If you can't spend it all yourself, you can only find a few women to help you spend it.

However, if women spend money for you, the money seems to be getting more and more.

Bai Jie paid for the gas and said goodbye.

Anyway, the gas station is not far from the 4S store, and Lin Bin didn't plan to take her back.

Before leaving, the two added WeChat to facilitate follow-up services.

Not long after the car left the gas station, Lin Bin's eyes lit up and suddenly found a familiar figure standing on the side of the road.

The other party didn't know what he was waiting for, and kept looking around.


The Mercedes-Benz G stopped on the side of the road. Lin Bin lowered the window and said to the person,"Beauty, do you want a ride?"

Tang Lan was stunned, looked at the G in front of her, and a smile immediately appeared on her face,"Great, I can't get a taxi."

After that, she quickly canceled the express car she had just called on her phone, then opened the car door and sat in the co-pilot.

It's really a wish to find it without any effort.

Lin Bin was still worried about Guan Peng before, but he didn't expect to meet his girlfriend by accident.

Wait a minute, test this woman yourself, it would be best if you could record it and send it to Guan Peng

"Beautiful lady, what a coincidence, we meet again." Lin Bin smiled and greeted,"By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Tang Lan, handsome guy, have we met before?"Tang Lan showed a puzzled expression on her face.

They only met once, so it was normal for the other party not to remember her.

If she was not Guan Peng's girlfriend, Lin Bin would not have remembered her.

"You can just call me Brother Bin."Lin Bin said with a smile,"Have you forgotten? The last time my Audi R8 was parked on the side of the road, it was you who helped me watch it for a while. But I was in a hurry at that time, so we didn't leave contact information."

Audi R8?

When this was mentioned, Tang Lan immediately remembered,"It turned out to be you, I remember it. By the way, you were driving an R8, why did you change the car again?"

It turned out that this woman only remembered the car, but not the person.

It seems that she is not as good as a car.

Lin Bin complained in his heart and continued,"That R8 was too small, so I gave it away. This car was just bought, and you were the first passenger." A car worth more than two million yuan was given away just like that. Tang Lan's eyes showed deep envy,"Brother Bin, you are so generous"

"It's OK. As long as the woman is good to me, I will never be stingy."Lin Bin said casually,"By the way, where are you going? I'll take you there."

"Brother Bin, I have nothing to do, I can go anywhere."

Tang Lan said, leaning closer, half of her round chest was exposed. Lin

Bin turned his head inadvertently, and was frightened when he saw this scene. He sat up straight and looked straight.

This is his brother's girlfriend, he dare not look at her too much, even if he wants to test her, he can't really mess around

"Ahem, I'm free now, how about we go to Century Plaza for a walk?"

""Okay, I usually like shopping."

Seeing that she agreed, Lin Bin immediately started the car and headed for Century Square.

Along the way, Tang Lan kept looking for topics to get closer to Lin Bin, and at the same time, she inquired about his wealth intentionally or unintentionally. It

's okay to make some harmless jokes, but Lin Bin really doesn't dare to do anything else.

The car soon arrived at Century Square, and after finding a parking space to stop, Lin Bin felt that he had implemented the next plan.

Since he wanted to test the other party, he must first show his financial strength, so that the effect will be better.

"Xiao Lan, I'm planning to buy something, how about you give me some advice?"

After the two of them walked into the mall, Lin Bin looked at the luxury stores and made a suggestion.

Tang Lan's eyes lit up,"Brother Bin, don't worry, I have always had a good eye."

"OK, let's go in and have a look."

Then, Lin Bin began to show his ability to spend money.

He didn't even blink when he bought a belt worth 130,000 yuan, a shirt worth more than 50,000 yuan, and a pair of pants worth more than 60,000 yuan. He spent more than 500,000 yuan in half an hour and once again experienced the feeling of spending money like water.

"Xiao Lan, thank you so much today, I am very satisfied with all the things you bought." Lin Bin lifted the bag in his hand and said with a smile.

Tang Lan had long been completely impressed by his ability to spend money. When she looked at Lin Bin, her eyes glowed green,"Brother Bin, you are too polite. It's mainly because you are handsome and look very elegant in anything you wear."

Lin Bin smiled and said,"Since you have helped me so much, I can't be stingy. Come on, I'll give you a small gift."

Soon, the two came to the Chanel counter. Lin Bin didn't spend much money. He just picked a bottle of perfume worth more than 30,000 yuan and bought it as a thank you.

"Brother Bin, thank you, you are so kind."

Just a bottle of perfume, Tang Lan began to flirt.

Seeing that she was about to lean on him again, Lin Bin immediately stepped back, but now the time was almost ripe, so he was ready to start asking questions.

"Let's go, let's put the things in the car first."

There were so many people in the mall that it was difficult to say some things, so the two of them returned to the parking lot with their things.

While putting the things in the trunk, Lin Bin quickly took out his mobile phone and turned on the recording function.

After returning to the car, he did not rush to speak to test, but reached into his pocket first.

""Xiao Lan, do you want to smoke one?"

While thinking about the trick, Lin Bin took out a small box from his pocket, without paying attention to what he took out.

Tang Lan took a look at the thing he handed over with a strange expression, and pursed her lips and said,"Brother Bin, I can't smoke this thing."

Lin Bin felt something was wrong. When he caught a glimpse of the thing in his hand, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Damn it! He obviously wanted to take out a cigarette, why did he take out the"safety helmet".

He hurriedly opened the storage compartment on the armrest of the car, threw the thing in his hand in and closed it, then hurriedly took out the cigarettes he had just bought from his pocket, lit one for himself first,"Do you want one?"

"That's fine, I seldom smoke."Tang Lan took it this time and lit one for herself,"Brother Bin, I didn't realize you were so safety-conscious." Lin

Bin blushed and said casually,"This thing is not mine, it was given to me when I bought a car."

I don't believe you, can a 'safety helmet' be given to me when I buy a car?

Tang Lan obviously didn't believe it, but she didn't expose it.

"By the way, Xiaolan, you are so beautiful, you must have a boyfriend, right?" Lin Bin asked while smoking.

Tang Lan seemed to have guessed something and said,"Brother Bin, you guessed wrong this time. I am still single."

This woman didn't even blink when she lied.

"I'm planning to go traveling these days, and I'm in need of a companion. How about we go together?" Lin Bin tried again.

"Really? Brother Bin, I love traveling the most!"

Lin Bin had a smile on his face, but he had already cursed in his heart. This kind of woman can be dismissed with a bottle of perfume. Guan Peng is really blind.

However, fortunately, he helped him to clear the mines in advance.

Now that he has determined what kind of person the other party is, Lin Bin will no longer be polite. He just spent more than 30,000 yuan on her, and he must get it back from this woman, and then let Guan Peng see with his own eyes what kind of person Tang Lan is.

"Xiao Lan, why don't you treat me to a meal at noon, and then I'll give you a surprise!"

Lin Bin said as he sent the recording to his buddy.

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