Although Sister Hong is already in her early forties, she has maintained herself very well. Not only has the years left no trace on her, but she has also added some charm.

Originally, I came to the bar tonight to discuss some serious matters with Xia Mo, but Lin Bin was in a good mood at the moment and put all the things behind him.......(10,000 words omitted here)

The next day, the sun was high in the sky!

Lin Bin opened his eyes and found himself sleeping on a soft big bed.

He rubbed his aching waist and sighed in his heart, no wonder there were so many short-lived emperors in ancient times.

It seems that I have to find a way to exercise, otherwise I will not be able to bear it sooner or later.

""Abin, you're awake!"

A lazy voice sounded.

Lin Bin turned his head and saw a familiar figure at a glance. He smiled and said,"Sister Hong, why are you sleeping on your stomach?"

Sister Hong turned her back to him and rolled her eyes."You kid still have the nerve to say that. You almost lost my life just to sell a bar."

"Haha, Sister Hong is really experienced!"

Lin Bin smacked his lips, still thinking about what happened last night.

"You still say it!"Sister Hong blushed and quickly reached out to cover Lin Bin's mouth.

Her move immediately lifted the quilt.

"Sister Hong, it's still early, why don't we have some more conversations!"

Lin Bin raised his lips and immediately saluted back.......

An hour later, when Lin Bin left the bar, it was almost ten o'clock.

The purchase of the bar had been discussed, and the price was calculated according to the 150 million mentioned by Sister Hong.

Lin Bin immediately called Xia Mo and asked her to arrange for someone to sign the contract. In order to show his sincerity, he also transferred the money directly.

However, before leaving, he asked Sister Hong for another bottle of wine and again made over 60 million.

Adding the more than 100 million he made last night, not only did he not spend any money to buy the bar, but he also made tens of millions.

It's fun to get something for free every time, and it's fun to get something for free all the time!

Lin Bin couldn't help but sigh again,"This critical strike system is so cool!"

After leaving the modu bar, Lin Bin went straight to the Dynamic Century Fitness Club.

On the one hand, he wanted to see if he could meet Li Anni, and on the other hand, he also wanted to take the opportunity to exercise.

By then, everything will be ready, and only hehehehe......

More than half an hour later, the Audi A8 stopped in the parking lot.

As soon as Lin Bin got out of the car, he saw an acquaintance.

""Hello, boss!"

It was the same fat security guard from yesterday. Upon seeing Lin Bin, he immediately saluted with a big smile on his face.

Lin Bin didn't make things difficult for him. If he was still working as a salesperson in a 4S store, he would be the same as him, greeting people with a smile no matter what.

He casually took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and threw one to the fat security guard. Then he asked,"Has Mr. Li from yesterday come?"

The security guard quickly took the cigarette, nodded with a smile,"He is here! Mr. Li comes every day, and usually doesn't leave until after eleven o'clock."

Lin Bin glanced at the time. It was already half past ten. He didn't dare to delay and hurried upstairs to the fitness club.

""Hello, sir, welcome!"

As expected of a fitness club, the girls at the front desk all have great figures.

Lin Bin smiled and chatted with the other party for a few words. He didn't apply for a card, but just paid once.

He might not come to this place often, so he would take a look at the environment inside first. The fitness club is very large, about four or five hundred square meters, and there are many people inside, and there are many beauties with perfect curves, especially those wearing yoga clothes, which adds a bit of temptation.

Lin Bin didn't have time to appreciate it carefully. He glanced around and began to look for Li Anni.

Soon, he saw a figure exercising alone in a corner.

Lin Bin was about to walk over when a voice suddenly rang in his ear.

""Dude, stop looking at her. Although that woman looks good, she's not easy to flirt with."

Turning his head, he saw a burly guy with muscular body, winking at Li Anni.

He was wearing a white vest, and his bronze skin was shiny. He looked like a person who works out regularly.

Lin Bin smiled slightly,"Why? Have you tried it?"

The muscular man curled his lips,"I tried it on the first day that woman came. I thought she was a rich woman, but it turned out that she was fooling me."

Thinking back to the unpleasant experience before, Sun Hao felt a little unhappy.

When he first met Li Anni, the woman was quite proactive and even offered to give him tens of thousands of yuan a month.

But when Sun Hao agreed, the woman turned her face and refused to recognize him, as if she was just fooling him.

Before Lin Bin could speak, Sun Hao continued,"Brother, if you want to pick up girls, I can introduce you to a few.

But you have to spend some money to get a card. My name is Sun Hao, I'm a coach here, and I can also teach you some courses."

It turned out to be the coach in the club. I don't know if the course he was talking about was a fitness course or a course for picking up girls.

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"I'd better go and give it a try. Maybe the other party likes someone like me." It was obvious that this guy wanted to hook up with rich women. He was different from him.

Sun Hao showed a trace of disdain on his face,"Brother, if you don't believe me, go and try it. Come back to me if you get fooled."

""Okay! If I can't pick her up, I'll come find you again."

Lin Bin nodded and walked towards the corner.

Li Anni had just finished her exercise and was about to take a breath. When she looked up, she saw a familiar figure.

"Sister Annie, do you come here to exercise every day? No wonder you have such a good figure!"Lin Bin walked forward with a smile and asked knowingly.

Li Annie was stunned. She didn't expect Lin Bin to come here, but she didn't think much about it. She smiled and said,"I'm old. If I don't exercise, my arms and legs will become old. But why are you here too?"

She is only 35 years old. If we really compare ages, she is not even older than Sister Hong.

After talking with Sister Hong yesterday, Lin Bin knew the benefits of being old.

"I'm a bit busy recently���My back and waist ached, and I felt a little weak, so I thought about exercising."

Li Anni's expression suddenly became a little strange. In her impression, all men liked to talk tough, and they would blow up even the silver gun and wax head to be indestructible.

Now, Lin Bin actually admitted openly that he was a little weak.

Li Anni didn't know what to say for a moment, and could only perfunctorily say,"You are so young, it's good for you to exercise more."

Lin Bin picked up a pair of dumbbells beside him and lifted them in a serious manner,"Sister Anni, you exercise regularly, do you have any special quick way?"

Li Anni smiled and shook her head:"Fitness requires persistence, there is no shortcut"

"That's right!" Lin Bin nodded, and then sighed,"As long as you work hard, you can grind an iron rod into a needle. Although I have deep skills, I can't grind this iron rod into a needle."

This sounded strange. Li Anni suspected that Lin Bin was driving, but she had no evidence.

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