Tang Lan is a woman who knows how to invest. Her biggest expense is buying all kinds of cosmetics.

In her mind, only by dressing herself up more beautifully can she meet a better man. Lin Bin in front of her is a good example.

What's more, the other party just gave her a perfume worth more than 30,000 yuan. It's just a meal. Naturally, she won't be stingy.

Tang Lan patted her trembling chest and said,"Brother Bin, just tell me what you want to eat. I'll treat you at noon today.""

"I remember there seems to be a seafood buffet here, let's go eat seafood."

Lin Bin considered that this meal might not be enjoyable, so he specifically suggested eating a buffet so that the other party could pay first.

""Okay, let's go eat seafood."

Tang Lan agreed immediately. A seafood buffet only cost a few hundred yuan, so she made a lot of money.

And she was looking forward to the surprise that Lin Bin mentioned.

Soon, the two got off the car and went to a seafood buffet in the square.

"Brother Bin, go find a seat first, I'll pay the bill."

After entering the door, Tang Lan really went to the service desk to pay the bill, and Lin Bin was not polite and sat down directly

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 568 yuan consumption rebate from Tang Lan, a sincerity index of 13.33, and a reverse critical hit of 1333 times!"

"The amount received is 757,144 yuan, please check it!"

The sincerity index is only 13%, not even as good as a stranger.

Lin Bin was speechless. This woman called him Brother Bin all the time, and her body rubbed against him from time to time, but the sincerity index was so low. She was really an acting school.

Fortunately, the more than 30,000 yuan spent before was recovered, and she also made hundreds of thousands of yuan, which was her hard work fee.

However, I don’t know what’s going on with Guan Peng. I have sent a message for a long time, but this guy hasn’t replied yet.

Lin Bin just took out his mobile phone, and Tang Lan, who had paid the bill, came over.

"Brother Bin, why don't you go get the food?"

Lin Bin was busy sending messages and replied without even looking up,"I have something to deal with, go get it for me.""

"OK, Brother Bin, wait a moment."

Tang Lan didn't think much about it and walked away.

She usually couldn't bear to come to such a place, but today she had a rare opportunity, so she naturally wouldn't be polite.

Lin Bin sent another message to Guan Peng, so he could only wait quietly.

On the other side, in a small restaurant on the side of the road.

Guan Peng had just been busy all morning and didn't have time to go back to the unit at noon, so he could only find a place to make do with a meal.

He had just sat down and hadn't had time to order food when the phone in his pocket rang.

He quickly took out his phone and saw that it was Lin Bin who sent two messages.

The first message was a voice message, or a few minutes later. It was sent 12 minutes ago. Guan Peng was probably busy at that time and didn't notice the message at all.

The next one was a text message.

Lin Bin: Dapeng, listen to my advice, you can't control this woman!

What does it mean? Guan Peng was confused and quickly clicked on the first voice message to listen.

Two voices came from the receiver of the phone, one male and one female, and both voices were very familiar.

As he listened, Guan Peng's face became uglier and uglier.

After listening to the whole voice message, combined with the sentence sent below, he finally understood what Lin Bin meant.

""Damn bitch!"

Guan Peng cursed angrily. He felt a little disgusted when he thought of the other party pretending to be noble in front of him all day. He had known Tang Lan for two years. During these two years, Guan Peng was sincere to her. Every festival, big or small, would include a carefully prepared gift.

As a result, he only held her hand, and even refused to kiss her on the mouth, saying that she wanted to save it for marriage.

But now, Tang Lan told another man that she was single and even wanted to travel with others. The meaning was self-evident.

Guan Peng became more and more angry and called Lin Bin directly.

In the seafood restaurant, Lin Bin looked at the call from Guan Peng and answered it immediately.

"Binzi, what’s going on?"

"Don't worry, this is what happened......."

Lin Bin quickly recounted what happened today, and then asked,"Dapeng, it's up to you how to deal with it now."

"Please send me the address. I want to ask her in person."

"OK, see you later."

After Lin Bin hung up the phone, he sent a location message.

Just as he put his phone away, Tang Lan came back with a few plates.

"Brother Bin, I don't know what you like to eat, so I just picked some at random. If it's not enough, I'll get more for you." Lin

Bin showed a hint of smile,"Okay, stop busying yourself, eat something quickly, or you won't have time later."

Could it be that he is going to take her to exercise later?

Tang Lan's eyes flashed, and her face smiled like a flower,"Come on, Brother Bin, eat more oysters, this stuff is very nutritious."

Lin Bin looked at the large plate of oysters handed over by the other party, his expression was stunned. Does this woman think that he is going to do something with her?

""Haha, you really know a lot."

Lin Bin said with a meaningful smile. Thinking of the two beautiful girls in the villa, he did not refuse and ate heartily.

The two chatted while eating. It was basically Tang Lan who kept talking, and Lin Bin occasionally replied.

More than half an hour later, while the two were eating, a figure rushed over angrily.

"Hehe, Brother Bing, you are so humorous......"

Tang Lan was smiling voluptuous, and she looked up inadvertently. She saw a familiar figure in her peripheral vision, and her smile froze.

Guan Peng took two steps at a time and walked up to her,"Tang Lan, why are you here?"

Tang Lan's eyes flashed with a trace of panic, but she quickly calmed down,"Guan Peng, aren't you at work? Why are you here?"

"I ask you again, why are you here and what is your relationship with him?"Guan Peng pointed at Lin Bin with a dark face and shouted loudly.

The commotion here immediately attracted the attention of people from several tables nearby.

Tang Lan had an ugly look on her face and said unhappily:"Guan Peng, I'm just having a meal with my friends, what's it to you?"

"Friend? Well, then, tell him what our relationship is?" Guan Peng pressed again.

Seeing that all the customers in the store were looking at her, Tang Lan couldn't hold back her expression anymore. She said angrily,"Are you crazy? You and I have nothing to do with each other.

Also, I warn you, don't bother me again!"

Although Guan Peng is a good backup, he is too poor.

The two have known each other for two years, but the gifts he gave were always cheap goods worth a few hundred yuan.

Now that she has Lin Bin as her big boss, Tang Lan immediately decided to give up this backup.

""Okay! I have seen you clearly today. I hope you won't regret it."

Guan Peng's teeth creaked. The reason why he ran over was to see Tang Lan with his own eyes and give him an explanation for the feelings he had given her for the past two years.

Now, after seeing it with his own eyes, he has completely given up.

"Brother Bin, please don't get me wrong, I really have nothing to do with him." Seeing that Lin Bin had an ugly expression, Tang Lan quickly explained.

Lin Bin seemed relieved when he heard it, and nodded slightly,"Okay, that's okay, I'm just full too."

Seeing that he didn't seem to be angry, Tang Lan was relieved, with a smile on her face,"Brother Bin, since you've finished eating, let's go to another place, I'm still waiting for you to surprise me."

Lin Bin suddenly stood up, patted Guan Peng on the shoulder, turned his head and showed Tang Lan a weird smile

"He is my best buddy, so how about it, are you surprised or not?"

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