God of Wine

Chapter 134 The conditions of the flames

"No." After hearing Teng Snake's words, Ji Dong replied almost immediately. Immediately in his mind came the pained appearance of Lie Yan when he took down a lotus seed. How could he bear to let her do it again? Leaving aside whether Lie Yan himself agrees or not, from Ji Dong's point of view, he absolutely does not want to see the same pain happen to her again.

However, after these two words were uttered, Ji Dong's eyes showed a hint of apology, "I'm sorry, Senior Teng Snake, I really can't convey this matter to you. Is there no other way? I'm willing to do it for you, the mountain of knives and the pan of oil. But what you said is really not possible."

Regarding Teng Snake, Ji Dong felt it from the bottom of his heart. At this time, his mood was very contradictory. He could help Teng Snake, but he didn't want to see Lie Yan's pain. This feeling made him feel extremely painful.

Teng Snake's eyes were filled with disappointment, "Xiao Dongdong. It seems that you really know Her Majesty the Flame Queen. No wonder, no wonder you have such a unique talent. I just ask you to bring the words to me. Isn't that all right? "

Ji Dong was silent, his heart was struggling. He could see how eager Teng Snake was, but. Lie Yan's painful appearance is still vivid in his memory. On the one hand, it is my good teacher and helpful friend, and on the other hand, it is my spiritual sustenance in my heart. He really didn't know how to choose. Looking into Teng Snake's eyes, he couldn't say the words to refuse again, but he knew. If it was proposed to Lie Yan by himself, Lie Yan might really agree. The natal red lotus, just these four words can imagine its importance to Lie Yan (raging flames). It can be said that it is Lie Yan's body, and the damage of losing a lotus seed can be imagined.

At this moment, Ji Dong suddenly felt a heat on his left chest, a layer of faint red light rippling from his body, and a familiar breath permeated out.

"Teng Snake, are you really willing to give everything in exchange for it?" Lie Yan's majestic voice sounded, even the Teng Snake among the gods and beasts of heavenly stems showed a bit of respect after feeling her breath. More excited and restless.

"Yes, I am willing." Teng Snake replied quickly as if grasping at a straw.

"Lie Yan..." Ji Dong shouted anxiously.

Lie Yan said calmly: "Ji Dong, nothing will happen. I'm just a fair exchange. Teng Snake, listen, if you want to exchange me for a lotus seed, I have three conditions."

Teng Snake's mood had calmed down a bit, and he said in a deep voice, "Please tell me, Your Majesty. As long as I can do it."

Lie Yan said: "Among the heavenly gods and beasts, you are the only one who is not restricted by the contract. I want you to help me find and collect the Five Elements God Stone. You have existed since ancient times, and no one knows the mainland better through you. I believe that this is not a very difficult task for you. I want one of each, and the volume must not exceed a cubic meter."

Teng Snake froze for a moment,

"The Five Elements Sacred Stone? What do you want the Five Elements Sacred Stone? Although the Five Elements Sacred Stone is good, it shouldn't mean anything to you."

Lie Yan said: "You don't have to worry about what I do. Just help me find it. This is the first condition. The second condition, you have to find four ninth-order crystal crowns for me, two kinds of light and dark. One for each of the two fire elements. I believe that in your collection, it should not be difficult: do it."

Teng Snake smiled wryly and said, "I have the light attribute, but I don't have the dark attribute. You also know that I can't enter the holy and evil battlefield, let alone set foot on the Dark Five Elements Continent."

Lie Yan showed the majesty of the queen at this time, and said coldly: "This is your problem, it has nothing to do with me. The last condition, I want the snake skin you have shed over the years. If I remember correctly, there should be eighty One piece. If you can meet these three conditions, I will give you a lotus seed."

Teng Snake's breathing became rapid, "Your Majesty, your request is too harsh."

Lie Yan said lightly: "You should understand that this is an exchange of equal value. After collecting all these things, you give them to Ji Dong. I will naturally ask him to give you a lotus seed."

Seeing the hesitant light in Teng Snake's eyes, Ji Dong understood that although the things proposed by Lie Yan are extremely precious, they can only be equal to the value of her lotus seed. But in order not to owe Suzaku favors, Lie Yan sent one away. No wonder Suzaku was so grateful.

Teng She took a deep breath and said, "Okay. I will try my best. The Five Elements Divine Stone is not difficult to get, I have a collection. I can also give you my snake skin. Only the dark crystal crown is a little more troublesome. I am afraid that only Yin Chaoyang can get it." I have it. I will find a way to exchange it with him."

Lie Yan said: "If it wasn't for what you did for Ji Dong, I wouldn't exchange it with you. My lotus seeds will open that door for you. It's up to you to understand. You can Now that I'm gone, I have something to say to Ji Dong. Please keep it a secret that Ji Dong knew me."

Teng Snake nodded, the blue light converged, and the Ding Huo divine beast disappeared in an instant.

"Lie Yan, do you really need those things? But, will losing a lotus seed affect your body?" Ji Dong asked impatiently as soon as Teng Snake left.

Without the Soaring Snake, Lie Yan's voice became significantly gentler, "Of course I need these things very much, they can protect me. You don't need to ask too much. After the Soaring Snake brings these things to you, you can just call me."

Ji Dong nodded and said, "Lie Yan. Have you finished your retreat?"

Lie Yan said: "Not yet. It will take about half a year. When you go to the Holy and Evil Battlefield this time, you must remember two points. First, don't go deep into the Holy and Evil Island. Second, you have to separate from your companions. Heaven is the work of saints You don't need to think too much, and don't deliberately look for the Heavenly Stem Raiment. Your strength is not enough."

Ji Dong's eyes flashed with strong emotional fluctuations. "Lie Yan, I want to see you."

Lie Yan was silent for a moment, and said softly: "When you come back from the Holy and Evil Battlefield this time, you can travel around the mainland. We will meet you later. On the Holy and Evil Battlefield, you must always protect yourself as the first priority. Don't be brave. I will continue to practice."

The halo of red lotus faded away quietly, and Ji Dong was bound to stand there in a daze, unable to be himself for a long time, even if he just heard the sound of Lie Yan (raging flames), his heart would sway. The scenes that happened at the ballroom party kept reverberating in his mind. He knew that the relationship between himself and Lie Yan had undergone some subtle changes, but there was still no substantial progress. I haven't seen Lie Yan for more than a year. The longing in his heart suddenly burst out after hearing the sound of Lie Yan (raging flames).

Even the excitement about going to the Holy and Evil Battlefield was completely wiped out by this thought.

"Brother, come quickly. Has your magic recovered a bit?" Zhu Yan's voice came from the room.

Ji Dong woke up, forcibly suppressed the spring of thoughts in his heart, and walked into the room with great energy.

Although Zhu Yan and Fu Rui lived here alone. But in fact, Fu Rui only had a small room, while Zhu Yan's room was at least ten times his size. Various metals were strewn about the room. It was even more chaotic than when it was in Tiangan Academy. Only the huge stove remains the same. The fiery fire never seemed to go out.

When Ji Dong walked into the room, Fu Rui was not there. It seems to be going back to the room to rest, but Zhu Yan is dancing and laughing excitedly, "Haha, that's great. The teacher is really generous this time! So many high-quality materials are enough to refine top-level magic weapons. Brother, you Here you go. Come on, hurry up and restore your magic power. The high-quality materials given by the teacher will be wasted if you don’t use the ultimate twin fires to refine them. I have almost made Fury’s equipment for him over the years, mainly because of you. It's a pity that you don't have a mount yet, so be stingy with the crystal core and use the crystal core to recover your magic power. Just let me discuss with you about what equipment to build for you."

Ji Dong took out two third-order crystal nuclei, and with the help of the crystal nuclei, released the condensed magic circle of yin and yang double fires, quickly recovering the magic power.

Zhu Yan said while thinking: "Brother, do you need a weapon?"

Ji shook his head and said, "No need. I've never used a weapon. My hands are weapons."

Zhu Yan nodded, and said: "That's true. But you don't need a weapon and it's only temporary. When you have a mount in the future, you still need a weapon. Think about it, when your senior brother rode that Zilei Yaotianlong , if he doesn't have a long weapon, how much can he use his magic skills? How can he cooperate with his mount partner? This is not urgent. The refining of weapons is the most troublesome. The time is also a bit too late. I will talk about it later. You have already With the sun and the moon, it is enough for the time being. This time, I plan to use these three months to create a set of magic armor for you. It must be matched with your Suzaku Transformation, and it will not affect your flight. In this way, this The external armor plus your Suzaku inner armor, the defensive power is terrifying. You don’t have to be afraid of the Seven-Crown Mage. Of course. You will not encounter the Seven-Crown Mage on the holy and evil battlefield.”

Ji Dong asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Zhu Yan said: "Have you forgotten? According to the agreement of the Five Elements Continent of Light and Darkness, only magicians under the age of 50 can enter the Holy and Evil Battlefield. Anyone under the age of 50 who is as perverted as your senior brother is definitely a phoenix-haired musk deer." The holy and evil battlefield is full of various magical situations. For you, the strongest opponent is a monster, not a magician on the Dark Five Elements Continent."

Ji Dong said: "Brother, I have never really figured it out. On the holy and evil battlefield, what exactly is a victory?"

Zhu Yan said: "I didn't even think about asking until I was gone. You are really calm. There are too few young people like you who devote all their minds to cultivation. Every time the holy and evil channel is opened, the young people on both sides After the magician enters the holy and evil battlefield, the passage will be closed by itself. Both parties will enter the huge magic circle in the holy and evil island at the same time. In the magic circle, the magicians of both sides will be randomly teleported to the Any location. Oh, by the way, Shengxie Island is divided into eighteen circles, and each circle is progressive inwards, known as the Devil’s Eighteen Rings. The further inward, the stronger the monster. According to legend, in Shengxie Island There is a huge secret in the center of the magic circle. But no one knows what the secret is. Because entering the magic circle is randomly teleported, everyone is likely to meet a young master from another continent. Against monsters. Face the enemy again. Within forty-nine days after the passage is opened, at least one crystal crown and ten crystal nuclei of opposite attributes must be obtained. Only then can the magic circle be transmitted. To obtain the crystal crown, one must kill People from the opposing continent. At the end of the forty-ninth day, both parties will collect the crystal crowns they have harvested, and the evil scales will appear on their own, and the scales will tilt towards the side that has obtained more crystal crowns. In this At that time, a special channel will appear, through which the winner can not be attacked by the monsters on Shengxie Island, and directly attack the opponent's channel. At this time, it is not limited to young magicians. It is also the only way to break through the opponent's channel. A chance to defend." Ji Dong said suspiciously: "For so many years, isn't there no one who can break through the opponent's defense?"

Zhu Yan chuckled, and said: "It's one thing to be able to break through. At least it's better than a large number of magicians casualties among the monsters on the island. Moreover, the tilted direction of Shengya's scale also represents the relationship between the younger generations of both sides. Comparison of strength and weakness. After the recent battles on the Holy and Evil Battlefield, the winning side has rarely attacked the opponent. After all, such a disadvantage is too great. However, both sides are still pursuing victory. The purpose is to overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum. The opponent. Therefore, this battle between the Holy and the Evil is more like a battle of spirits between two continents. No one will try to attack the opponent's defense line with all their strength before they are absolutely sure. Don't you think that the peaceful situation is very good now Is it? I always think that Shengxie is an opportunity for young people like you. Good things can appear on the battlefield of Shengxie at any time! The crystal nucleus and corpse of high-level monsters are rare treasures. Brother, After you go in this time, don't forget to get some more out."

Listening to Zhu Yan's relaxed tone, Ji Dong finally had a comprehensive concept of the battle between holy and evil.

Zhu Yan said: "Okay, let's not talk about this. Brother, let me measure your body first. You are sixteen years old this year, and your body has not yet been fully established. This is a troublesome thing. I have to take into account that you will grow up in the future. The change will affect the problem of wearing. After all, this external armor bone cannot compare with your Suzaku inner armor that is integrated with the skin.

Fortunately, among the materials my teacher gave me this time were extremely precious Xinjin system crystal crowns. Although it is only the fifth level, it is enough. Using the Xinjin crystal crown to make the extension liquid, coupled with my original folding casting method, no matter how your body changes in the future, this magic armor will stick to your body. "

While talking, Zhu Yan took out a long measuring tape and started to measure Ji Dong around his body.

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