Lin Bin originally agreed to use the beauty trap because he heard Xia Mo's lies and thought that Li Anni had problems with her character.

But now, after learning the truth, he realized that it was all a misunderstanding.

Not only did Li Anni have no problems, but she was also only thinking about Xia Mo. Even when a company with a market value of tens of billions was in front of her, she didn't even think about taking it all for herself.

As a result, Lin Bin was completely caught in a dilemma.

"No wonder the other party's sincerity index is so high!"

After this period of exploration, Lin Bin has also summed up some scales.

For those who have good character, the lower limit of the sincerity index will not be too low, and after getting to know each other, it will improve very quickly.

For example, Bai Lele is like this.

"No! We must not let her know about my plan with Lao Xia now!"

Lin Bin made a decision in his mind immediately.

As for now, he could only play along and fool her first.

"Sister Annie, don’t you have a boyfriend?" Lin Bin took the initiative and asked directly.

Facing this burning gaze, Li Annie's heart was beating fast. She dared not look at him anymore and quickly looked away.

"Abin, I'm much older than you, we are not suitable."

Lin Bin laughed,"How can you know if the shoes fit you if you don't try them on!"

"you...I...I went swimming......"

Li Anni couldn't resist at all and escaped directly into the water.

For some reason, her heart, which had been dry for more than ten years, suddenly burst into a spring of fresh water when facing Lin Bin.

When Li Anni jumped into the swimming pool again, Lin Bin also breathed a sigh of relief,"No, I have to inform Comrade Lao Xia quickly, otherwise the boat will capsize."

While the other party was not paying attention, Lin Bin hurried back to the locker room, looked around, found a corner where no one was, secretly took out his mobile phone, and called Xia Mo

"" Are you bored and bored? Why are you calling me instead of picking up girls?" Xia Mo yelled at the top of her voice. No one knew where she got so angry.

Lin Bin didn't have time to care about it and said directly,"It's over! Your stepmother is not what you think!"

He quickly recounted the whole thing.

The other end of the phone fell silent instantly.

"Hey, Lao Xia, are you still listening? What should we do now?"Lin Bin said.

After a while, Xia Mo's voice came,"You didn't take advantage of her, did you?"

Lin Bin was speechless,"What are you thinking, I haven't even started to rub her."

Xia Mo also breathed a sigh of relief,"Okay, I got it!"

Click, the phone was hung up.

Lin Bin looked at the hung up call and was dumbfounded.

What does this mean?

With a ding, another text message was received on the phone.

Lin Bin quickly opened it and saw that it was sent by Xia Mo.

"You better pretend that nothing happened and we don't even know each other."

Fuck! This is a denial! Lin Bin quickly replied: Then I will continue to flirt with her, you have no objection, right?

Xia Mo: Bomb (expression) X3!

I have also told Xia Mo about the matter, as for what will happen in the future, Lin Bin is too lazy to care. The most important thing now, of course, is to continue swimming!

Lin Bin put his phone back into the locker, and his heart was completely relieved.

When he returned to the swimming pool again, the look he gave Li Anni became bolder.

"Ah Bin, do you want to reconsider what I said?"

Li Anni faced Lin Bin's burning gaze and said

"Sister Annie, I really like your type, why don't you consider me?"Lin Bin looked aggrieved.

Li Annie's heartstrings were trembling, and she retreated completely.......

In the following days, although Lin Bin coveted Li Anni's body, he was too nervous to contact her.

Li Anni kept sending messages to persuade him to go on a blind date.

It seemed that Xia Mo, the female hooligan, was too embarrassed to tell her the truth, so Lin Bin was naturally even more embarrassed.

For three consecutive days, Lin Bin took a good vacation. He wandered around during the day and went to his own bar at night. He lived a comfortable life.

On Saturday afternoon, Li Anni called again.

"Abin, I'm at the Starbucks on Binhu Road, come quickly."

Lin Bin said with a wry smile:"Sister Annie, if you still want to talk to me about blind dates, forget it."

Li Annie gritted her teeth and said:"It's not about blind dates, I'm going abroad, do you want to come and see me for the last time?""

No way? Are you leaving so soon? I haven't even held your hand yet!

Lin Bin was skeptical,"Okay, wait, I'll be there soon."

Whether it's true or not, I'd better go and take a look first, otherwise I will really regret it.

"You rascal, let's see where you can run this time."

After Li Anni hung up the phone, she immediately called Xia Mo again and asked her to come to Starbucks as well.

She was relieved after getting a positive answer.

Li Anni put away her phone, sat by the window, looked at the scenery outside, and suddenly became absent-minded.

For some reason, she felt a little lost in her heart when she thought about introducing Lin Bin to Xia Mo later.

Although the two had not been in contact for a long time, the sunny and cheerful boy had occupied half of her heart since she didn't know when.

Lin Bin didn't know what Li Anni was thinking, otherwise he would have found out that she was the first beautiful woman he had really seduced without spending any money.

Half an hour later, the Audi A8 arrived at the coffee shop that Li Anni mentioned.

Although the consumption of Starbucks is not low, there are more rich people in Shanghai, and there are quite a few customers in the store.

""Sister Annie, I'm here!"

Lin Bin looked around and soon saw Li Annie sitting by the window.

But when he walked over, he saw someone sitting opposite him and was confused.

Xia Mo had just arrived and was impatiently asking Li Annie what she wanted, but she didn't expect Lin Bin to come too.

Before she could react quickly, her face turned serious and she showed an impatient expression.

"Who are you?"

Lin Bin was stunned at first, but he also reacted quickly.

This woman was acting, pretending not to know her!

He immediately pretended to be innocent and smiled bitterly:"You are Xia Mo, right? Sister Annie, you have deceived me badly."

Xia Mo couldn't help rolling her eyes in her heart. This scumbag was even more like her than she was acting.

No wonder he could deceive Qingqing so much.

"Momo, this is the Abin I was talking about."Li Anni saw that her plan was successfully achieved, and hurriedly introduced the two with a smile,"You two young people, chat first, I'm going to the bathroom."

This lame excuse was not exposed by the two people who were acting.

After she left, Lin Bin hurriedly asked,"Old Xia, what's wrong with you, didn't you tell her that you like women?"

Xia Mo couldn't help rolling her eyes,"Nonsense!" Lin

Bin was a little speechless, this woman was always slow in doing things,"Then why are we sitting here? Are you really going on a blind date?"

Xia Mo's figure was not bad, and as for whether she was gay or not, he didn't mind, and it was a bit exciting.

If she was willing, Lin Bin would definitely not refuse.

Xia Mo saw through his thoughts at a glance, and said arrogantly,"What the hell are you thinking! Just say I don't like you later!"

Lin Bin rolled his eyes,"Why don't you say I don't like you?"

""Tsk! Just based on my looks, will anyone believe me if you tell them?" Xia Mo said with disdain.

This woman is quite confident, but she does have the capital.

Lin Bin looked at her devilish figure, curled his lips, and couldn't find a reason to refute for a while.

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