The next day, Lin Bin left the Marriott Hotel in high spirits.

Recalling everything that happened last night, he couldn't help but smile.

Who would have thought that Leng Yiza, who was in her early thirties and had been in the entertainment industry for so many years, actually had her first

"No wonder she hasn't made a name for herself yet."

Leng Yiza is a plump type. Although she doesn't look that stunning, she is really exciting when she is actually"auditioning".

Lin Bin was naturally very satisfied with the result of the audition.

After the audition, Leng Yiza just talked about her current situation and didn't make any requests. Lin Bin didn't make any promises to her. He just left his phone number and asked her to go to Jiangcheng and wait.

However, before leaving just now, seeing that she was exhausted, Lin Bin gave her another 500,000 yuan in nutrition expenses, which could be regarded as a solution to her urgent needs.

After leaving the Marriott Hotel, Lin Bin took a taxi and went straight to the airport. Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi hadn't had enough fun yet, and they had just bought a new house. The three of them had already discussed that Lin Bin would return to Jiangcheng alone first, and the two women would stay in Shanghai temporarily. When they came, there were three of them.

Lin Bin was the only one left when he went back.

Fortunately, he was a little tired from the tossing and turning last night. He took a nap after getting on the plane. When he woke up, he had already arrived in Jiangcheng.

After coming out of Jiangcheng Airport, Lin Bin did not go back to the villa in Bishuiwan. He drove the Mercedes-Benz G directly to his hometown.

Although his cousin's wedding was not until tomorrow, he had to rush back a day in advance to see if he could help.

Zhushan County is just a small county with a population of less than 500,000. It is only more than 300 kilometers away from Jiangcheng City. It is geographically remote and economically backward.

When Lin Bin drove to Zhushan County, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

The cousin who is getting married tomorrow is called Lin Rui. He is the son of his uncle Lin Guoqiang. He is almost thirty years old this year and is a real late marriage.

Originally, Lin Guoqiang's family was also native rural people, but Lin After graduating from university, Rui passed the civil service exam and now works in the county tax bureau.

Although the salary is not high, he is a formal civil servant after all, so it is considered to be a face for the Lin family. Lin

Bin remembered that every time during the New Year gathering, his uncle's family often boasted about his son's status and often used it to persuade him to work hard.

He remembered that a sentence his uncle often said was,"If you have any problems, ask your brother Rui for help."

The tone was as if Lin Rui, an ordinary civil servant, could do a lot of things in this small county.

If it were in the past, Lin Bin would feel a little uncomfortable when hearing these words. It's not that he is jealous, but he just can't stand his uncle's arrogant face.

But now, when he thinks of his worth of billions, he doesn't feel anything.

He is just a civil servant, how can he be as happy as a super rich man.

In order to facilitate Lin When Rui went to work, his uncle's family scraped together money to buy a house in the county town, and borrowed 30,000 yuan from Lin Bin's family, but they never paid it back.

Now they are getting married again, and it is estimated that it will take several years to pay off the debt.

But Lin Bin didn't care about the mere 30,000 yuan.

Since there is a house in the county town, and his uncle is a person who likes to pay attention to appearances, Lin Rui's wedding will naturally be held in the county town.

Although the relatives in his hometown are all from the countryside, for such a big event as Lin Rui's marriage, the Lin family will go to the county town one day in advance to see if there is anything they can help with.

However, according to the stingy style of his uncle's family, they will only arrange these family members and relatives in cheap small hotels.

Lin Bin didn't want to suffer this, so he simply booked a room in the best hotel in the county town, and planned to pick up his parents later.

After booking the room, he drove directly to his uncle's house, ready to show his face first, so as not to be talked about behind his back.

The community where Lin Rui lives is called Xiangshan Lijing, and the housing price is more than 3,000 yuan per square meter, which is considered good in Zhushan County.

Although it was Lin Bin's first time here, he could not help but remember his house number clearly because Lin Guoqiang often mentioned it, so he found the place easily.

Ding Dong!

""Here they come, here they come!"

Standing outside the door, Lin Bin heard bursts of laughter coming from the room.

"Hey, Binzi is back!"

It was his uncle Lin Guoqiang who opened the door. Lin Bin hurriedly shouted,"Uncle, congratulations!"

Lin Guoqiang smiled from ear to ear, but complained,"Hey, I told your dad, it's not a big deal, there's no need to notify you to come back, it would be bad if you delay work."

"It’s okay. Rui Ge’s marriage is such a big deal, how can I not come back!"

"Come on, don't stand at the door, come in quickly, your parents are here too!"

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Bin found that not only his parents were here, but also his uncles, aunts, and uncles were all there. The Lin family was more gathered than during the Chinese New Year.

But none of his cousins were there.

Lin Bin hurriedly called them one by one, took a look, and found that his cousin was not there either. He asked curiously:"Uncle, where is my brother Rui? Why can't I see him? And where is Sister Yun?" Lin

Guoqiang has a son and a daughter. Lin Yun is the eldest. He is 32 years old this year, and his children are in elementary school.

"He went to the hotel for rehearsal, and there are still some things that are not prepared. Your sister Yun also took people to buy them."

Looking at the room full of elders, Lin Bin couldn't sit still and immediately said,"Uncle, can you see if there is anything missing at home? I can go and run some errands."

Lin Guoqiang smiled and said,"Nothing is missing. There are so many people helping outside. You have come back from Jiangcheng, so just take a good rest."

Lin Bin smiled and nodded,"Okay, then uncle, can you assign me some tasks tomorrow?"

"We have already discussed it. Binzi, you will go with us to pick up the bride tomorrow."

Lin Guoqiang said with a smile,"your brother Rui said that there will be quite a few bridesmaids this time. I will introduce you to someone by the way.

You are not a child anymore. Hurry up and find a partner. Don't be like your brother Rui and get married so late, making me worry."

Although Lin Guoqiang complained, the joy on his face did not subside at all.

On the side, Lin's father and mother heard what their eldest brother said, and the smiles on their faces were a little forced.

Lin Bin's several cousins are also married. He is the youngest. Now Lin Rui is also married, and Lin Bin is the only one left.

Moreover, Lin Bin's family conditions are the worst. In addition, he did not finish his studies and his job is mediocre. In front of his family, he always feels inferior.

"Haha, uncle, don't worry, I have many girlfriends."

Lin Bin told the truth, and everyone thought he was joking and didn't take it seriously.

Many relatives and elders were there, and the topic began to be pulled to Lin Bin, which made him feel uneasy.

When you were a child, the elders asked you about your grades, and when you grew up, they asked you about your salary. On the surface, they all looked concerned and gave you earnest instructions, but they didn't care whether you were willing to listen or not.

After chatting for a while, seeing that his parents had to stay here, Lin Bin couldn't sit still anymore, so he could only find an excuse to slip away first.

Not long after he left the community, Lin Rui hurried back, and his face was not very good.

"Xiaorui, why did you come back? Binzi just left, did you see him downstairs?" Lin Guoqiang didn't notice that his son's face looked strange, and he was still smiling. Lin Rui didn't care about small talk, and said directly:"Dad, it's bad. There was a problem with the fleet I contacted before. The Mercedes-Benz in the lead car had a traffic accident today and can't come tomorrow."

Lin Guoqiang was stunned and said quickly:"What should we do? Can we change one?"

"No! Xiaoya told me that it must be a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, otherwise the marriage will not happen!"Lin Rui was so anxious that his face turned red and his neck became thick.

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