The tank of this G-Class was 96L, and it cost more than 500 yuan to fill it up.

Bai Jie didn't lose money, but Lin Bin made more money.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 580 yuan consumption rebate from Bai Jie, a sincerity index of 67.33, and a reverse critical hit of 6733 times!"

"The amount received is 3905140 yuan, please check it."

I bought a G-Class, not only did I not spend any money, but I also made more than 1 million yuan.

This is too much to spend!

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