A Mercedes-Benz G-Class worth more than two million yuan is naturally better than an S-Class.

Lin Rui called the woman to explain the situation, and she agreed immediately.

After solving the problem of the first car, Lin Guoqiang finally felt relieved and felt hungry.

He quickly called all the relatives and went to the hotel together to arrange three full tables.

"Binzi, I really have to thank you for what happened today, otherwise your cousin wouldn't be able to get married tomorrow. Come, uncle wants to toast you!"

At the dinner table, Lin Guoqiang smiled happily and took the initiative to find Lin Bin.

Lin Bin quickly stood up and said,"Uncle, we are all family, there is no need to say thank you or not, I toast you"

"What's the point of being respectful? Just sit down and listen to me." Lin Guoqiang had drunk quite a bit of wine and was a little tipsy at the moment.

The elders were all standing, so how could Lin Bin sit down? He could only stand there with a smile.

Lin Guoqiang held up the wine glass and said,"Binzi, you borrowed that car from someone else. I'm not sure if I can find someone else to drive it, so I might as well trouble you again tomorrow to help drive the car to pick up the bride.

Don't worry, your uncle will give you a big red envelope when the time comes."

What a joke! As a wealthy man, it's reasonable for me to help my cousin pick up the bride. If I really accepted the red envelope, wouldn't I be someone else's driver?

Lin Bin said,"Uncle, why are you being so polite to me? Don't worry, I will help my cousin pick up his sister-in-law tomorrow."

Lin Guoqiang insisted on giving him a red envelope, but Lin Bin refused to accept it.

Finally, after being persuaded by many relatives, Lin Guoqiang gave up the idea.

The elders sat at one table, and Lin Bin and his cousins sat at another table. Lin Guoqiang had just clinked glasses when Lin Rui picked up his glass again.

"Binzi, there’s nothing more to say, it’s all in the wine!"

"All right! Then let's go too!"

The meal lasted for more than an hour, and everyone was having a great time.

When it was over, it was almost ten o'clock.

Lin Bin took the opportunity to find a free moment and called Lin's father aside, whispering,"Dad, I've booked a room at the Regent Hotel tonight, why don't you and my mom stay there too?"

Lin Guosheng shook his head quickly,"No! Your uncle has made all the arrangements. Your second uncle, your uncle-in-law and I will all live together. What will happen if I leave alone?"

Lin Bin said,"Then call them all, and I'll get a room for everyone."

He just wanted his parents to enjoy themselves, since he wasn't short of money now anyway.

""What nonsense are you talking about? If you really do this, where will your uncle put his face?" Lin Guosheng glared at his son. Lin

Bin smiled awkwardly,"Then I won't care about you. Anyway, I have booked a room."

Lin Guosheng frowned, thought for a moment, and said,"Then go by yourself. Anyway, I definitely can't leave."

After the show, the uncle immediately arranged for everyone to go to the hotel to rest. Lin Bin hurriedly said hello to his cousin, found an excuse and slipped away.

After arriving at the Regent Hotel, he washed up, lay on the bed and had a video conference with Bai Lele. They chatted for more than half an hour before falling asleep.

The next day, before seven o'clock, his cousin called. This was the first time Lin Bin had gotten up so early since he resigned.

However, today was Lin Rui's big day, and there must be a lot of things to do, and he didn't dare to delay.

Lin Bin drove directly to his uncle's house. After everyone had breakfast together, they started to act separately.

This is the rule in Zhushan. On the wedding day, the groom must follow the motorcade to pick up the bride in person.

The first car is naturally Lin Bin's Mercedes-Benz G. Apart from him, only Lin Rui can sit.

Just after eight o'clock, Lin Rui contacted The wedding company's motorcade, all entry-level Mercedes-Benz, followed the G-Class and headed for the bride's home.

My cousin's bride is called Ding Xiaoya, and she is a native of Zhushan County, so the distance is not too far.

The motorcade first drove around several main streets in the county, and then arrived at the bride's home amid the sound of gongs and drums and firecrackers.

Lin Bin is the groom's full-time driver today, so he doesn't have any other tasks.

However, it was his first time to attend a wedding, and he was very curious about the lively scene in front of him, so he went to join in the fun.

The interesting and somewhat difficult door-blocking games made Lin Rui's wedding reception team embarrassed, but Lin Bin laughed as he watched from the side.

Although the process was tortuous, everything went smoothly in the end.

Until half past ten, seeing that the time was almost up, the wedding reception team finally overcame the difficulties and helped Lin Rui successfully pick up the bride.

""The bride is out, everyone get ready to go!"

Hearing the shout, Lin Bin hurriedly got in the car.

After the bride and groom, as well as a bridesmaid, got into the Mercedes-Benz G, he had time to take a closer look.

Cousin-in-law Ding Xiaoya was wearing a bright red cheongsam. She looked average, but her skin was fair. She grew up in the city and was spoiled.

With this appearance, she is a bit unworthy of the G.

Lin Bin only took a glance and focused his attention on the bridesmaid.

She was wearing a pink dress, which made her delicate features look delicate and charming. Her white shoulders were exposed, especially the collarbone, which was particularly attractive.

Although the dress was not low-cut, the other party had a lot of money and could also feast people's eyes.

Just when Lin Bin was looking at the bridesmaid, she was also secretly looking at him, and there was some surprise and shock in her eyes.

Wang Han and Ding Xiaoya are very good girlfriends. Today, she specially changed her shift to be a bridesmaid for her girlfriend, but she never expected that she would meet the mysterious richest man yesterday.

"Binzi, let's go!"

After successfully picking up the bride, Lin Rui was very happy.

"OK, Brother Rui!"

Lin Bin came back to his senses, started the car directly, and headed back to his uncle's house.

When the car was on the road, Lin Rui took the initiative to introduce,"Xiao Ya, the driver is our cousin Lin Bin. The Mercedes-Benz S-Class that I booked from the wedding company yesterday had an accident, and I was so worried.

Fortunately, Binzi borrowed a G-Class from someone, otherwise there would be no way today."

Ding Xiaoya also looked at this cousin curiously,"Binzi, I heard about this from your brother, thank you this time"

""You're too polite, sister-in-law. We'll be a family from now on." Lin Bin replied with a smile.

Ding Xiaoya felt the luxury of the Mercedes-Benz G and was quite satisfied in her heart,"What kind of job does Binzi do? It must not be easy to borrow such an expensive car, right?"

""Ahem, I used to work in a 4S store, so I have a lot of cars."

Lin Bin made up a random excuse. Ding Xiaoya was half-believing and half-doubting his lame excuse, but she didn't delve into it because she was not familiar with him.

In the car, Wang Han's eyes flickered, and his expression suddenly became strange. How could this big boss with a net worth of billions need to borrow a car from others?

This Mercedes-Benz G must be Lin Bin's own.

But the Lin family didn't seem to know the identity of this richest man?

Wang Han immediately saw through the key, but didn't expose it, and began to make a small calculation in his mind.

Half an hour later, the motorcade arrived at Lin Rui's new house smoothly, and the scene became noisy again.

When it came to the wedding night, Lin Bin was about to join in, but he found that the beautiful bridesmaid was staring at him, and he was suddenly confused.

Could it be that he became handsome again?

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