The next day, Lin Bin was awakened by a knock on the door.

Knock, knock, knock!

"Uncle, get up and eat."

Bai Lele's sweet voice came from outside the door, like the sound of plum sauce.

""I'm here."

Lin Bin took the phone from the bedside and saw that it was just past eight o'clock. There was a message on the phone, which was sent by Guan Peng last night.

Big muscle man (Guan Peng): Binzi, when are you free, let's have dinner together.

Lin Bin thought about it and realized that this guy was probably talking about the 200,000 yuan yesterday, so he simply sent him a message: I can't keep all these women company, I don't have time.

It's not that he is hypocritical, but next, he really has something to do.

He had promised to open a live broadcast company and a 4S store before, It's time to get busy these days.

As soon as the message was sent, Guan Peng replied with a contemptuous expression.

Lin Bin glanced at this guy and ignored him, putting his phone directly into his pocket.

After going downstairs, Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi were already waiting at the dining table, but neither of them started eating, obviously waiting for him. There were steamed buns, fried dough sticks, soy milk, porridge, and a few side dishes. There were quite a lot of varieties, and they all looked very delicate.

Bai Lele said,"Uncle, these are all bought nearby when I went out just now. Try them and see if they suit your taste."

Lin Bin nodded. There were many shops not far from the villa. He had a meal there with Jiang Yubing last time.

After finishing a few steamed buns in one breath and drinking a bowl of millet porridge, he was almost full.

The remaining fried dough sticks and soy milk were naturally left to Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 18 yuan consumption rebate from Bai Lele, sincerity index 81.43, reverse critical hit 8143 times!"

"The amount received is 146,574 yuan, please check it carefully!"

After hearing the reminder in his mind, Lin Bin knew what was going on. It seemed that the sincerity index of the little white rabbit had completely stabilized at more than 80%.

"Are you two full?"

"Have you eaten enough?"

The two of them were drinking a cup of soy milk each, sipping it with relish.

Lin Bin looked at them and said,"After eating, it's time to get down to business. I'll assign you some tasks today."

Bai Lele bit the straw and drank the last bit of soy milk, making a gurgling sound,"Uncle, what do you want us to do?"

Lin Bin said,"Didn't I tell you before that we would open a live broadcast company and a club? We should start preparing."

Zhuo Xinyi was overjoyed. It seemed that her skills had been recognized, and now she was really going to start a company.

Although Bai Lele was also yearning for it, her little face wrinkled,"Uncle, we have no experience in such a big thing as starting a company!"

Lin Bin reached out and rubbed his bun,"You go find a suitable place today. Let's rent an office building first, and leave the rest to me."

Bai Lele breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was just a simple matter of renting a house,"Then what kind of house should we rent?"

Seeing that she wanted to know everything, Lin Bin couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't start the company to make money, but just to give these women a fixed high income so that he could get the wool through the system.

He didn't intend to do all these trivial matters himself, but the two people in front of him were too inexperienced.

"You can go to the city to find an office building in a prime location. The location should be good and the area should be large. Money is not a problem."

"OK, I've got it!"

Bai Lele was like a good kid, counting on his fingers to write down Lin Bin's request.

After cleaning up the table, the two girls set out to find a house.

Lin Bin thought about it, took out his mobile phone, downloaded a BOSS direct recruitment, recharged money to activate the super VIP, and then posted a recruitment information.

He now has to open three companies at once, and he has no help at all. It is impossible for him to do everything by himself, so he might as well find an executive director first.

Now that he has money, Lin Bin just wants to enjoy life, he doesn't want to take on a lot of things to do.

The recruitment information was posted quickly, but the resumes were not received so quickly.

After thinking about it, Lin Bin searched for company registration on his mobile phone again, and soon found a bunch of specialized A company that handles business registration.

These days, as long as you have money, everything is easy to do.

Lin Bin randomly chose a company called Tianyuan Finance and called the number they had received.

When the other party learned that he wanted to register three companies, all of which were relatively large, they immediately assigned a professional consultant to Lin Bin. After a few brief conversations on the phone, the other party proposed to meet in person for a detailed discussion, and Lin Bin agreed immediately. After the two parties agreed on a location, Lin Bin set off in a Mercedes-Benz G-Class.

Half an hour later, when Lin Bin arrived at the agreed Starbucks coffee shop, the people from the finance company were still on the way, so he chose a seat by the window and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, a young waiter came over,"Hello, sir, do you need anything?"

Hearing this crisp and pleasant voice, Lin Bin subconsciously looked up and glanced at the other party,"Hey, why is it you?"

The girl in front of him was none other than Mu Wenjun, who had accidentally scratched her Audi R8 and bought ice cream to compensate for it.

The reason why Lin Bin remembered her, apart from the extremely expensive ice cream, was that her sincerity index was particularly high.

Mu Wenjun recognized Lin Bin at once,"Ah, it's you. I'm so sorry about what happened last time."

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"There's nothing to be sorry about. Besides, you've already paid the money."

As he spoke, he looked at the girl in front of him.

The girl was very young, about seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was very pretty, especially her eyes, which looked particularly smart.

Although she was wearing a waitress's uniform now, she had a temperament that was not worldly.

This temperament was different from Cheng Ke'er's coldness, and it was a bit like a fairy sister.

When Mu Wenjun heard Lin Bin mention the compensation, she blushed immediately,"I...Last time I went back and asked my family, it only costs 2,000 yuan to repaint your car, and I don’t have enough money to pay for it."

Her face turned red, and she looked like a fairy sister descending to earth.

Lin Bin was moved and joked,"Why, are you going to pay me more money?"

Mu Wenjun lowered her head and said angrily,"I don’t have that much money for the time being."

Seeing her like this, Lin Bin didn’t want to embarrass her any more, and smiled and shook his head,"I was kidding. By the way, this is my first time here, can you recommend a cup of coffee for me?"

"How about a cappuccino?" Mu Wenjun asked tentatively.

"OK! By the way, it’s best to have it cold."

"OK, wait a moment."

Two minutes later, Mu Wenjun came over with a cup of coffee,"Sir, I'll treat you to this cup today. Although it's not enough to pay for the car, I will definitely pay you back when I make money in the future."

What an interesting and pretty girl.

Lin Bin suddenly became interested,"Should we add each other on WeChat? Otherwise, how can I find you in the future?"

"OK, I'll scan you then."Mu Wenjun immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the code scanning interface.

If a beautiful woman wants to add WeChat, Lin Bin will naturally not refuse.

Ding! Wenjun adds you as a friend!

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