However, Lin Bin's exercise movements were very amateurish, and an expert could tell at a glance that this guy had rarely been to the gym.

Li Anni said directly,"Your movement is wrong, you should sit up straight, your shoulders and elbows should be close to the inner thighs, and your other hand should hold the knee on the same side."

Lin Bin followed the instructions, but he was a beginner and his movements were not standard.

Li Anni saw this and had to teach him personally.

The two were very close, and Lin Bin didn't dare to breathe, for fear of being hit by her with the ball.

After more than ten minutes, he finally mastered the signature moves.

"Forget it, this is too torturous, and I don't think it has any effect!" Lin Bin complained as he put down the dumbbells after practicing for only a while.

Li Anni couldn't help but rolled her eyes,"You've only practiced for a while, what effect can it have?"

""Sister Annie, is there any kind of exercise that is more suitable for physical training?" Lin Bin asked as he looked at her attractive figure.

Li Annie smiled and joked,"This fitness club is pretty good, with complete equipment, professional coaches, and many beauties."

Lin Bin curled his lips and said disdainfully,"Forget it, the beauties here can't compare to you."

What he said was true. With Li Annie's conditions, most people can't compare to her.

Li Annie blushed and glared at Lin Bin,"You are so young and you are so slick!"

For some reason, although Lin Bin's words seemed to be flattering, she didn't feel disgusted at all when she heard it, but instead felt a little happy in her heart.

Thinking about it carefully, it could only be the first time the two met, and Lin Bin's sincere attitude left a deep impression on Li Annie.

Subconsciously, she would not have any doubts about Lin Bin.

"I'm telling the truth." Lin Bin chuckled.

Seeing that it was already past eleven o'clock, Lin Bin suggested going out for dinner together. Li Anni was about to leave, so they simply went downstairs together.

When they got downstairs, Lin Bin lied that he came here by taxi, and naturally got into Li Anni's BMW.

In the parking lot, it was the same fat security guard, with a look of surprise on his face,"Damn, this guy is so lucky, he hit someone else's car and seduced the owner!""He's just handsome, what's so great about that! The fat security guard felt sour in his heart, but his face was full of smiles. He saluted the BMW, nodded and bowed, and said,"Mr. Li, take care!"

At noon, Lin Bin said he would treat them, so he took the initiative to instruct Li Anni to drive to a nearby Hunan restaurant.

Although the restaurant is not big, it does good business.

The two ordered four dishes, all of which were home-cooked dishes, and the total cost was just over two hundred.

"I didn't expect that the food in China is so delicious!"

Li Anni's eyes lit up as she ate, not complaining at all about the low quality of the restaurant

"Haha, since you like it, then just stay in China and eat whatever you want."Lin Bin said with a smile

"That won't do. There are still a lot of things to do in the overseas company, and I can't stay in China for long."There was a hint of regret in Li Anni's voice.

When she thought of her current situation, she felt a little anxious.

When her eyes fell on Lin Bin, Li Anni finally made up her mind: It's him!

"This boy is sincere and not greedy for money, so he is worthy of Momo."

Li Anni thought to herself.

When the time comes, she will bring him to Xia Mo and tell him the whole story. This will be a way to fulfill the chairman's last wish.

""Sister Annie, just let your subordinates handle the company's affairs, otherwise you will tire yourself out." Lin Bin said indifferently.

He has opened so many companies, but he is still bored every day.

Li Annie shook her head and smiled without saying anything.

Halfway through the meal, she suddenly suggested:"Abin, how about going swimming together in the afternoon?"

I was worrying about how to get in touch with her more, but I didn't expect that the other party spoke first.

Lin Bin's eyes lit up and he agreed immediately,"Okay! I love swimming."

After the two of them finished their meal quickly, Lin Bin went to the bathroom. When he came out, he found that Li Anni had settled the bill again.

Another one million!

What the hell! He said he would spend money to pick up girls, but he didn't spend a penny. He made a lot of money.

Lin Bin was speechless.

After leaving the restaurant, the two went to buy swimsuits first.

This time, without Lin Bin's suggestion, Li Anni chose a very sexy bikini, and he also bought a pair of swimming trunks.

The two went straight to the nearest swimming pool.

It was July, the summer was hot, and the swimming pool's business was surprisingly good.

Lin Bin changed his clothes first, and came to the swimming pool to wait for Li Anni. Looking at the youthful and energetic figure in the swimming pool, he couldn't help but sigh.

"The Magic City is indeed a big city, everything is really big!"

Looking around, he soon found several people who couldn't be held in one hand.

With a sigh, Li Anni also changed her clothes and came out.

Her white jade-like skin and curvy figure made people drool.

When they met a few times before, she was wearing a skirt. Lin Bin didn't expect Li Anni to have such a great mind.

""Sister Annie, you have such a great figure!" Lin Bin's eyes were like a scanner, scanning her up and down, and he praised sincerely.

Damn! How could such a good figure be given to other people.

Li Annie was very generous,"It's okay, mainly because I exercise a lot. Let's go, let's swim a few laps first."

The two of them went into the water together and swam back and forth for half an hour before going ashore to rest.

After swimming a few laps just now, Li Annie could see that Lin Bin was in excellent physical strength and was not weak at all. The last bit of worry in her heart was completely dispelled.

It seems that this handsome guy is really suitable for Momo!

Leaning on the recliner, Li Annie finally tentatively said,"Abin, I remember you said you were single, how about I introduce you to someone?"

Sure enough, she's here!

Based on Xia Mo's information, Lin Bin subconsciously thought that the person Li Anni was talking about was herself.

However, he wouldn't suffer any loss anyway, so why hesitate?

It would be best if he could take her home tonight.

As for what Xia Mo said about 'just rubbing', he had long forgotten it.

Lin Bin said directly:"Okay, as long as you are as beautiful as Sister Anni."

Li Anni smiled and shook her head,"Abin, what kind of woman do you like?"

This question really stumped Lin Bin for a while.

He carefully recalled the women he knew, and it seemed that there were all kinds of styles.

Bitch was good at speaking, the little white rabbit was lively and energetic, Cheng Ke'er was careful and considerate, and Zhou Manqing had a great mind.......

However, only children can answer multiple-choice questions.

After thinking about it, Lin Bin had to give one of the options,"I like the big one!"

Li Anni was stunned, a little unsure of what Lin Bin meant by big.

"Sister Annie, I actually like you like this."

Since the other party has already made a move, Lin Bin no longer hides it, and stares at the other party with a fiery gaze.

Picking up girls requires boldness, carefulness, and thick skin, and he has all of them.

Li Annie felt a little uncomfortable under his burning gaze, and hurriedly adjusted her hair,"Abin, I'm not kidding you."

Lin Bin was unmoved, and looked at Li Annie with burning eyes,"I'm not kidding either!"

Li Annie's heart was pounding. She originally planned to introduce a boyfriend to Xia Mo, but she didn't expect Lin Bin to fall in love with her.

Could it be that the other party was referring to her age?

"Ah Bin, listen to me first. I have a younger generation who is in great shape......."

Listening to Li Anni's story, Lin Bin's expression gradually became interesting.

Damn it!

Xia Mo asked him to flirt with her stepmother, but she didn't expect that the stepmother would ask him to flirt with Xia Mo.

These two women are really good at playing!

However, things seem to be different from what Xia Mo thought. Li Anni frequently contacts various men, just to find a partner for Xia Mo.

Should he continue to flirt with his stepmother, or confess and get leniency?

Lin Bin was immediately on pins and needles, thinking to himself:"What should I do?"

Waiting online, urgent!!!

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