"Brother Bin, I'm going to start the live broadcast."

Before the game started, Zhuo Xinyi sent a voice message to Lin Bin.

Lin Bin understood immediately and logged into the Douyu live account directly, and gave Biao Biao 30 Royal Salutes in a row. Biao

Biao's performance has been getting better and better recently. He plans to observe her for a while. If the sincerity index can be improved, he will accept her completely.

As long as she is his own, Lin Bin will never be stingy.

"Xiaobai, when you finish playing the game, you can also start a live broadcast, and I will go to give you some gifts."

Bai Lele shook his head,"Uncle, I plan not to go to comic exhibitions in the future, and I will not start live broadcasts anymore."

Lin Bin thought about it and nodded,"That's fine, I will wear it for myself in the future."

"All right."Bai Lele agreed immediately.

The game finally started, and the bronze round was a piece of cake.

Zhuo Xinyi had played King of Glory before, and she was a game anchor after all, with pretty good skills, so she chose the shooter directly.

Xiao Baitu liked to play the mage, so Lin Bin naturally wouldn't compete with her. After playing Cai Wenji twice, he got a little bored and started playing other heroes.

Although there weren't many heroes on this account, Lin Bin was a very good Arthur.

Old players of King of Glory know that the hero Arthur is omnipotent, and can be competent as a support, jungler, and top laner, and can even occasionally play a guest role in the mid lane.

After a dozen minutes of playing and eight consecutive wins, Lin Bin finally encountered some trouble. In the new round, there were two people on the opposite side who also played small accounts, and their skills were naturally impeccable, which led to their almost being overturned. Fortunately, they won without any danger in the end.

"Uncle, I was scared to death, my house was almost robbed just now!"

After the game, Bai Lele patted his chest with a scared look.

Lin Bin smiled faintly,"It's just playing a game. If you lose, you lose. At worst, you can just start over."

"That won’t do. Sister Xinyi wants to keep up the winning streak." Bai Lele said firmly,"Uncle, can you please play properly and stop using Arthur as a jungler."

Lin Bin said helplessly,"Arthur is the most suitable jungler on my account. I don’t want to use Zhuang Zhou as a jungler, right?"

Bai Lele said,"Then I’ll give you another hero. What do you want to play?" Lin Bin thought for a moment and said,"I’m better at stick skills, so let’s play Monkey King."

Bai Lele glanced at the remaining points in his account. There were only a few hundred points left."Uncle, wait a minute. I’ll top up some more money."

Zhuo Xinyi heard the conversation between the two and immediately said,"Brother Bin, I’ll buy you a Sun Wukong."

Soon, Lin Bin received the hero given by the other party, as well as a Hellfire skin.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, the consumption rebate from Zhuo Xinyi is 237.6 yuan, the sincerity index is 60.35, and the reverse critical hit is 6035 times!"

"The amount received is 1433196 yuan, please check it!"

More than one million yuan has been received. The key is that the sincerity index of the bitch has finally exceeded 60%.

This is a good start.

"Come on, let me show you how powerful my Ruyi Jingu Bang is!"

Lin Bin was full of confidence, but after the game, his record was 1-5.

"Haha, uncle, your golden hoop stick is not powerful."

After winning the game, Bai Lele looked at his own record, then at Lin Bin's record, and laughed so hard that he fell backwards.

Lin Bin was a little embarrassed,"Is my golden hoop stick powerful? Just ask Xinyi and you will know."

Bai Lele immediately said,"Sister Xinyi, you come and judge whether uncle's golden hoop stick is powerful or not." Zhuo

Xinyi replied with two words plus an expression: powerful (drooling)!

Seeing someone prove it for him, Lin Bin was also quite proud, and directly gave Bitch ten more royal salutes.

The three of them were late until ten o'clock, and Lin Bin couldn't stand it anymore, so he quit the game first,"Xiaobai, why don't you go to my room to play, I can give you some guidance?"

Bai Lele looked at the big bad wolf smile on his face, and immediately hid far away like a frightened rabbit,"Uncle, I'm going to play with Sister Xinyi, you go to sleep first."

Lin Bin was a little speechless. He wanted to eat White Rabbit in the evening, but he didn't expect this girl to be so uncooperative.

He persuaded her a few more times, but Bai Lele's little head shook like a rattle, and she refused to go to the room no matter what.

It seems that she needs to be trained slowly.

Helplessly, Lin Bin had to go back to the empty bed alone, but he lay in bed for a long time, tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep.

He was now in a period of vigorous energy, and he had been enjoying the taste for it these days. If he couldn't eat the White Rabbit at his mouth tonight, his second brother would naturally rebel.

"Hey, what use do I have for this iron rod?"

Lin Bin comforted his second brother, but the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep.

In desperation, he had to send a message to Bitch: Don't play King of Glory anymore, don't fall behind in your previous skills, come here and I'll give you some guidance

""Shooter, shooter!"

In the room, Bai Lele yelled and directed the team battle.

Although Zhuo Xinyi had quit the live broadcast, she was still playing in a duo with her.

Ding! Seeing the message from Brother Bin on her phone, Zhuo Xinyi said nonchalantly:"Lele, you stay here first, I'll go get some food."

Bai Lele didn't even raise her head,"Okay, Sister Xinyi, you take your phone with you, don't hang up."

Seeing that she didn't care, Zhuo Xinyi quietly left the room with her phone, and then went straight to the third floor.

She and Bai Lele's rooms are on the second floor, while Lin Bin lives upstairs alone.

"Brother Bin, here I come."

Lin Bin was happy to see that she was still holding her phone,"Come on, you play mine and I play yours."

Five minutes later, the game on the phone ended, but Lin Bin's game was not finished yet, so he had to continue playing.

Ten minutes later, when Lin Bin pushed to the opponent's high ground, he finally broke out.

""Hey, Brother Bin, when can you let me practice other techniques?"

Zhuo Xinyi stood up and couldn't help asking.

Lin Bin smiled,"Why? What other techniques do you know?"

Zhuo Xinyi smiled shyly,"I just don't know how to do it, so I want Brother Bin to teach me."

Lin Bin patted her and handed the phone back,"Okay, then buy me a gift, and when I'm satisfied, I'll teach you new techniques."

At the beginning, he really didn't take the bitch seriously, but just regarded her as a gift for the little white rabbit.

But now, since the other party is performing better and better, Lin Bin decided to give her a chance.

If you really want to accept the other party, you can't just take one old path. You have to take all three paths.

"Thank you, Brother Bin. I'll leave first."

Zhuo Xinyi got the answer and went downstairs happily.

In the room, Bai Lele heard the door open and turned around to see that it was her best friend who came back.

"Sister Xinyi, what did you eat secretly? There's something on the corner of your mouth."

Zhuo Xinyi panicked and quickly reached out to wipe it off, forcing a smile on her face,"I just drank Amul and accidentally got some on it."

Bai Lele touched his belly and said enviously,"I want to drink Amul too!""

"Lele, we have finished drinking today. If you want to drink, wait until next time!"

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