They are all brothers, and the cousins didn't make too much noise.

Lin Bin watched the fun for a while, then ran out.

As soon as he went out, the beautiful bridesmaid followed him out and came over to him.

Lin Bin was stunned and asked curiously,"Beauty, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Wang Han looked around to see if anyone was paying attention here, and lowered his voice and said,"My name is Wang Han. I helped you to withdraw money yesterday."

Lin Bin was stunned, and thought about it, and immediately slapped his forehead,"I was wondering why you looked familiar, it turned out to be you!"

Wang Han smiled,"Boss Lin, that Mercedes-Benz G is not borrowed, but your own, right?"

Lin Bin immediately understood that the other party must have seen the balance in his account.

However, there is nothing to hide.

He smiled and nodded,"Yes, it is indeed mine"

"I can help you keep a secret, but what are you going to use to block my mouth?"Wang Han made a joke, with a playful expression.

Lin Bin looked Wang Han up and down, his eyes stayed on the delicate red lips, and a smile appeared on his face.

I don't know if a sausage can block the two mouths!

At the initiative of the beauty, the two added each other on WeChat.

Before Lin Bin could continue to speak, the uncle's voice rang out.

""Binzi, hurry up and get ready to go to the hotel!"

Lin Bin responded quickly,"Here we go!"

The motorcade set off again and arrived at the hotel at 11:30.

Friends and relatives were already looking forward to seeing the bride.

Under the arrangement of his uncle, Lin Bin was responsible for greeting the best man and bridesmaid, and happened to sit at the same table with Wang Han, and their seats were even next to each other.

However, as a bridesmaid, Wang Han had to go backstage to wait for the ceremony.

It was exactly twelve o'clock, and the wedding host appeared.

""Let's welcome the bride and groom with warm applause!"

Lin Rui and Ding Xiaoya made a brilliant appearance amidst the thunderous applause.

From time to time, he could hear the praises of the crowd, and everyone praised the bride for her beauty. Lin Bin immediately thought of Cheng Ke'er and Bai Lele. Any of the women he knew could amaze the audience.

Then, the whole ceremony lasted for half an hour.

When the newlyweds toasted, the uncle was so excited that he couldn't speak, and the aunt cried with joy.

Lin Bin saw this scene and suddenly understood the meaning of the phrase"parents are the most pitiful in the world."

After the ceremony, Wang Han finally returned to his seat. He looked familiar and said,"Brother Bin, are you a little envious when you see Brother Rui getting married?"

Lin Bin didn't plan to get married so early. If he really got married, how could he be so casual.

Men can be lustful, but they can't be scumbags.

He thought so in his heart, but he said,"What's the use of envy? I don't have the final say on this matter."

Lin Bin said as he admired the beautiful fan dress.

Wang Han had noticed Lin Bin's gaze a long time ago, and not only did he not hide it, but he said it openly,"Brother Bin is so talented, he must not lack a girlfriend."

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"You are wrong, I really do lack a girlfriend."

Other people at the table, after hearing the conversation between the two, noticed something was going on. But since no one knew each other, no one said anything.

The food and drinks were served quickly, and soon after the meal started, the bride and groom began to toast each table.

When it came to Lin Bin's table, he didn't intend to drink, but he couldn't resist his cousin's persuasion and had to drink a glass.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, after one o'clock in the afternoon, the guests gradually dispersed, and finally only the Lin family was left in the hotel.

Everyone planned to go back to their homes, but Lin Guoqiang was in high spirits and insisted that everyone stay for another night.

Lin Bin had also drunk some wine just now and couldn't drive for the time being, so he could only persuade him,"Dad, why don't you and my mom go for a walk in the county town, and we'll go back together tomorrow."

He also wanted to take this opportunity to buy some things for his parents.

Lin Guosheng shook his head and said,"Binzi, don't worry about me and your mom, and get back to work. And the borrowed car must be returned quickly, and don't break it."

There were many people in the hotel, and it was not easy for Lin Bin to directly tell them that he had resigned.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Lin Rui persuaded him,"Uncle, don't leave in a hurry, Binzi too. I'm planning to let Xiaoya introduce him to a girl."

When Lin Guosheng heard that he was going to introduce a girl to his son, he hesitated. Finally, considering his son's lifelong event, he agreed to stay one more night. They were busy until after two o'clock, when everyone evacuated the hotel and went to their uncle's house.

Lin Bin had just drunk some wine, so he asked his cousin Lin Yun to help drive the car back.

After arriving downstairs, the elders were taken home by their uncle, while the younger generations couldn't sit still and ran away.

Lin Bin was also ready to find an excuse to leave, but was stopped by his cousin.

Ding Xiaoya held a plastic bag in her hand and handed it over,"Binzi, thanks to you for the wedding car today. Your brother said he would give you a red envelope but you didn't want it, so take these two packs of cigarettes."

Lin Bin refused for a while and refused to accept it.

Lin Rui persuaded him,"Binzi, this is what your sister-in-law wants, so just accept it."

"Yes, just take this cigarette, otherwise we will be embarrassed. Ding Xiaoya said again

"That's fine, thank you, sister-in-law." Seeing his cousin's wife's firm attitude, Lin Bin had no choice but to accept it.

There were elders at home, so Lin Rui and his wife naturally couldn't leave. Lin Bin didn't want to go upstairs, so he made an excuse that he had an appointment with an old classmate.

After his cousin and his wife went upstairs, he casually threw two Huazi on the car.

"Ding! Trigger critical hit, 900 yuan consumption rebate from Ding Xiaoya, sincerity index 23.45, anti���Critical hit 2345 times!"

"The activity amount is 2110500 yuan, please check it!"

The sincerity index is only more than 20%, which is almost the same as that of a stranger.

Lin Bin looked at the system prompt and was speechless.

This cousin's acting is really amazing! On the surface, she looks sincere, but in the end, the sincerity index is so low.

If it weren't for the system, I would have made a mistake this time.

Looking at the two million, Lin Bin didn't care. After all, he would not have any contact with his cousin's wife in the future.

Don't drink and drive, don't drive after drinking.

After leaving the community, Lin Bin took a taxi directly to the department store.

There is nothing to visit in this small county town, and there are not many places to go to buy things. A lot.

Lin Bin bought a lot of things for his parents in the mall, including calcium tablets, milk powder, nutritional supplements, and even a pair of gold bracelets for his mother, spending hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Seeing that he could no longer carry anything, he had to take the things to the hotel.

In the evening, his uncle called again and asked him to go out for dinner.

Lin Bin declined because he had an appointment outside and did not go. He was about to find a place to eat by himself when he suddenly received a text message on his phone.

He picked it up and saw that it was from the beautiful bridesmaid.

Looking at the content of the text message, Lin Bin smiled.

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