Lin Bin's relaxed tone, buying a bar is like buying an ordinary toy

"Is this young man serious about this?"

Sister Hong has considered selling the bar before, but those buyers all saw that they were short of money and kept the price very low.

How could she be willing to sell it to others easily unless she was desperate?

Thinking of the five million yuan that Lin Bin had just offered, Sister Hong suddenly felt a little expectant and took the initiative to say,"Handsome boy, let's go upstairs to talk!"

"Then let's go and have some conversation~"

Lin Bin smiled and glanced at Su Liquan with a hint of disdain on his lips.

Su Liquan's face turned red and his neck became thick. He wanted to find a hole to hide in.

He couldn't even take out 5 million, but the guy in front of him wanted to buy the whole bar directly.

When he thought of this, Su Liquan hurriedly got into the crowd and left in disgrace.

On the second floor of the modu bar, there was a spacious office, and there was even a rest area inside.

This office was Sister Hong's private space, and she would not let others in easily.

At this moment, Lin Bin, led by her, visited around.

"Handsome guy, I don't know what to call you yet?"After entering the office, Sister Hong closed the door and her ears suddenly became much quieter.

"You can just call me Abin."

Lin Bin just casually looked around the office and then set his eyes on Sister Hong again.

He had seen many women, all kinds of beauties, but which boy would not like such a sexy and seductive aunt like Sister Hong?

"Abin, do you want me to call some sisters to come over and have a drink with you?"

Sister Hong smiled sweetly, and saw that Lin Bin was eager to make a move, so she didn't rush to talk about buying a bar.

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"Sisters are not as charming as you, Sister Hong."

"No, call me some girls, I like them!" Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Xia Mo had to take the initiative to speak.

Sister Hong was stunned when she heard this, and was a little unsure of what Xia Mo meant. After all, she didn't know that Old Xia liked to grind tofu.

This woman is just making trouble!

Lin Bin said unhappily:"Why don't you just pay for this bar?"

Xia Mo was speechless. Although she was not short of money, she was powerless to buy such a bar.

According to the scale of the modu bar, it would cost at least hundreds of millions to buy it, and she didn't have that much money.

"Humph! Just because you have money is not a big deal. I will go downstairs and not disturb your good things!"

Xia Mo snorted coldly and walked away proudly.

""Okay, ignore her and continue our conversation." Lin Bin said to Sister Hong with a smile.

Sister Hong smiled and said,"A Bing, wait a minute, I'll go buy some wine."

Then she got up and went to the bedroom. After a while, she came over with two bottles of whiskey in her hands.

"I don't have any good wine in this small place, sorry to embarrass you."

Sister Hong poured a glass for Lin Bin first, and then filled her own glass,"Abin, try it, do you like it?"

Lin Bin had never drunk this kind of foreign wine before, so he took a sip from the glass and nodded,"It's okay"

"Since you like it, this bottle of wine is a gift for meeting you."

Sister Hong pointed to the identical bottle of whiskey next to her.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 16,800 yuan of consumption rebate from Sister Hong, sincerity index 68.96. Reverse critical hit 6896 times!"

"The amount received is 115,852,800 yuan, please check it!"

Lin Bin's eyes lit up, and more than 100 million yuan was suddenly paid out. Doesn't that mean he had enough money to buy this bar?

Sister Hong smiled and talked about this and that, but she didn't mention the sale of the bar.

In the end, Lin Bin couldn't help it and spoke first,"Sister Hong, I think this bar is doing well. You won't really be willing to sell it, right?"

Seeing that Lin Bin brought up the business, Sister Hong hesitated for a moment and said,"To be honest, I'm very short of money recently, so I want to sell the bar to fill the hole."

Filling the hole, this is what I'm good at!

Lin Bin was delighted,"Sister Hong, why don't you quote a price? If it's suitable, I will help you fill the hole."

Sister Hong showed a bitter smile at the corner of her mouth,"To be honest, my hole is not small, and you may not be able to fill it."

"That's not necessarily true, I still have a lot of money!"Lin Bin smiled faintly, with a double meaning.

Sister Hong opened her mouth and finally gritted her teeth and said:"150 million, no bargaining!"

Only 150 million, it's not expensive!

When Lin Bin heard the price, he felt relieved.

"Ah Bin, my price is definitely not high, but I have one condition!"Before he could speak, Sister Hong added:

""What are the conditions?" Lin Bin asked.

Sister Hong looked at him with complicated eyes and said,"This bar is definitely worth 180 million, but I'm short of money now. If you want to buy it, it's 150 million, but it must be paid in full!"

Isn't it just the full payment!

Lin Bin thought it was no big deal. He had 10 billion in cash in his account, and more than 100 million had just been deposited into his account.

He didn't ask why the other party was short of money.

Lin Bin smiled and said,"Money is not a problem. I'll arrange someone to come and sign a contract with you tomorrow."

Buying a bar is not just for Xia Mo. After the film and television company is established, he will definitely come to Shanghai often in the future. Lin Bin also plans to build some industries, and the modu bar in front of him is very suitable.

""Great, thank you!" Sister Hong was overjoyed.

The people who had taken a fancy to her bar before had offered at most 100 million yuan, and she couldn't hold on for much longer. If she didn't sell it to Lin Bin, she could only sell it to someone else at a low price.

"Hehe, Sister Hong, I bought this bar, so can I fill your hole as well?"Lin Bin said with a smile. He ate too many lamb kidneys tonight, and drank some foreign wine just now, so he felt as if there was a fire burning inside him.

Bitch and the others are all in Jiangcheng, and distant water cannot quench nearby fire.

Lin Bin didn't want to waste bullets, but Sister Hong in front of him was quite to his taste.

Of course, he was just joking casually, and he wouldn't force it if the other party didn't want to.

Sister Hong was stunned at first, but she quickly understood.

Although she runs the modu bar, she has been chaste for more than ten years and has never experienced a man. At this moment, facing Lin Bin's teasing, she was suddenly at a loss.

"Hehe, Abin, stop joking. I'm already old, how can young people like me? If you don't mind, I can introduce you to some young girls."

"It's okay, I'm just angry."Lin Bin smiled and replied.

Isn't it better to be older?

Sister Hong was silent. Although Lin Bin agreed to buy the bar, after all, the two had not signed a contract, so words were not enough!


After a while, Sister Hong gritted her teeth and sat next to Lin Bin,"Abin, come, I'll drink with you."

Seeing her reluctant look and the alluring scent emanating from her body, Lin Bin's appetite was whetted.

"Come on, let’s go to the bedroom and drink!"

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