His son is almost 30 years old and is finally getting married. How can he delay this matter because of a wedding car?

Lin Guoqiang's face changed,"Xiao Rui, can you contact the wedding company to see if there are other cars?"

Lin Rui smiled bitterly and shook his head,"Dad, I have already called, and the wedding company only has a Mercedes-Benz S-Class"

"Then you can talk to Xiaoya and see if you can change to another car?" Aunt Tian Guifen also became anxious.

"Mom, Xiaoya's family is very proud, and the car issue has been agreed long ago, she doesn't agree at all."

"It's over, what should I do? Tian Guifen was at a loss.

""What are you howling for!" Lin Guoqiang shouted angrily, then turned to look at his son,"Xiao Rui, you know such a big leader, try to find a relationship, can you borrow a car?"

Lin Rui showed a bitter smile,"Dad, you think too highly of me. I'm just an ordinary civil servant, how can I know any leaders?"

Zhushan County is just an ordinary small county, and its economy is relatively backward. Although there are many luxury cars, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class worth millions is not common.

He is an ordinary civil servant, not even a section-level official, and it is impossible for him to borrow a car.

"What should I do? If it doesn't work, I will go to discuss it with my in-laws in person!" Lin Guoqiang said.

Lin Rui shook his head and said dejectedly:"It's useless, there is really no other way, let's not get married tomorrow."

"What nonsense are you talking about, you little brat!" Lin Guoqiang glared at him fiercely

"Xiaorui, don't worry, let's discuss it together, maybe there are other ways."

Second uncle Lin Guofu said to comfort him, and others also tried to persuade him.

But only Lin Rui knew that with their family, the wedding tomorrow might not be possible.

Those who can afford a Mercedes-Benz S-Class are almost the richest people in the county. Such a big shot is beyond the reach of their Lin family.

After Lin Bin left the community, he went to the bank first. Considering that he would go back to his hometown after his cousin got married tomorrow, he planned to withdraw some cash first.

After all, the money he transferred to his parents was probably kept in the card and they were reluctant to spend it.

"Hello, help me withdraw 100,000 yuan."

The lady at the counter was pretty, and Lin Bin looked at her twice.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer places to use cash, and the bank's business is getting less and less busy. Wang Han has been working in CCB for two years and is a little tired of it. When he saw someone coming to withdraw money, he took the other person's bank card.

"Please enter your password."

When Wang Han saw the string of zeros in the other party's account, she was stunned.

The money she had handled in the past two years, combined, was probably not that much.

"Please help me withdraw 100,000 yuan!"

Lin Bin saw that the other party was a little dazed, and shouted again

"oh...Please wait a moment!"

Wang Han finally came to his senses, tapped the banknotes neatly, and handed them over.

"Thank you!"Lin Bin put away the 100,000 yuan and the bank card and left without looking back.

Through the glass window, Wang Han remembered this young richest man in Zhushan County firmly in his heart.

After leaving the bank, Lin Bin went to the department store again, intending to buy something for his parents.

""Lin Bin!"

As soon as he entered the door, he heard someone calling his name. Looking for the source, a familiar woman was looking at him in surprise.

"Lin Bin, it really is you. Have you forgotten about my old desk mate?"Xu Panpan came over and hit him.

Lin Bin immediately remembered and said with a smile,"Hey, isn't this the beautiful Xu? I can forget you no matter who I am. How about it? Are you married now? Do I still have a chance?"

"Haha, you are so smooth-talking. But I just got married, you have no chance now."

Xu Panpan looks average, but has a carefree personality. In high school, she was Lin Bin's deskmate for two years, so they were very familiar with each other.

Lin Bin showed regret on his face,"This is such a pity, my last name is not Cao"

"Look at what you can do!" Xu Panpan rolled her eyes. How could a married young woman not understand such dirty jokes?"Come on, let's go to my place."

She opened a beverage store in this mall. Although it was not large, she was still a boss. Since she had nothing to do, Lin Bin finally met an old classmate, so he followed her.

The two chatted about all sorts of things, including interesting things in school.

"" By the way, weren't you in Jiangcheng? Have you met our squad leader? She is your goddess, right?"

Suddenly, while chatting, Xu Panpan mentioned Lu Xiaoyu.

Lin Bin's smile froze, and he said with a wry smile:"I did meet her once, but she is married. By the way, you and she seem to be from the same town, you can't know that, right?"

Xu Panpan curled his lips,"How could I not know? I gave a gift money when she got married, but her wedding was as good as not getting married."

"What do you mean?" Lin Bin was stunned.

Xu Panpan continued:"You don't know, Lu Xiaoyu got married because something happened in her family and she was in debt.

As a result, her husband had an accident on the wedding day. She spent a lot of money but couldn't be saved. However, Lu Xiaoyu never remarried and has been taking care of her husband's family all these years........"

It turns out that there are so many things involved.

Lin Bin sat and listened to Xu Panpan's intermittent narration, and the figure in his heart became clearer and clearer in his mind.

He almost couldn't help but call Lu Xiaoyu immediately, but when he thought of her sister-in-law, he could only suppress the thoughts in his heart.

In Jiangcheng, a fast food restaurant on the side of the road slowly closed the door.

Lu Xiaoyu picked up two large bags from the ground and smiled,"Xiaonan, let's go, we will go to Hangzhou tomorrow, and then I will open another store, and the business there will definitely be good."

Wang Jianan looked at the smile on her face and suddenly said,"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry."

Lu Xiaoyu's body stiffened, and then smiled:"Okay, tell me what to say sorry."

Wang Jianan shook her head,"Sister-in-law, our family has dragged you down in the past two years. My brother has been gone for two years, and you don't have to keep guarding him."

Lu Xiaoyu said:"Silly girl, what do you mean by burden? If it weren't for your brother, my dad would have no money to treat his illness. Besides, we are all a family, and this is what I should do."

"No! You've done enough, and you don't owe our family anything anymore." Wang Jianan's tone was a little low.

Lu Xiaoyu walked up to her and hugged her,"Xiaonan, don't let your imagination run wild, just study hard, and when you graduate, your sister-in-law will also benefit from you."

Wang Jianan said,"I was wrong before. From today on, I won't call you sister-in-law anymore. I'll call you Sister Xiaoyu, okay?"

Lu Xiaoyu suddenly wanted to cry, and after holding back for a long time, tears still fell down,"Okay, call me whatever you want!".......

Zhushan County, Department Store.

Lin Bin had been sitting there for two hours. When he said goodbye to Xu Panpan, it was almost dark and he had no time to buy things for his parents.

When he came out of the mall, he took out his phone and took a look. He was immediately confused.

"It's already past seven o'clock, could it be that Uncle's family won't provide dinner tonight?"

Lin Bin didn't know that at this moment, everyone in Uncle's family had a gloomy look on their faces.

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